2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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It's a pretty normal strain of thought among most immigrants. Life was poor in their country of origin and suddenly they were in a place where opportunity existed provided they were willing to work for it. This isn't unique to the US of course, in fact Canada is probably even better suited for this sort of thing, especially for people who want a bigger social safety net.

I'd say Australia as well going by my current experience. A skilled worksman can comfortably make 70-80 grand a year. Doubt it gets any better for the average joe than that even in the US. Academic advancement and white-collar job opportunities are a different matter though

I think you're both right. Much of Western Europe, Canada, Australia and NZ seem to be better for the working class than the US. In fact when things weren't going too well for me in college I had thoughts of trying to go to NZ. But once things took a turn for the better and I was aiming for the top again, nothing appealed as much as the US. Like I said, UK and London specifically would be a 2nd. But the US is huge, so anything you're dealing with is just usually bigger and more rewarding.
Just saw a poll where more than half of the Republican respondents thought that the US unemployment rate was higher now that it was when Obama took office in 09. What hope is there when they're permanently out to lunch when it comes to reality?
Just saw a poll where more than half of the Republican respondents thought that the US unemployment rate was higher now that it was when Obama took office in 09. What hope is there when they're permanently out to lunch when it comes to reality?
I was thinking something similar with gas prices.

edit: Many of the images out there, even those done by Bureau of Labor, don't help. It's important to do it by month so you can see where the trend was heading when Obama took office. The rate started to spike a few months before and continued into his first year. But if you look at annual average it looks like Bush did well and Obama laid everyone off.
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In possible matchups for November, Carson and Rubio edge Clinton by one point each, while Clinton holds a lead over Trump. Sanders holds an advantage over all three Republican candidates:


This has happened in almost all polls in the last few months, it's officially a trend. Sad for Sanders supporters who will watch him lose in the primary and worrying for Clinton supporters that she gets no independent or Republican support whatsoever. Her negatives are not moving.

This has happened in almost all polls in the last few months, it's officially a trend. Sad for Sanders supporters who will watch him lose in the primary and worrying for Clinton supporters that she gets no independent or Republican support whatsoever. Her negatives are not moving.
It's still a year away from election mate. If this still holds by the time of the convention then yes it's a worry. Even then it's not dead cert. McCain was tied with Barry after the conventions in 08. See how that worked out.

This has happened in almost all polls in the last few months, it's officially a trend. Sad for Sanders supporters who will watch him lose in the primary and worrying for Clinton supporters that she gets no independent or Republican support whatsoever. Her negatives are not moving.

Its a pointless thought experiment to ask people who may or may not vote about candidates who may or may not face each other 12 months from now.
Just saw a poll where more than half of the Republican respondents thought that the US unemployment rate was higher now that it was when Obama took office in 09. What hope is there when they're permanently out to lunch when it comes to reality?

It's what happens when they decide to only get 'news' from conservative sources.

The media on the whole is shit - but right wing media is as bad as soviet era propaganda.
Just saw a poll where more than half of the Republican respondents thought that the US unemployment rate was higher now that it was when Obama took office in 09. What hope is there when they're permanently out to lunch when it comes to reality?
That's not unique to America. Whenever these kinds of polls are taken they tend to show most people are wrong about almost everything.
Pure cynical opportunism by Trump. He is playing a numbers game and knows he can maintain his lead if he throws a lot of red meat to the base. Anything about Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants etc will play well. Bet you anything he will suddenly becomes more pragmatic if he wins the nomination to play to crossover voters. Anyhoo....Hillary will crush him.
At this stage, I truly believe Trump is a Dem mole. There's just no way a candidate with general election aspiration would come out with that shit so often.
Pure cynical opportunism by Trump. He is playing a numbers game and knows he can maintain his lead if he throws a lot of red meat to the base. Anything about Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants etc will play well. Bet you anything he will suddenly becomes more pragmatic if he wins the nomination to play to crossover voters. Anyhoo....Hillary will crush him.
Hillary v Trump, it'll probably be the biggest landslide win since her husband's 2nd election.
I too almost believe this. Apparantly the GOP are planning to destroy him...soon.

wonder if they have some video of him doing summat.....
So basically Trump vs the GOP
Now if he will say that's not treating him fairly so run (or threaten to Run) as an independent would be the interesting responce as an independent Trump even drawing a few percent from the republicans probably ends any slim hope they had of victory
An independent Trump (snigger) would surely set up one of the biggest landslides ever.
Been trying to find a way to best sum up the insanity of the race. This does it better than I could have hoped:

Cruz is apparently right on Trump's arse in Iowa now. He's clearly benefiting off Carson's recent media problems and is gobbling up his right wing Evangelical vote.
I really hope someone like Jeb goes against his word and runs as an independent against Trump

Either way the GOP are fecked. If Trump wins the nomination, he will get massacred by the general population after behaving like a complete anti-Immigrant, mildly race baiting Charlatan during the primaries. If someone else wins the GOP nomination, there's really no guarantee that Trump won't put together an independent run and thereby guarantee a Hillary victory.
An independent Trump (snigger) would surely set up one of the biggest landslides ever.
That would be difficult considering Reegan got 90%+ of the electoral votes, Hillary has her own problems.
That would be difficult considering Reegan got 90%+ of the electoral votes, Hillary has her own problems.

It'll be very close no matter who the Republican nominees are. Historically there's a jadedness of two term prezs and the party does poorly as a result. Plus, the U.S is much more divided than 4 years ago, as impossible as it sounds, so the GOP will win back some swing states.

As much as we we like to laugh about it, there's a reason so many are running on the GOP side. They feel Hillary is vulnerable.
As much as we we like to laugh about it, there's a reason so many are running on the GOP side. They feel Hillary is vulnerable.

This works both ways - it also speaks of a party lacking in leadership. You'd think if you believed the Republican bullshit about America falling apart (despite just about all the stats showing that the Obama is leaving an economy that is doing much much better than the disaster he inherited) - they would have been able to harness a couple of candidates with a hint of gravitas.

Instead - their process is being hijacked by a motherfecker playing to the racists, nativists and yokels and another man who is making doctors around the world cringe every time he opens his f-ing mouth.

It's an election - a very, very long campaign - Hillary has been in been in the public eye for decades, so of course she has a lot of skeletons...but the GOP aren't exactly storming home here.
This works both ways - it also speaks of a party lacking in leadership. You'd think if you believed the Republican bullshit about America falling apart (despite just about all the stats showing that the Obama is leaving an economy that is doing much much better than the disaster he inherited) - they would have been able to harness a couple of candidates with a hint of gravitas.

Instead - their process is being hijacked by a motherfecker playing to the racists, nativists and yokels and another man who is making doctors around the world cringe every time he opens his f-ing mouth.

It's an election - a very, very long campaign - Hillary has been in been in the public eye for decades, so of course she has a lot of skeletons...but the GOP aren't exactly storming home here.

This is all true, of course, but common wisdom dictates that eventually the establishment will flex their muscles and get Rubio or Bush nominated. GOP voters have consistently gone establishment since Goldwater, they like their flings, but once faced with the ballots, common sense prevails.

I've always maintained that Hillary has an edge, but also that this election won't be a landslide, if only because as charisma goes, she isn't half the person Obama is.
Kasich is a non factor - but this is I think the start of what Trump will face and if hell freezes over and he wins the GOP nomination....there will be a zillion ads like this that will result in him being humiliated so badly, he'll wish people were still talking about his 'hair'

Kasich Attack Ad
So no then as the law is not yet in force and quite clearly is not a hand gun

Each state has different laws which makes it all a bit murky. This guy was recently seen in Atlanta for example....

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