2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

So in recent days, we've seen polls putting Florida, Texas, Iowa & Alaska in play? :eek:
I believe that Harris is doing better than the initial expectations in these states. Remember, Iowa voted twice for Obama, and so did Florida. Trump is the clear favorite there, but I wouldn’t be shocked if we see a surprise there.

Still, she has to do it through the typical 7 swing states
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I believe that Harris is doing better than the initial expectations in these states. Remember, Iowa voted twice for Obama, and so did Florida. Trump is the clear favorite there, but I wouldn’t be shocked if we see a surprise there.

Still, she has to do it through the typical 7 swing states
Hopefully her momentum continues and she wins in a landslide.
Nah, they won't be in play. They are still solid red states for now.
FL seems to be the one with everything possibly aligning.

Abortion on the ballot
Unpopular senator
Alienation of Haitians (and they can vote in FL)
Kim Darroch (UK ambassador to the US during the Trump presidency) says that Trump is the likelier winner unless Harris focuses on two things: be more available to talk to the media and have a laser focus on PA, MI and WI. He says that in 2016 H Clinton made the mistake of shutting out the media whereas Trump would talk to anyone at any time.
FL seems to be the one with everything possibly aligning.

Abortion on the ballot
Unpopular senator
Alienation of Haitians (and they can vote in FL)

But thats not the full story, and its been mentioned several times, Florida shifts to the right every election, its a state that "always" overestimate democrats, and the voter registration numbers are beyond sad for the state party.

Now, i don't think either flips, but i will continue to stand by that Texas will be closer than Florida this election cycle.
Kim Darroch (UK ambassador to the US during the Trump presidency) says that Trump is the likelier winner unless Harris focuses on two things: be more available to talk to the media and have a laser focus on PA, MI and WI. He says that in 2016 H Clinton made the mistake of shutting out the media whereas Trump would talk to anyone at any time.

But she isn't ignoring these states, why are we paying attention to this person anyway?
But thats not the full story, and its been mentioned several times, Florida shifts to the right every election, its a state that "always" overestimate democrats, and the voter registration numbers are beyond sad for the state party.

Now, i don't think either flips, but i will continue to stand by that Texas will be closer than Florida this election cycle.
We'll see, I don't have high hopes of FL flipping blue, but abortion on the ballot has done wonders every time.
But she isn't ignoring these states, why are we paying attention to this person anyway?

Well, he was the UK ambassador to the US so he’s probably more aware than most.

That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if he has a book coming out or something.
Well, he was the UK ambassador to the US so he’s probably more aware than most.

That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if he has a book coming out or something.

He's already done that...

For those that don't know, he was the guy that called Trump insecure and incompetent, and his whole administration as deeply dysfunctional in diplomatic cables to the UK government. The cables got leaked and Trump threw a strop. He actually got the backing of Theresa May and the UK government at the time until Boris took over and forced him to resign to appease Trump.
Partisanship is taking over, Montana senate race was moved from toss-up to lean republican, accodring to cook political report, you aren't going to win a senate race in a 15-20+republican state, as a democrat in this day and age, it just makes sense.

Sherrod better watch out too, it may "only" be 8-10 points lean republican instead, but frankly, the state lost the plot quite some time ago, and they even elected what was essentially "anything with an R next to its name is better than a democrat" in the senate race, less than two years ago.

3-4 point average lead there don't give me much comfort, Brown may very well lose this race.

Without Montana, 49 is most likely the best case sceario for dems, Texas is the most likely out, and in my mind, the most likely path to senate majority for democrats,the trends are going towards democrats in the state.
Maryland is vulnerable as well, Hogan is polling well despite a fair chunk of undecideds

What brings down Tester, will bring down Hogan as well, even more so, considering Maryland is even bluer, and Hogan is not even a sitting senator.

Its bizarro-land, if Hogan wins a senate seat in a state that Harris will win by 30.
What brings down Tester, will bring down Hogan as well, even more so, considering Maryland is even bluer, and Hogan is not even a sitting senator.

