2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Could it possibly be worse than the first 3-4 episodes of the first season, which is all I've watched? Dullest show ever.
It took me three or four attempts to get into The Wire (2014 by the time I eventually got through S1 - but then binged) and I think it is about episode 5 of season 1 before you start to really enjoy it, but by the end of season 1 most people are hooked (unless it has aged very badly). It peak is in season 4 IMO but even season 5 is worth watching.
Josh Shapiro refused to endorsed the D candidate for State Treasurer against the Republican incumbent because she supported Roy Cooper for VP and said she wouldn’t invest in Israeli Bond.
This is the most depressing thread in the CE. Just an endless parade of horrible people saying the worst imaginable things in the hopes that they can eek out a bit of support.

And that's just the people dissing The Wire.
My first report on this caf and I spend a decent amount of time in the Israel threads.

To be honest, I’ve come to realize that The Wire has a very ardent fan base on this site, so I was just stirring the pot. Although I really did find the first episodes boring and then stopped watching.
This is the most depressing thread in the CE. Just an endless parade of horrible people saying the worst imaginable things in the hopes that they can eek out a bit of support.

And that's just the people dissing The Wire.
The Wire part is definitely the worst.
Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter: Trump Took My Dad From Me. Please Don’t Let Him Take Our Country, Too

Reading the family members of these MAGA nuts noting how crazy these people are and how they fell into the trump cult is kind of satisfying. But she still kind of passes too much blame on her dad's actions to trump. Yes he wrecked his reputation and life/career in service of trump. But, he did some disgusting things like the lies and purposely putting a target on Ruby Freeman just doing her job as a poll worker.

I agree with your primary point. On a completely irrelevant note though, isn't this the chick who's big into banging married couples?
Politics without consequences is easy. Trump is out there just knowingly lying that the current administration isn't sending aid, talking constnatly to governers and so forth. Who gets asked about it? Biden.

Not one reporter calling out Trump. So why woudn't he lie?

In the end, a lot of people will blame Biden or the democrats for the next 4 years of Trump but to me there is one entity above all else responsible and that's the media. They are pathetic, not-fit-for-purpose and should be utterly ashamed. In their desire for clicks and a close race, they're going to devestate millions of lives both in and out of the US. And then gleefully cover that misery.
Politics without consequences is easy. Trump is out there just knowingly lying that the current administration isn't sending aid, talking constnatly to governers and so forth. Who gets asked about it? Biden.

Not one reporter calling out Trump. So why woudn't he lie?

In the end, a lot of people will blame Biden or the democrats for the next 4 years of Trump but to me there is one entity above all else responsible and that's the media. They are pathetic, not-fit-for-purpose and should be utterly ashamed. In their desire for clicks and a close race, they're going to devestate millions of lives both in and out of the US. And then gleefully cover that misery.
Trump would have the perfect defense, if the media really did decide to play tough against him. "The lying media", "They don't want to report the truth", "Unfair", etc. And his dumb-ass supporters will eat it up, while more centrist voters will think "Maybe there really is something to this whole media bias thing". I agree that the state of the media and it's reputation has a lot to with this situation, but I'm not sure they can do a 180 now and really make a difference. It's too late.

There is good journalism out there, but the sad truth is that the majority of people are not interested in good journalism. People have been conditioned to prefer sensationalism over depth, and to mistrust the media in general.
People have been conditioned to prefer sensationalism over depth, and to mistrust the media in general.

That and the fact people just want their opinions to be backed up and confirmed. They believe anything that supports their view. Ahain, a lot of this stems from Trunp. Hates the polls when they are against him, of course then they are fake, but when they favour him or show him to be leading he loves them. Same with the stock market, ignores it when it's down takes credit for it when it's up. Hates Fox when they say something negative, is all over them when they say negative things about Kamala and Biden, or when they say something nice about Trump.

He is so responsible for the mistrust in the media, to the point where people don't believe a single thing reported by the likes of CNN, BBC or CNBC. Even if it's actually news reporting like the hurricanes etc. Quite where to go from here or how to win their trust back is beyond me.
Season 2 of The Wire was the worst.

Could it possibly be worse than the first 3-4 episodes of the first season, which is all I've watched? Dullest show ever.

At least is not as bad as the sopranos




This was Michigan the last 2020 election. 150k votes is the difference. How is Harris going to convince the 250k Muslims (150k voters) in Michigan to vote for her?



