2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Culture war?

You’ve just boiled down:

Right to healthcare
Abortion rights
LGBTQ rights
The environment
Public education
Basic civil rights

To symbolic culture war differences.

Not to mention how he casually ignores an ACTUAL insurrection.
The record of the current administration, which uses all of these things as weapons (literally in the case of LGBTQ and so forth), and the one to come is so small that I really don't care.

Leases for oil pipelines. Envionmentally shit.

Right to abortion - yes, a real issue.
Right to healthcare (medicaid/medicare? - won't be touched).
Public education - a real issue.
Basic civil rights - the differences are already covered.

It is largely a cultural war differentiation. A few issues aside, which I've covered, please explain otherwise.
Seriously?? You obviously don't care since your knowledge on the actual platform differences is that of a Fox New viewer.

Environment: Abolishing the EPA, and SCOTUS is already helping do it. He wants to repeal the IRA which has incentives for EV's. He wants to terminate all regulations, which includes those for clean air an water,
LGBTQ: I'm not sure what you mean by "weapons", but only one side in this election has decided that attacking members of this community a central plank of their platform. Oh, and get ready for challenges to marriage equality although this is going to happen whoever wins.... the difference being the likelihood that a Trump presidency means that Alito and Thomas can retire and two 40ish Federalist lapdogs get on the court.
Healthcare: Repealing the ACA (Obamacare). Millions of people have access to healthcare solely because of that legislation.
Immigration: Mass deportation of 20 million people (but not the white ones).
Gun Control: No laws, none.
Culture war?

You’ve just boiled down:

Right to healthcare
Abortion rights
LGBTQ rights
The environment
Public education
Basic civil rights

To symbolic culture war differences.
Immigration notably absent from this list since the Democrats threw them under the bus awhile ago.
Seriously?? You obviously don't care since your knowledge on the actual platform differences is that of a Fox New viewer.
I am a Fox News Viewer. Must go and watch something else.

No, I don't watch Fox News.

I appreciate the rest of your post, though (with or without agreement).

Some of these issues just haven't changed in twenty years. Some others have. Perpetual campaign distancing issues between two parties that less and less have the interest of any democracy (in any real sense) at heart and increasingly take office for money. Bipartisan as it gets, unfortunately.
Seriously?? You obviously don't care since your knowledge on the actual platform differences is that of a Fox New viewer.

Environment: Abolishing the EPA, and SCOTUS is already helping do it. He wants to repeal the IRA which has incentives for EV's. He wants to terminate all regulations, which includes those for clean air an water,
LGBTQ: I'm not sure what you mean by "weapons", but only one side in this election has decided that attacking members of this community a central plank of their platform. Oh, and get ready for challenges to marriage equality although this is going to happen whoever wins.... the difference being the likelihood that a Trump presidency means that Alito and Thomas can retire and two 40ish Federalist lapdogs get on the court.
Healthcare: Repealing the ACA (Obamacare). Millions of people have access to healthcare solely because of that legislation.
Immigration: Mass deportation of 20 million people (but not the white ones).
Gun Control: No laws, none.
Yes (on the differences on the key issues).

We’re in this situation because for 9 years now we’re told that the “country has no choice” and that “both sides are equally bad,” etc. That’s what gave us Trump the first time and that what may give us him again.

Had Newsom being nominated, we would hear similar stuff, sooner or later: he’s an elitist, from California, looks like a movie star, doesn’t know the average American (as if a billionaire like Trump does), etc. The false equivalency would come up at some point.

We’re in this situation because for 9 years now we’re told that the “country had no choice” and that “both sides are equally bad,” etc. That’s what gave us Trump the first time and that what may give us him again.

Had Newsom being nominated, we would similar stuff, sooner or later: he’s an elitist, from California, looks like a movie star, doesn’t know the average American (as if a billionaire like Trump does), etc. The false equivalency would come up at some point.

Exactly. The anti-Hillary brigade can, kindly, go feck themselves. Trump is what happens when you start pulling that shit. Seriously boils my blood.
We’re in this situation because for 9 years now we’re told that the “country has no choice” and that “both sides are equally bad,” etc. That’s what gave us Trump the first time and that what may give us him again.
The movement Trump symbolizes predates him and will post-date him. 100 million odd evangelicals find their political center with whomever is willing to do their political bidding. It's a simple misreading, imo, of your own history to pin it on this or that political figure. There is about a third (if not more) of your entire nation's population which genuinely supports the things these politicians and judges are giving you (and then the "other side" or whatever which is obviously against).

Fwi.w, Clinton killed her own campaign and that was absolutely an exercise in symbolic claptrap. A terribly executed campaign which assumed it could run on fumes of celebrity endorsements and general "hopey/changey" stuff which was bankrupt the first time round (shortchanged of hope, as it goes, for those suffering most at the hands of deindustrialization, democrats, too). She was a terrible candidate. The proof being that she lost the election, though her campaign proved it before that.
Dems seem to be truly, truly atrocious at messaging too.