Its bizarro-land, if Hogan wins a senate seat in a state that Harris will win by 30.
Collins survived 2020 Tbf, although it’s only 10 points.

LaCivita said Cruz internal showing him in trouble the other day, and DMP is competitive with Scott in Florida, both long shots but probably worth dropping 30m in each race. Long term though, it’s worth exploring Alaska, and Roy Cooper must run in NC in 26.
What brings down Tester, will bring down Hogan as well, even more so, considering Maryland is even bluer, and Hogan is not even a sitting senator.

Its bizarro-land, if Hogan wins a senate seat in a state that Harris will win by 30.
Hogan was a hugely popular Governor though wasn't he, as well as not being a MAGA type?
Collins survived 2020 Tbf, although it’s only 10 points.

LaCivita said Cruz internal showing him in trouble the other day, and DMP is competitive with Scott in Florida, both long shots but probably worth dropping 30m in each race. Long term though, it’s worth exploring Alaska, and Roy Cooper must run in NC in 26.

Cruz could be in trouble, he consistantly polls behind Trump, and just isn't very liked in the state, nor the world, for that matter.

I posted something about Texas last page, some interesting read, not all of it encouraging, but on the whole, not bad.

NC is a pick-up opportunity in 2026, Alaska probably less so, but lets see.
That's correct. He has nothing to do with Tester or the conditions in Montana, which are very different than Maryland.

Come on, outside specific examples, people don't split tickets like they did in the past.

You get my point.

There is a reason there isn't a senator Bullock, senator Bredesen, and so on.
Come on, outside specific examples, people don't split tickets like they did in the past.

You get my point.

There is a reason there isn't a senator Bullock, senator Bredesen, and so on.

I don't even know what your point is here. Tester and Hogan are very different politicians in different states that have different constituencies and cultures.
Don is not a fan

I don't even know what your point is here. Tester and Hogan are very different politicians in different states that have different constituencies and cultures.

Its increased partisanship, as i have said many times here before.

Extinction of dem senators in red states, exctinction of republican senators in democratic states, its not just a theory, you know, its something that has been going on for a while now.

Tester and Hogan elections are different, but not really, at the end of the day, if anything, Tester is favored more to win re-election than Hogan is to win his senate bid, and that is for good reasons.
I know someone who has been in meetings with Cooper and was there when he asked about the Senate. His response was the same as the VP question, which was that he had little interest in pursuing future office. He accomplished what he wanted in NC and it is time to go back to private life.

Now, can/will he change his mind? I guess, and even though he would be a favorite to capture a seat in 26, I respect his convictions on the topic.
But she isn't ignoring these states, why are we paying attention to this person anyway?
It's just the point of view of a well-informed observer. He's not saying that Harris is ignoring them. Not ignoring PA, MI and WI may be different from having a laser focus on them.
I think she has the momentum at this point.
It's just the point of view of a well-informed observer. He's not saying that Harris is ignoring them. Not ignoring PA, MI and WI may be different from having a laser focus on them.
I think she has the momentum at this point.
Harris can’t just campaign in these 3 states and ignore NC, NV, GA and AZ. What if one of the three disappoints? She has to try in the sun belt just in case 1/3 don’t go her way.
Harris can’t just campaign in these 3 states and ignore NC, NV, GA and AZ. What if one of the three disappoints? She has to try in the sun belt just in case 1/3 don’t go her way.
She can if she wants to - it's entirely up to her how she runs her campaign. Campaigning is about making strategic and tactical decisions on where and how you will campaign and use your resources, and what you are going to say. Anyway, it's just Darroch's point of view as an observer.
Harris can’t just campaign in these 3 states and ignore NC, NV, GA and AZ. What if one of the three disappoints? She has to try in the sun belt just in case 1/3 don’t go her way.

She should focus on the rust belt and win PA, WI, and MI. If she does, she will very likely win the presidency. That doesn't mean she can't focus on sunbelt states either since NC + NV could mitigate the potential loss of PA.