This was Michigan the last 2020 election. 150k votes is the difference. How is Harris going to convince the 250k Muslims (150k voters) in Michigan to vote for her?
Mostly Lebanese, too (or so I hear). No chance.
I know it’s been said so many times but how the feck can people that witnessed the January 6th riots think it’s a good idea to install the architects of it once again?

The fact they got away with it and are now emboldened to do it all over again and not make the same mistakes this time.

Everyone who has been sentenced for their actions will be pardoned in a clear indication that they can do it again without fear of conviction.
I know it’s been said so many times but how the feck can people that witnessed the January 6th riots think it’s a good idea to install the architects of it once again?

The fact they got away with it and are now emboldened to do it all over again and not make the same mistakes this time.

Everyone who has been sentenced for their actions will be pardoned in a clear indication that they can do it again without fear of conviction.
A choice between that and a genocidal regime. It may be genocidal (probably will) even if they get Trump.

It's easily the worst election choice since Bush and Kerry. The differences are symbolic with some notable exceptions on almost every front. Culture war differences, basically, and then one or two genuine areas of economic differentiation. The American people really, this time around, do not have a choice.
A choice between that and a genocidal regime. It may be genocidal (probably will) even if they get Trump.

It's easily the worst election choice since Bush and Kerry. The differences are symbolic with some notable exceptions on almost every front. Culture war differences, basically, and then one or two genuine areas of economic differentiation. The American people really, this time around, do not have a choice.

Yet Netanyahu wants Trump to be elected. Go figure.
Yet Netanyahu wants Trump to be elected. Go figure.
Made Jerusalem the capital and let's his Jewish (Zionist is more definitive) son-in-law run his Mid East policy. It's easy enough to understand why. That's the point I was making. There's precious difference between the two. It's just the US doing US state department status quo stuff. However, the current administration is the one you must blame if you have any faith in electoral politics qua democracy, at all, which is the initial and most important point your original post is making.
A choice between that and a genocidal regime. It may be genocidal (probably will) even if they get Trump.

It's easily the worst election choice since Bush and Kerry. The differences are symbolic with some notable exceptions on almost every front. Culture war differences, basically, and then one or two genuine areas of economic differentiation. The American people really, this time around, do not have a choice.
Culture war?

You’ve just boiled down:

Right to healthcare
Abortion rights
LGBTQ rights
The environment
Public education
Basic civil rights

To symbolic culture war differences.
I know it’s been said so many times but how the feck can people that witnessed the January 6th riots think it’s a good idea to install the architects of it once again?

The fact they got away with it and are now emboldened to do it all over again and not make the same mistakes this time.

Everyone who has been sentenced for their actions will be pardoned in a clear indication that they can do it again without fear of conviction.

It's called putting pressure on the the democratic candidate. If she wants their votes she should hear there voices. Counting them as automatic votes is stupid.

One is actively arming a genocide. The other is Trump who would be doing exactly the same if he is president now. So why would they vote for Harris? For Muslims I think it is a matter of principle, they have two other choices to practice their democratic rights, voting for a third candidate or voting uncommitted. They will after all survive another 4 years of Trump unlike the 15k children killed in Gaza that the democrats are complicit in.
Donald J. TrumpRepublican2,279,54347.3%16
Hillary ClintonDemocrat2,268,83947.0

This was 2016.. only 10k votes the difference. I think Harris will lose this swing state.
It's called putting pressure on the the democratic candidate. If she wants their votes she should hear there voices. Counting them as automatic votes is stupid.

One is actively arming a genocide. The other is Trump who would be doing exactly the same if he is president now. So why would they vote for Harris? For Muslims I think it is a matter of principle, they have two other choices to practice their democratic rights, voting for a third candidate or voting uncommitted. They will after all survive another 4 years of Trump unlike the 15k children killed in Gaza that the democrats are complicit in.
Will they? Or will he try to deport them all even if they're citizens?
A choice between that and a genocidal regime. It may be genocidal (probably will) even if they get Trump.

It's easily the worst election choice since Bush and Kerry. The differences are symbolic with some notable exceptions on almost every front. Culture war differences, basically, and then one or two genuine areas of economic differentiation. The American people really, this time around, do not have a choice.
I respectfully disagree.

For the average Muslim/Arab voter, yes, it’s hard to choose between the two candidates. I get that.

But for the general public? The 47% or more who vote for Trump, they do that because the other side is “genocidal”. They do it because they want Trump, just like they did twice before October 7.