I'm seeing comparions of spending to Ukraine and Israel in the billions and the little money spent inthe aftermath of the recent hurricane to help those who have lost everything.

The problem is, the point obviously makes sense, they really are throwing endless money at israel and ukraine, but spending on hurricane relief is dependent on congress giving them funding as far as I can tell. That they are letting a narrative build that it is a choice is just a reflection of their poor message control.

Trump will capitalize on it, even though he would do no different in power.
When Dukakis lost, Ds nominated Clinton and you got Third Way (although he was genuinely progressive on social issues for the time, the divergence from traditional Keynesian economics was enormous)

When Gore lost, Ds nominated Kerry and then Obama (more centrism)

After 2 terms of Obama, Bernie Sanders was popular enough to get 40% of the votes in a Democratic primary against the party presumptive choice, and in 2020 Medicare for All was the default position for half the party. Alas, Biden got nominated regardless, and now ACA is king.

Ds will never respond to losing elections by moving left, that logic never works. Now, if you are an accelerationist, burn it all down type of person, then you have a point, but for most people, the world's most powerful nation transitioning from a neoliberal oligarchic order to full on Christo-fascism with a healthy dash of anti-science, Know-Nothingism is probably not a good idea.
Dems seem to be truly, truly atrocious at messaging too.

I'm seeing comparions of spending to Ukraine and Israel in the billions and the little money spent inthe aftermath of the recent hurricane to help those who have lost everything.

The problem is, the point obviously makes sense, they really are throwing endless money at israel and ukraine, but spending on hurricane relief is dependent on congress giving them funding as far as I can tell. That they are letting a narrative build that it is a choice is just a reflection of their poor message control.

Trump will capitalize on it, even though he would do no different in power.
This always happens though. People equate any foreign aid spending to why (insert issue here) can't be funded. Higher pay for federal workers, why we cant have Universal Healthcare etc, all because we send however much to some foreign country. The nuances of why there is any foreign aid money at all always comes up because the benefits of foreign aid are nebulous and not that interesting to most voters. They just view it as their tax money being used for something they are uninterested in.

They are not worried about the relationships it builds with other allies etc, or the intelligence networks it funds, or what we would hope at some point the humanitarian efforts as well. There is only so much "messaging" you can do on those issues. It is still tax money being sent "somewhere else".

Kemp praises Biden’s Hurricane Helene response amid Trump criticism

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) expressed his appreciation for the role the federal government has played in responding to Hurricane Helene, contradicting comments from former President Trump, who claimed during a Monday visit to the state that Kemp had trouble reaching President Biden.

Kemp and White House officials confirmed Monday that Biden spoke to the governor on Sunday to offer support as the state sorts through the damage from Hurricane Helene.

“He just said, ‘Hey, what do you need?’” Kemp told reporters of his call with Biden. “And I told him, you know, we got what we need. We will work through the federal process. He offered that if there’s other things we need, just to call him directly, which, I appreciate that. But we’ve had FEMA embedded with us since, you know, a day or two before the storm hit.”
Waltz probably needs to be ready for this line of attack from Vance at the debate tonight. This narrative they are trying to spin on Hurricane response.
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Look up denaturalization. Naturalized citizens can be deported under limited circumstances but it's rare. Natural born citizens can't.

I suspect the following language will come into play if Trump is elected.


Becoming a Member of Certain Organizations After Naturalization​

If you become a member of the Communist Party, a terrorist organization or any totalitarian party within five years of becoming naturalized, you could be subject to denaturalization.

That’s because the U.S. government believes membership in these organizations shows you can’t meet the requirements of being attached to the U.S. Constitution and “well-disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States.”
The record of the current administration, which uses all of these things as weapons (literally in the case of LGBTQ and so forth), and the one to come is so small that I really don't care.

Leases for oil pipelines. Envionmentally shit.

Right to abortion - yes, a real issue.
Right to healthcare (medicaid/medicare? - won't be touched).
Public education - a real issue.
Basic civil rights - the differences are already covered.

It is largely a cultural war differentiation. A few issues aside, which I've covered, please explain otherwise.

It’s lots of really stupid people that have become a cult.
I know it’s been said so many times but how the feck can people that witnessed the January 6th riots think it’s a good idea to install the architects of it once again?

The fact they got away with it and are now emboldened to do it all over again and not make the same mistakes this time.

Everyone who has been sentenced for their actions will be pardoned in a clear indication that they can do it again without fear of conviction.

As James Carville said, "It's the economy, stupid".

The number one issue is inflated prices of essentials like groceries, goods and insurance. Prices spiked during and post COVID and now businesses have learned that the US consumer will pay them, there is no reason to now reduce. So even though inflation is back down to 2.5%, the damage is done.

They don't stop to think why prices increases, or if Trump actually has a plan to reduce them, but they are nostalgic for them to return.