Interestingly, Trump is ahead in 6 out of 8 polls in GA that were conducted in September, so she will have her work cutout if she's thinking of winning there. And these aren't all right wing polls either. The include the likes of Quinnipiac that have Trump up be 3 and 4 respectively.
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Partisanship is taking over, Montana senate race was moved from toss-up to lean republican, accodring to cook political report, you aren't going to win a senate race in a 15-20+republican state, as a democrat in this day and age, it just makes sense.

Sherrod better watch out too, it may "only" be 8-10 points lean republican instead, but frankly, the state lost the plot quite some time ago, and they even elected what was essentially "anything with an R next to its name is better than a democrat" in the senate race, less than two years ago.

3-4 point average lead there don't give me much comfort, Brown may very well lose this race.

Without Montana, 49 is most likely the best case sceario for dems, Texas is the most likely out, and in my mind, the most likely path to senate majority for democrats,the trends are going towards democrats in the state.
Texas has been going towards Democrats since I have been a Caf member, and yet, the closest anyone ever got to winning there was Beto who still lost by 2.5%. So no, Texas is not going blue anytime soon.

To be fair, it is close to impossible to win a state that is 10%+ for the other party. You basically need to be a very popular senator, with a long incumbent history to do so (e.g., Manchin in 2018, Collins in 2020). But even him realized that he will be underdog this time around thus didn’t seek re-election. With Trump in the ticket, Tester will likely lose IMO.
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Kim Darroch (UK ambassador to the US during the Trump presidency) says that Trump is the likelier winner unless Harris focuses on two things: be more available to talk to the media and have a laser focus on PA, MI and WI. He says that in 2016 H Clinton made the mistake of shutting out the media whereas Trump would talk to anyone at any time.
I know I'm not saying anything new here, but it continues to amaze me that Trump speaks to anyone, constantly says bizarre and contradictory and simply crazy stuff, and it doesn't cost him anything. Not now, and not in past elections. But it's somehow a huge deal for Harris to speak with media, and even the tiniest faux-pas will cause trouble to her campaign.

I actually get the latter, but it's such a bizarre situation with Trump.
That's a troll account. It's probably still the official account for the NH Libertarian Party, but it's also just a troll account. It's no doubt run by some teenager or early 20-something, and it solely exists to wind people up.
So both a troll account and official account? A bit odd.
Texas has been going towards Democrats since I have been a Caf member, and yet, the closest anyone ever got to winning there was Beto who still lost by 2.5%. So no, Texas is not going blue anytime soon.

To be fair, it is close to impossible to win a state that is 10%+ for the other party. You basically need to be a very popular senator, with a long incumbent history to do so (e.g., Manchin in 2018). But even him realized that he will be underdog this time around thus didn’t seek re-election. With Trump in the ticket, Tester will likely lose IMO.

Most states with large population centers are gradually drifting blue. That's not to say Texas will go blue this time, but it will eventually become a Dem state as its bigger cities continue to grow and become a bigger share of the state's population.
I know I'm not saying anything new here, but it continues to amaze me that Trump speaks to anyone, constantly says bizarre and contradictory and simply crazy stuff, and it doesn't cost him anything. Not now, and not in past elections. But it's somehow a huge deal for Harris to speak with media, and even the tiniest faux-pas will cause trouble to her campaign.

I actually get the latter, but it's such a bizarre situation with Trump.

I presume this is part of the overall cult environment, in that when one rises to cult demi-god status normalcy and accountability evaporates.
Most states with large population centers are gradually drifting blue. That's not to say Texas will go blue this time, but it will eventually become a Dem state as its bigger cities continue to grow and become a bigger share of the state's population.
I swear we had this discussion in both 2020 and 2016. And in 2018 when Beto raised a mountain of money and still went quite short of winning.

It is gradually shifting blue, same way as how the universe is gradually shifting towards its death. If you want we can bet that GOP will win all senate and President races this decade.