I must admit part of me sort of admires Beck for taking a stand against Drumpf.
I must admit part of me sort of admires Beck for taking a stand against Drumpf.
It's a bad case of MLA, which is just a bit ironic considering what comes out of it.It never ends
Ugh. There's just something so gross about it combined with the little mouth "hyom" thing he does as well.
Russian propaganda is so great it even managed to halt our destruction of the planet! Or so the presumptive leader of the free world says.
Source: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/927 (attachments, this is the same source her quote about pvt and public positions came from, which she confirmed in the debate by answering the question and adding context)
So, global warming is either a Chinese conspiracy (Trump), environemntal groups are Russian fronts (Hillary), or we should do nothing about unproven cliamte change (Johnson). These 3 are dangerous for literally our future as human beings.* But Stein's position on vaccines is dodgy and nuanced so she's worse.
*Trump and Johnson are self-explanatory; Hillary's position on fracking makes all plans impossible right at the start.
Sputnik posts a misrepresentation so bad they take it down yet Trump cites it as the truth at a rally later. He's literally being spoonfed propaganda from Russia and he spouts it immediately. He may be brain dead.
Russian propaganda is so great it even managed to halt our destruction of the planet! Or so the presumptive leader of the free world says.
Source: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/927 (attachments, this is the same source her quote about pvt and public positions came from, which she confirmed in the debate by answering the question and adding context)
So, global warming is either a Chinese conspiracy (Trump), environemntal groups are Russian fronts (Hillary), or we should do nothing about unproven cliamte change (Johnson). These 3 are dangerous for literally our future as human beings.* But Stein's position on vaccines is dodgy and nuanced so she's worse.
*Trump and Johnson are self-explanatory; Hillary's position on fracking makes all plans impossible right at the start.
Love that word!The GOP certainly needs principled, forward leading candidates. But what it needs is a new constituency. The Fox TV audience/the talk show addicts/the birthers are incapable of sustaining viable candidates. The GOP as it is will never amount to an electoral majority, in part because what excites it turns off almost every other group. The crass, vulgar, angry and irrational mob that thrills when Trump acts like a madman is not a base around which a successful national party can be built. Know-nothingism, xenophobia and misogyny are enough to garner the GOP nomination, which explains why the GOP is unable to field a winning candidate.
The bottom falls out, as we knew it would
Love that word!
This is what people have been saying for months. The GOP is facing an existential crisis.The bottom falls out, as we knew it would
Love that word!
300 - 329
» 5.1
330 - 359
» 3.3
360 or more
» 2.9
The odds have changed ridiculously in the last couple of days. If you bet on Hilary's electoral college votes, the lowest odds are on her getting over 360.
Betfair - and yeah, '360 or more' is the upper limit. There's a few interesting bets to be made I think though - electoral college, Hilary's % share of the vote, the number of Democrat states. Hopefully I can find some value there before the election.What's the odd for over 400 from whatever site you are using?
I'm skint now sadly
Edit: unless it's the '360 or more', then damn those wily bastards!
I noticed but it appeared to me as if GOP as a whole shifted more and more in Tea Party direction, hardly anybody high profile was putting on the breaks to notable effect.This is what people have been saying for months. The GOP is facing an existential crisis.
The GOP establishment are responsible for the Tea party take over. Their hate for Obama was so extreme, that they welcomed any opposition to him no matter how extreme., ie the birther issue. How many republicans spoke out against the birther loons?I noticed but it appeared to me as if GOP as a whole shifted more and more in Tea Party direction, hardly anybody high profile was putting on the breaks to notable effect.
They strongly should blame themselfs for this.The destruction of the republican party.
Is that Johann Hari? Are we just sending you all our disgraced people right now? We have plenty more!
The GOP establishment are responsible for the Tea party take over. Their hate for Obama was so extreme, that they welcomed any opposition to him no matter how extreme., ie the birther issue. How many republicans spoke out against the birther loons?
Imo, that's Obama's biggest legacy. The destruction of the republican party.
what did he do?
Very well put and very true.Imo, that's Obama's biggest legacy. The destruction of the republican party.
I don't get why anybody would hate Obama unless (s)he's a racist.
Kurt Eichenwald, Vanity Fair contributing editor, is on CNN right now proving that Trump cited Russian propaganda yesterday in an attack on Hillary and Sydney Blumenthal about Benghazi.
He also wrote an article showing how he knows it's Russian propaganda...
There's a chart I've seen that shows the attitudes of GOP and Democrat voters to Russia/Putin over the last few years - the Dem view stays about the same throughout, but the GOP voters suddenly start taking a more positive view of them right as Trump rises.What are the Americans thinking, especially the supporters of the GOP, about Trumps sympathie for Putin and his views about Russia and the Nato?
Always thought this must cause a clear cut between "iam always vote GOP" voters and the their actual candidate called Trump. But that doesnt seem to be the case?
I hope Columbia U makes an exception this year and award Pulitzer for investigative reporting for both Fahrenthold and Eichenwald. Both of them have been genuinely excellent.
So despite that Russia is getting more and more radical year after year, causing a war in Europe and support strongly another (probably the worst since decades, talking about Syria) Conservatives explore their love for them? I just cant get it.There's a chart I've seen that shows the attitudes of GOP and Democrat voters to Russia/Putin over the last few years - the Dem view stays about the same throughout, but the GOP voters suddenly start taking a more positive view of them right as Trump rises.
I know and the majority of the time I share your confidence as to what the result will be. It's more the way you seem calm about the extreme right wing elements to the political debate that I wish I could share. I don't know if this is simply that you're more knowledgeable on the history of US politics than I, and have known similar trends come and go.I find the best way to follow the election is to watch the various daily narratives on the news and online. Then juxtapose the polls against what the narratives are.
- Polls : https://twitter.com/PpollingNumbers
- Polling Averages: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/president/
- Statistical Model: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/
Once new polls are released on the twitter feed, RCP usually incorporates them minutes later, and a few more minutes later Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight site is updated.
The numbers don't lie.
So despite that Russia is getting more and more radical year after year, causing a war in Europe and support strongly another (probably the worst since decades, talking about Syria) Conservatives explore their love for them? I just cant get it.