2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

I find it hard to believe WI is only 1 point. I think she wins the state comfortably, and by comfortably I mean by enough to avoid the most extreme maga shenanigans.
Just look at his ridiculous Presidency adding trillions to the debt from bad policies and huge overspending including $20 Billion to farmers bailing them out after causing their problems in the first place with his stupid and unnecessary trade war with China and the tarrifs he imposed.
All of it contributed to the inflation the Biden Administration had to fight off.
Tariffs are always inflationary. If the average American is too stupid to understand this, than good night America.

The trouble is you are dealing with highly uneducated and gullible people who believe everything he says, just because he says it. He's a billionaire so he must be right.
I'm living in the Philippines and here upcountry people are indeed uneducated and voted for the idiot Duterte in 2016.
But common we are talking about the US, the global super power. Even in rural states people got some basic education, which should be more than enough to understand that China or the EU won't pay for Trump's tariffs but the US consumers. This isn't rocket science.
I'm living in the Philippines and here upcountry people are indeed uneducated and voted for the idiot Duterte in 2016.
But common we are talking about the US, the global super power. Even in rural states people got some basic education, which should be more than enough to understand that China or the EU won't pay for Trump's tariffs but the US consumers. This isn't rocket science.
Trump said he'd make them pay, so they'll pay.

(Is the kind of logical thinking were dealing with).
Trump said he'd make them pay, so they'll pay.

(Is the kind of logical thinking were dealing with).
Unbelievable. In Germany everybody is puzzled (and terrified) how Trump can get even 10% of the votes.
On other hand the world is probably also stunned about the success of the AfD and BSW in Germany.
But compared to the German economy the American economy under Biden looks great.
Do you guys consider the trade war with China to be a bad thing in principal? Or the way it was actually executed.
Do you guys consider the trade war with China to be a bad thing in principal? Or the way it was actually executed.
Trade wars are never a good thing, ultimately the consumer always pays, but sometimes you have to have tarriffs to protect your own industries, especially ones that are considered strategically important, from unfair competition
The Quinnipiac poll is rated as a "B." How reliable are these ratings though?

They are A- on Silver's site. The ratings are typically issued based on how the polls have performed in the past, weighted against their past biases towards Ds or Rs.

Do you guys consider the trade war with China to be a bad thing in principal? Or the way it was actually executed.

Its bad for the US and China given how both economies are interdependent on one another. Its made doubly bad since Trump doesn't understand how tariffs actually work.
Its bad for the US and China given how both economies are interdependent on one another. Its made doubly bad since Trump doesn't understand how tariffs actually work.
Trade wars always hurt the average Joe.
Tariffs are a thing of the past as is Trump. Nothing else than a hidden tax.

So I don't disagree that Trade Wars hurt the average Joe.

This is where I'm going to put my hands up, and admit my bias, but I'm of the belief that any short-medium term pain is not only inevitable but is justifiable in stopping China (in it's current iteration) from posing a threat to the West. To me, the problem is existential and it's either short-medium term economic pain or an existential crisis for the Western belief system and way of life.
So I don't disagree that Trade Wars hurt the average Joe.

This is where I'm going to put my hands up, and admit my bias, but I'm of the belief that any short-medium term pain is not only inevitable but is justifiable in stopping China (in it's current iteration) from posing a threat to the West. To me, the problem is existential and it's either short-medium term economic pain or an existential crisis for the Western belief system and way of life.

I think that is a tad dramatic.
Still rattled by the comment about people leaving his rallies.

But good to hear he doesn't ramble, as he explains thoroughly, in a long rambling explanation.

Was just about to post that. I think we can safely say that the PA one is not right - encouraging but no way is she up by 6 there.
Given the MoE it’s feasible that it’s Harris +3/4.

For what it’s worth , Joshua Smithley, the top local election junkie for PA said he has it 65/35 for Harris with outcome ranging from Harris +4 to Trump +2.

Talking about outliers, Gallup just released a favourability survey that has Trump more popular than Harris (46-53 to 44-54). Now that’s a doozy.
Given the MoE it’s feasible that it’s Harris +3/4.

For what it’s worth , Joshua Smithley, the top local election junkie for PA said he has it 65/35 for Harris with outcome ranging from Harris +4 to Trump +2.

Talking about outliers, Gallup just released a favourability survey that has Trump more popular than Harris (46-53 to 44-54). Now that’s a doozy.

Sounds promising!

:lol: at the last part
This is where I'm going to put my hands up, and admit my bias, but I'm of the belief that any short-medium term pain is not only inevitable but is justifiable in stopping China (in it's current iteration) from posing a threat to the West.
How tariffs are going to stop China? They don't like the sanctions didn't stop Putin.
It's all rhetoric and in the end will hurt the end consumer.
Even export sanctions only work for a limited period of time. Today Huawei is stronger than ever and way more innovative than apple.

Being German I can also say so far it has been only America that spied on us. Or at least China wasn't as dumb to get caught pants down.
How tariffs are going to stop China? They don't like the sanctions didn't stop Putin.
It's all rhetoric and in the end will hurt the end consumer.
Even export sanctions only work for a limited period of time. Today Huawei is stronger than ever and way more innovative than apple.

Being German I can also say so far it has been only America that spied on us. Or at least China wasn't as dumb to get caught pants down.

US got "caught" because they had a whistleblower sent to a free media.

In China, there is nobody to whistleblow to.

Huawei stronger than ever? Huh? Maybe I missed something but it's numbers are...not looking good. Everything is geared now to it's domestic market and even then it's propped up by CCP support.
US got "caught" because they had a whistleblower sent to a free media.

In China, there is nobody to whistleblow to.

Huawei stronger than ever? Huh? Maybe I missed something but it's numbers are...not looking good. Everything is geared now to it's domestic market and even then it's propped up by CCP support.

I believe Huawei is stronger than ever because of its multiple branches. The cell branch plumeted hard, but who knows if they end developing their own competitive chips and iOs. They are still strong in china, that is not a small market
They targeted the Biden campaign by sending them emails/data from the Trump campaign? Surely the other way round.
I thought I was reading wrong. Maybe the Trump campaign details are so disturbing they’re something you don’t want to know??

Bit less than what you would hope for, though not bad either.

Marist :

Michigan Harris +5
Wisconsin Harris +1
Pennsylvania tied
Basically 2020 redux with MI trending a tad bluer (was +3)

That being said, their crosstab for PA is a bit funky, Harris up 12 pts among women and Trump up 10 among men, so are they projecting a higher men turnout than women? I’m not, as a rule, down for poll unskewing but something isn’t right there. Marist is a top pollster and nailed the Fetterman race though, so open to being corrected.
I'm more optimistic than most here, when it comes to Harris vs Trump, but that does not mean i'm not realistic about things, you have those believing Florida and Texas are in play(maybe not here, but other forums, at least), i'm not one of them, and i'm well aware that the rust-belt+Nevada is her most realistic and easiest path to the white house, anything beyond is a bonus.

Debate-bump will fade soon enough i think, as it usually does, and then, it will get closer come October.
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Basically 2020 redux with MI trending a tad bluer (was +3)

That being said, their crosstab for PA is a bit funky, Harris up 12 pts among women and Trump up 10 among men, so are they projecting a higher men turnout than women? I’m not, as a rule, down for poll unskewing but something isn’t right there. Marist is a top pollster and nailed the Fetterman race though, so open to being corrected.

Suffolk nailed Fetterman race too, come to think of it.

So, just average it out, i guess.