2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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One plus from the Trump campaign is that it has allowed us to more accurately sub-divide Republican politicians/commentators into categories like "normal person", "hypocrite", "filthy liar", "batshit crazy" and "Ted Cruz". Good to know.
Well, at that time I had said that if Bernie does stand for re-election at his age, it would be decided by the economy, something you seem to be agreeing with re. Hillary. Whereas at time time Bernie winning the WH now was a surefire way to lose it in 2020, nevermind the systemic issues the Dems face according to that video.

I could be wrong, but iirc the premise of my argument at the time was that should he get in, he would have done so on the premise of delivering big sweeping changes, and with a likely GOP Congress that's impossible, hence undermining his own reelection prospect. It's apples and oranges with a run of the mill centrist who runs on granular changes.
Fwiw @Crossie that particular email was not from the campaign but from a media person to the campaign. Or, in your world, it was from Putin to Trump with love.
Enjoy your Trumpy little world in which Putin hacks American presidential candidate campaign folks' accounts and releases via groper Assange nothing but the truth.
It's frankly damning of US society as a whole when you need to hear someone like Drumpf saying 'grab them by the pussy' or the N word to concede that he's a sexist/racist and finally rescind your support.

For all of their outrage at the metropolitan/liberal/secular/individualistic norms, those God fearing family oriented community based conservatives sure do excel at the hypocrisy game.

That's because most of them are not actually interested in much that you or I would recognise as morality. What they're interested in instead is imposing their control over other people, especially women.

They are not content to leave their own lives and let others lead theirs. So they want to stop gay marriage, even tho' their own freedom to marry as they will is not affected by it. And they want to stop a woman's right to choose re. abortion and instead impose state control over women's bodies in this regard, even tho' their own freedom to not have an abortion is not affected by it.

Some of them talk big about freedom, and "getting the government off of the backs of the people", but actually they are the ones who want BIG government BIG time to impose their ideas on everyone else.

And it's precisely because they oppose liberal government - i.e. a government that actually wants people to live and let live - that such people are so strongly in favour of no or little gun control. At root, this is not because of some romantic attachment to 2nd amendment freedoms, instead it's because they are drawn to - however dimly and unconsciously - the possibility one day of armed insurrection to overthrow liberal government.

It's no mere geographical coincidence that the 'Christian' Right and the gun freaks are most heavily concentrated in the southern states - pace the slave-owning, the American Civil War, and all that.
I could be wrong, but iirc the premise of my argument at the time was that should he get in, he would have done so on the premise of delivering big sweeping changes, and with a likely GOP Congress that's impossible, hence undermining his own reelection prospect. It's apples and oranges with a run of the mill centrist who runs on granular changes.

And mine was that after 3 terms of gradual centrism from one side, that's just perfectly ripe timing for the other...Both thoughts are equally valid IMO. Which is why I felt that it was a non-issue to differentiate the candidates with.

Enjoy your Trumpy little world in which Putin hacks American presidential candidate campaign folks' accounts and releases via groper Assange nothing but the truth.

And I'm sure you righteously ignore the very conveniently-timed leak of Trump's pussy-talk? Or do you assume the motivation there was all altruistic purity? And you'll ignore it if/when his Apprentice tapes come out (which I'm personally looking forward to as his final implosion?)
The leaks are out there, targeting both sides, and my very weird and quaint position is that their substance matters.
In a big victory for Florida Democrats, a federal court has ruled that the state must extend its voter-registration deadline following the arrival of Hurricane Matthew last week, despite protests by Rick Scott, the state’s Republican governor, that the deadline should not be moved.

This tells you all you need to know about his weak commitment to actual democracy. Why else would he object to having the maximum possible number of people being able to vote?
Kellyanne goes off the rails
She told MSNBC, “I would talk to some of the members of Congress there when I was younger and prettier, them rubbing against girls, sticking their tongues down women’s throats who were uninvited, didn’t like it…you know it’s true. And some of them, by the way, are on the list of people who won’t support Donald Trump because they all ride around on their high horse.”

If we're being fair here, politicians condemning Trump for being sleazy is as two faced as it gets.
Hell here in Ireland I'm friends with a woman who worked as a receptionist at a hotel near the Dail and the stories she tells...
There wouldn't be a married politician left in Ireland. Divorces all round.

Juicy! Where to begin with the speculation :lol:
Trump bitching about Fox :lol:

Next up, Rooney calls out Stretford.
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