More people seem to remember $1.80 gas prices than the 1.2mil Americans that died of COVID.

His threat to democracy, the Jan 6 riots, a push towards authoritarianism and his total failure of an administration where many that worked with him say he is totally unfit, all fade into the background when people see the prices of their grocery bills. Larger issues are hard to comprehend for people - their car insurance going up 30% is clear.

This is why I think he is going to win in November. And possibly by quite a wide margin.
Talking of Slotkin and Michigan, this made me very fricking nervous....
I keep going back to the Harris campaign is not taking these tight polling lightly in terms of their messaging and ground game. That makes me less nervous on whats going on. They are not seemingly treating anything like it is all in the bag. They aren't treating the favorable polls like a foregone conclusion just like the polls that show them down.

Fight everywhere in the battlegrounds. If I saw arrogance, or not taking anything seriously by the actual campaign I would be more nervous. But, I like what I am seeing of the strategies and messaging.
I keep going back to the Harris campaign is not taking these tight polling lightly in terms of their messaging and ground game. That makes me less nervous on whats going on. They are not seemingly treating anything like it is all in the bag. They aren't treating the favorable polls like a foregone conclusion just like the polls that show them down.

Fight everywhere in the battlegrounds. If I saw arrogance, or not taking anything seriously by the actual campaign I would be more nervous. But, I like what I am seeing of the strategies and messaging.

Agree. They are fighting everywhere, which is great. 5 weeks to go.

Once tonight's VP debate is done with, i expect to see Harris and Walz everywhere. More interviews, a tighter message on prices and the economy and maybe even The Obama's hitting the trail.
As James Carville said, "It's the economy, stupid".

The number one issue is inflated prices of essentials like groceries, goods and insurance. Prices spiked during and post COVID and now businesses have learned that the US consumer will pay them, there is no reason to now reduce. So even though inflation is back down to 2.5%, the damage is done.

They don't stop to think why prices increases, or if Trump actually has a plan to reduce them, but they are nostalgic for them to return.

More people seem to remember $1.80 gas prices than the 1.2mil Americans that died of COVID.

His threat to democracy, the Jan 6 riots, a push towards authoritarianism and his total failure of an administration where many that worked with him say he is totally unfit, all fade into the background when people see the prices of their grocery bills. Larger issues are hard to comprehend for people - their car insurance going up 30% is clear.

This is why I think he is going to win in November. And possibly by quite a wide margin.

If she loses, it will be because of this. Not necessarily something that could've been controlled because of the economic shock of the pandemic, but Trump will always be able to point to the holy grail of what people actually care about - the cost of living and gas prices.

As James Carville said, "It's the economy, stupid".

The number one issue is inflated prices of essentials like groceries, goods and insurance. Prices spiked during and post COVID and now businesses have learned that the US consumer will pay them, there is no reason to now reduce. So even though inflation is back down to 2.5%, the damage is done.

They don't stop to think why prices increases, or if Trump actually has a plan to reduce them, but they are nostalgic for them to return.

More people seem to remember $1.80 gas prices than the 1.2mil Americans that died of COVID.

His threat to democracy, the Jan 6 riots, a push towards authoritarianism and his total failure of an administration where many that worked with him say he is totally unfit, all fade into the background when people see the prices of their grocery bills. Larger issues are hard to comprehend for people - their car insurance going up 30% is clear.

This is why I think he is going to win in November. And possibly by quite a wide margin.
A very large percentage of people is incredibly short sighted and selfish to the point where they ll go over dead bodies if it improves them and them alone. That's not a right vs left thing, though probably more prevalent on the right. It's honestly the most disappointing thing about being an adult. Coming to the realization how many people really don't care about others at all.
Leading US imams and scholars urge Muslim voters to snub Kamala Harris over Gaza

Dozens of Muslim scholars and faith leaders unite to send a powerful message to the Democrats

The letter calls on Muslims to instead vote for any of the third-party candidates, including the Green Party's Jill Stein whose support has swelled among the Muslim American community in recent weeks.

If she loses, it will be because of this. Not necessarily something that could've been controlled because of the economic shock of the pandemic, but Trump will always be able to point to the holy grail of what people actually care about - the cost of living and gas prices.


I think she has failed (so far) in her messaging around inflation.

Yes, the old adage in politics is that if you are explaining, you are losing.

But, Trump is getting a pass because he partially lit the inflation fire with his tax cuts and him over stimulating the economy with COVID hand outs. Especially those before the election that he insisted he had his signature on, rather than the treasury secretaries.

With all the smart people around her, Harris needs to quickly find a way to message or because Trumps message of "you were better off under me" is working.

i.e. The Biden administration's goal was to get the economy back on track post covid and post Trump's disastrous economic policies that only helped the richest in society. Inflation rates are back to normal, but prices are still high and im going to do A,B,C to solve it.