2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The emails are leaked and open source, I don't care if it's mr blobby that reports it or you.

I don't question the content, insofar as regarding its authenticity (nothing we haven't suspected for a long time anyway). However, I do question the way conspiratorial sites like ZH editorialize said content.
Didn't Drumpf in the first debate say he will "absolutely accept" the verdict in November if it doesn't go his way? Doesn't look like it now :lol:

Astute. He's going for everyone.

He wants anarchy. A revolution. All the types of people he has shit on his whole entire life need to rise up and support him! He's fought for himself and ripped people off and now it's time for an uprising where everyone fights for him.

You couldn't wouldn't write the script.
I don't question the content, insofar as regarding its authenticity (nothing we haven't suspected for a long time anyway). However, I do question the way conspiratorial sites like ZH editorialize said content.

Tbf they link wikileaks, so then you can go there and then the question mark is on wikileaks. But like I said, its not a bad or particularly damning email imo. Like a lot of the wikileaks cache years back, much of it shows the government going about its business. Which is generally dealing with incomplete information, limited resources, no crystal ball, sometimes different agencies of government pursuing conflicting objectives, and then figuring out how to spin it to the public (because god forbid they actually get told the truth, that is "we're trying to juggle 10 turds at once, some of our own making, and we're bound to drop a few soon".)
Just finished watching The West Wing. Brilliant show! It's unreal when you compare the presidential campaign in the final season (Vinick v Santos) and the current one.
If he loses, will he claim that every poll said he won and so he's president?

If he loses, he will remain relevant and potentially try again in four years, which will more or less guarantee the end of the Republican Party, as well as end all hope for others like Cruz, Pence, Rubio, Kasich et al to have a future chance.
I'm surprised Fox hasn't dumped him now. Just think what 8 years of Hillary will do for them ratings-wise. Hannity must be salivating at all the shit he can spout about her.
I'm surprised Fox hasn't dumped him now. Just think what 8 years of Hillary will do for them ratings-wise. Hannity must be salivating at all the shit he can spout about her.

Him constantly showing up on Fox will do even more for their ratings.
If he loses, he will remain relevant and potentially try again in four years, which will more or less guarantee the end of the Republican Party, as well as end all hope for others like Cruz, Pence, Rubio, Kasich et al to have a future chance.

Do they have primaries again every 4 years? Surely there's no way he wins even that next time.
Do they have primaries again every 4 years? Surely there's no way he wins even that next time.

Depends. If their primary base gets even more batshit crazy (and chances are they will, looking at the last 20 years), he will hold on to his 35-40% and unless they can coalesce around an establishment choice from the beginning, he will win again.
Do they have primaries again every 4 years? Surely there's no way he wins even that next time.

He could, which would be amazing. You have to remember that he has ginned up so much "us against the world" populist anger among his followers that much of it is likely to still be there in 3 years from now, especially if Trump starts some sort of banana republic TV network to stay relevant after the election.
Its Rasmussen...its like if Phil Thompson was in charge of voting for the Ballan D'Or Stevie G would have won it at least 5 times la
The topline figures are crap, but the trend is worth following.
I can actually see a Trump/Cruz 2020 vs Rubio/Sandoval, provided Little Marco won reelection.

I think Cruz and Pence will be the leading contenders providing Trump stays away.

If Cruz gets the nomination he will pick Mike Lee, if Pence gets it he would pick someone like Walker. All allies of one another.
I think Cruz and Pence will be the leading contenders providing Trump stays away.

If Cruz gets the nomination he will pick Mike Lee, if Pence gets it he would pick someone like Walker. All allies of one another.

Rubio, Sandoval, Susana Martinez, Nikki Haley must be in the mix. Cruz and Pence kinda step on each other's toes a bit, both religious nut. Kasich could run again too, he's the only one coming out of this with any dignity left.
They're surely going to come to some kind of reconciliation before the election, it'll be a complete bloodbath otherwise.
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