Americans have a good choice, but many insist on choosing the bad one. Biden was a good candidate in 2020, but still barely won the critical states. Harris is a much better candidate than Trump, and still she may lose.

You can nominate FDR and JFK, and 47% will still vote for Trump. It’s the reality of this country.
Culture war?

You’ve just boiled down:

Right to healthcare
Abortion rights
LGBTQ rights
The environment
Public education
Basic civil rights

To symbolic culture war differences.
The record of the current administration, which uses all of these things as weapons (literally in the case of LGBTQ and so forth), and the one to come is so small that I really don't care.

Leases for oil pipelines. Envionmentally shit.

Right to abortion - yes, a real issue.
Right to healthcare (medicaid/medicare? - won't be touched).
Public education - a real issue.
Basic civil rights - the differences are already covered.

It is largely a cultural war differentiation. A few issues aside, which I've covered, please explain otherwise.
You can nominate FDR and JFK, and 47% will still vote for Trump. It’s the reality of this country.
If there were an FDR candidate, I do not, for a second, believe 47% would be voting for either clown.

There isn't. That's the reality. You have two corporate cnuts and one is preferred whilst the other is acceptable amongst that corporate class. FDR was corporate, too, but had an actual economic solution (large works programs and more). Neither of these two gobshites has that. They have 0 solutions for any actual problems of significance (all economic).

LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, and so forth. Two of those were Republicans with a less than great record but majorities because there was a clear difference being proposed (neoliberalism 1.0 was the difference -LBJ but whilst that is an abysmal failure it wasn't entirely evident before it had been implemented, except to a minority who always knew it would be shite and lead exactly where it has led).

The US has been far more divided in times gone by and achieved majorities, clear majorities, for presidential candidates (super majorities in some cases). There's a lot of nonsense in the ether which attempts to frame this US as the most divided version the nation has ever known (complete nonsense).
The record of the current administration, which uses all of these things as weapons (literally in the case of LGBTQ and so forth), and the one to come is so small that I really don't care.

Leases for oil pipelines. Envionmentally shit.

Right to abortion - yes, a real issue.
Right to healthcare (medicaid/medicare? - won't be touched).
Public education - a real issue.
Basic civil rights - the differences are already covered.

It is largely a cultural war differentiation. A few issues aside, which I've covered, please explain otherwise.

Can't take you seriously after the bold part, sorry.
Trump is worse for muslim voters, let‘s be clear on that. There is no good choice regarding the situation: both candidates support Israel pretty much unconditionally.

Especially Trump, who probably does so because of the disinformation campaigns carried out in favour of him by Israely actors.

Harris must balance between supporting Israel to protect them from those who want to wipe them out, and restraining them. It‘s a no-win scenario, Israel does whatever it wants.
Trump is worse for muslim voters, let‘s be clear on that. There is no good choice regarding the situation: both candidates support Israel pretty much unconditionally.

Especially Trump, who probably does so because of the disinformation campaigns carried out in favour of him by Israely actors.

Harris must balance between supporting Israel to protect them from those who want to wipe them out, and restraining them. It‘s a no-win scenario, Israel does whatever it wants.

They will not be voting for Trump. They will uncommit or vote for a third choice, that is their democratic right, unless you do not want them practicing their democratic right and want an automatic muslim vote for Harris.
How can you deport a citizen? is this a serious question? Yes they can survive 4 years of Trump, they already did once.
Yes, it‘s insane but it may come to pass that Trump will deport or imprison citizens. Those will include lawful immigrants and critics.

The supreme court made him immune, and he will have all his cronies in place.
They will not be voting for Trump. They will uncommit or vote for a third choice, that is their democratic right, unless you do not want them practicing their democratic right and want an automatic muslim vote for Harris.
They can do whatever they want: I‘m not asking anyone to vote for Harris against valid objections.
Yes, it‘s insane but it may come to pass that Trump will deport or imprison citizens. Those will include lawful immigrants and critics.

The supreme court made him immune, and he will have all his cronies in place.
I am not an expert of law, specially US law, but I would be surprized if there is legal space in US law to be able to deport a citizen.
I am not an expert of law, specially US law, but I would be surprized if there is legal space in US law to be able to deport a citizen.
It doesn’t matter what the law is if it is not upheld by the courts.

The courts have been stacked by Trump friendly judges.

The supreme court said Trump can do whatever he wants, but at the same time said they won‘t extend the same courtesy to Biden.