2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Not to mention there will be delegates who will go with the strongest establishment candidate regardless of how good Trump may look im thr national polls when the actual primaries come around...
Would Republicans vote for Hillary over Trump in the general election? Surely, the reasonable ones can see that he'd be bad for their country.

Even if you disagree with Democrat policies, any sane Republican would put their nation's interest above party politics. You'd, hope so, anyway.
The problem is not the democrat party but Hillary
As if Putin getting involved wasn't enough - Ben Carson is now heading to Syria.

I thought it was Jordan - to meet refugees.

I got an email from my local muslim org asking ppl to spread the word - tbh, I did nothing but look at the subject line.

He compared muslim refugees with rabid dogs - who the feck decided to give him this photo op?
I thought it was Jordan - to meet refugees.

I got an email from my local muslim org asking ppl to spread the word - tbh, I did nothing but look at the subject line.

He compared muslim refugees with rabid dogs - who the feck decided to give him this photo op?

Yeah you're probably right. Bit of wishful thinking on my part.
That's a weirdly written article, he's still winning by 15 points and has over 30% of the vote!

Yeah, it's just reversing towards the mean. He has had a consistent 30% support since late Sept. If anything, the spike in previous poll was just an anomaly.
Maybe some of those moderates that originally thought Trump and Carson were a breath of fresh air are now actually listening to what those two are saying and logically backing off their support.
The recent comments about Muslims are beginning to show these two for the nutjobs they really are.
How would the conservative media, the Tea Party extremists and the Republican presidential candidates look at someone like Rosa Parks today?

Today is of course the 60th anniversary of her refusal to give up her seat for a white man and the rest is as they say history.
How would the conservative media, the Tea Party extremists and the Republican presidential candidates look at someone like Rosa Parks today?

Today is of course the 60th anniversary of her refusal to give up her seat for a white man and the rest is as they say history.

They'd probably call her ungrateful, entitled. They'd dig into her past and throw out some claims that she's a troublemaker.

Whatever about Rosa Parks, I wonder what they'd say if Jesus was around; liberal, inciting trouble, slacker.... they'd be all over him and then some sheriff would arrest him on vagrancy charges, he'd probably be done for "resisting arrest" and then get falsely accused of some unsolved crimes.
How would the conservative media, the Tea Party extremists and the Republican presidential candidates look at someone like Rosa Parks today?

Today is of course the 60th anniversary of her refusal to give up her seat for a white man and the rest is as they say history.
They would probably blame Obama for not changing the law having had 7 years to do so
How would the conservative media, the Tea Party extremists and the Republican presidential candidates look at someone like Rosa Parks today?

Today is of course the 60th anniversary of her refusal to give up her seat for a white man and the rest is as they say history.

Considering the soul of today´s Republican party was formed around opposition to civil rights and the "southern strategy" of exploiting racial fear for political gain, I´m sure you can imagine how the Tea Kooks would see this woman who refused to get up from her seat and move to the back of the bus so a white person could sit down . . . "lazy fecking entitled n******r!!!" Much the way they probably see the BLM movement and Obama.

They´ve just changed the language and symbols around to make it more palatable for today´s folks.
Is this a new low for Trump or is it as low as he's been before?, who knows at this point.

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," he repeated. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourselves. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families."

The real-estate mogul made the comments after he vowed to "knock the hell out of ISIS," also known as the Islamic State. One of the "Fox & Friends" hosts asked him about minimizing civilian causalities, which Trump promised to do.

"I would do my best — absolute best," Trump replied. "I mean, one of the problems that we have and one of the reasons we're so ineffective is they're using [civilians] as shields — it's a horrible thing. They're using them as shields. But we're fighting a very politically correct war."

Cruz was just as inflammatory the other day when he said all criminals are liberals, but that got under the radar because of Trump
Came in just to post that. He's trailing Hilary badly though. These results have become pretty consistent and there's a worrying theme to them - Hillary's favourability is sky high among democrats(almost as much as sanders) but she's doing terribly with independents and republicans (even in states like Utah sanders picks up much more republican support than she does).

These numbers suggest she might be the"base" candidate without actually energising the base that much either!
Came in just to post that. He's trailing Hilary badly though. These results have become pretty consistent and there's a worrying theme to them - Hillary's favourability is sky high among democrats(almost as much as sanders) but she's doing terribly with independents and republicans (even in states like Utah sanders picks up much more republican support than she does).

These numbers suggest she might be the"base" candidate without actually energising the base that much either!

This is a good point. But by the General elections, she will have Sanders,Bill and Obama fully supporting her. Also the craziness of the GOP nominee will drive people to her and I feel strongly the Dems will get the Senate back.

Do you think Rubio and/or Cruz have enough pull amongst Latinos to make the general election competitive if either of them get the nomination?

No I don't, mainly because they are generally against illegal immigration which is a major flash point in the Latino voting base. The likes of Jorge Ramos and Univision would roast them to no end and both of them would have to walk a tightrope between appearing flexible and not estranging the right wingers who would be enraged if either made any concessions on immigration policy.
No I don't, mainly because they are generally against illegal immigration which is a major flash point in the Latino voting base. The likes of Jorge Ramos and Univision would roast them to no end and both of them would have to walk a tightrope between appearing flexible and not estranging the right wingers who would be enraged if either made any concessions on immigration policy.

Good point about Univision. A lot of Latinos in the US watch this. Plus, around election time Latino markets will be flooded with ads about Republicans' stance on immigration. I also think Hills will pick Julian Castro as her running mate, and that would be one of his principle themes. Cruz and especially Rubio identify mainly with the Cuban latinos, which traditional have always been more right wing, but are becoming less so each year. Latinos are also traditionally more conservative than say, the African American community, but Republicans have been pushed so far right on immigration by their rightward fall and the tea douches, that even middle of the road or center right Latinos will vote Democratic. They are a massive voting bloc nowadays.
New comprehensive numbers from CNN this morning. Trump is murdering everyone on the GOP side. Interestingly, Cruz seems to have slithered into the number 2 spot ahead of Carson, leaving Rubio playing catch up.

Id that some of the evangelical vote swapping from carson to cruz
Im surprised we have not started to see the numbers thin out yet - or will pretty much all people stay in till the first primary?
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