2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The theory that he STILL IS a Democrat seems far less stupid now if you think about it and after recent events. Put that together with the money making scheme from donations and his comments of "I would be the first and only person to actually make money from running for President" and you have to wonder if it is indeed all an elaborate rouse much akin to L. Ron Hubbard and "the best and easiest way to make money is to create a religion" just before coming up with Scientology.
Nah, he's just not very smart, or, especially, emotionally stable.
The theory that he STILL IS a Democrat seems far less stupid now if you think about it and after recent events. Put that together with the money making scheme from donations and his comments of "I would be the first and only person to actually make money from running for President" and you have to wonder if it is indeed all an elaborate rouse much akin to L. Ron Hubbard and "the best and easiest way to make money is to create a religion" just before coming up with Scientology.

Oh yeah very easy to imagine him being in it for many other reasons. Especially if you believe the bit about him contacting Bill Clinton for advice before he ran.

I fully expect any audit for his campaign to be long and drawn out (like his tax fight). I would not be surprised to find out after the fact that once again there are many vendors/subcontractors/staffers who don't get paid by the campaign.
My daughter is mad at me again for not paying much attention to the debates. I explained once again that I am NOT voting for Trump and nothing that happens at the debates could make me change my mind. All watching will really do is raise my blood pressure as I get more pissed off at him and lets face it, he is not worth it. She does not support Trump either.
His tweetstorm could well be a diversion tactic to have the news outlets not concentrate on the Russian disinformation issue and lewd videos. Drumpf creates a new controversy to get away from old controversy.
His tweetstorm could well be a diversion tactic to have the news outlets not concentrate on the Russian disinformation issue and lewd videos. Drumpf creates a new controversy to get away from old controversy.
If he splits the GOP it's probably more damaging electorally than the other stuff.
If he splits the GOP it's probably more damaging electorally than the other stuff.

He isn't going to split GOP by a few random tweets though. He can always walk back his position and mobilize his user base near election day. Just seems like a diversion and a made up fight. Let's hope the media stays on message.
He isn't going to split GOP by a few random tweets though. He can always walk back his position and mobilize his user base near election day. Just seems like a diversion and a made up fight. Let's hope the media stays on message.
This is hardly a few random tweets.
This is hardly a few random tweets.

Well, anything is random if it's from Trump's twitter handle. He has been here previously and the RNC has stood by him. Preibus stood by him yesterday, Pence did. Ryan for all his talk is still endorsing him. FWIW, I hope it affects the down ballot races

Basically agrees with Rasmussen trend line.


In weekend polling, some 39% of Republicans had said GOP candidates for Congress should continue to support Mr. Trump as nominee. That share rose to 45% on Monday. Only 6% of Republicans voters said the party’s congressional candidates should call for Mr. Trump to drop out of the race amid news of his comments about women, down from 14% who said so in weekend polling.

So downballot basically is fecked.
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