2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The Trump/Carson data you ( @Ubik ) posted yesterday is really scary by the way. I think I might start campaigning for Bush and Rubio, just to avoid the embarrassment of either of those running in the general election. And I'm not even american!
what until 2020?
Yeah never really get why they call it suspending.

The Trump/Carson data you ( @Ubik ) posted yesterday is really scary by the way. I think I might start campaigning for Bush and Rubio, just to avoid the embarrassment of either of those running in the general election. And I'm not even american!
Cruz as well! He's been eclipsed by the other two nutjobs but he's certifiable too.
Serious question, given how much of a hawk ( or chickenhawk) we know Hillary is, what are the chances she will put boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq? Are the public still too wounded from 8 years of W or the fear of ISIS would make them get behind that?

Given the current atmosphere, I'm worried that this is an area where she will get caught out by Republicans.
Serious question, given how much of a hawk ( or chickenhawk) we know Hillary is, what are the chances she will put boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq? Are the public still too wounded from 8 years of W or the fear of ISIS would make them get behind that?

Given the current atmosphere, I'm worried that this is an area where she will get caught out by Republicans.

No one is going to put boots on the ground in Syria.
I'm American..please don't spoil my entertainment. Got my popcorns all ready.

Yeah, even as an outsider, I kind of want Trump to get the nomination for entertainment purposes. As long as he then doesn't go on and win...
I had said several times that I felt that in this election as in the last two Presudential elections the only way the Democrat candidate would lose would be if they stood on stage and murdered some babies. Right now I think Hillary might be able to do that and still win.

Might as well be Trump running against her just to provide something interesting about the campaign.
I watched an interview with Ben Carson and I felt sorry for the guy, he couldn't answer when asked if an American airplane is attacked by the Russians what he would do. Hillary would kill him in a debate.
I think an establishment candidate like Rubio or Bush could plausibly beat Hillary.
Bush has the problem with his last name so Rubio would be the only candidate strong enough to beat Hillary, he would get Florida for sure and the Hispanic votes would be divided between the 2 candidates, also she will not get that many votes from the blacks like Obama did.
Wasn't so long ago that this was seen as a crazy impossibility in itself.
Yeah...and he looks evil.

But, if it gets down to it...when the primaries come around and the delegates start doing their thing as opposed to what the polls are telling us.

I can see the establishment standing behind someone like him or Rubio over Trump.
Bush has the problem with his last name so Rubio would be the only candidate strong enough to beat Hillary, he would get Florida for sure and the Hispanic votes would be divided between the 2 candidates, also she will not get that many votes from the blacks like Obama did.

She will get as many black votes. They certainly are not going to vote Republican. And Hispaniscs are also very anti GOP thanks to the anti-immigrant stance they have taken.
She will get as many black votes. They certainly are not going to vote Republican. And Hispaniscs are also very anti GOP thanks to the anti-immigrant stance they have taken.
Not to mention that women make up 53% of the electorate, and the possibility of the first female president will be on the minds of many.
Not to mention that women make up 53% of the electorate, and the possibility of the first female president will be on the minds of many.

agree. no matter who the GOP nominates, Hillary will have the edge. But huge external factors can throw things off balance. The fact teh GOP is seriously beginning to accept Trump as a possible nominee is scary. Comparisons to Raegen even.

Bush has the problem with his last name so Rubio would be the only candidate strong enough to beat Hillary, he would get Florida for sure and the Hispanic votes would be divided between the 2 candidates, also she will not get that many votes from the blacks like Obama did.
the problem with Bush isn´t his last name. That is just nonsense. The problem for Bush is that he is running a terrible campaign and he reached the point, where turning it around is almost impossible.
The problems for the republicans in general is, that they are in a state of chaos. They have to represent extremist ideas, that will scare away too many centrist and minority voters. Any rep POTUS candidate has to fight an up-hill battle. Not even the love-child of Jesus and Reagan could change that.
Just saw this. One of the following photos is Bobby Jindal. The other is a painting of himself he hung in his office.


Can you say identity crisis?

Clinton was a very popular President for the AA community. She will get as much votes as Obama, who will be with her as will Bill through the campaign.
Obama was able to get the black community voting but Hillary will not appeal to most blacks, her husband had the votes of the democrats plus the independents.
Ben Carson - Ladies and Gents

Ben Carson compares Syrian refugees to dogs
“For instance, you know, if there is a rabid dog running around your neighborhood, you’re probably not going to assume something good about that dog, and you’re probably gonna put your children out of the way,” Carson said. “Doesn’t mean that you hate all dogs by any stretch of the imagination.”

Continuing his analogy, the Republican presidential candidate said that screening refugees is like questioning how you protect your children, even though you love dogs and will call the Humane Society to take the dog away to reestablish a safe environment.


Ahh the politics of fear....

In a 289-137 vote, the House on Thursday easily approved legislation that requires new screening requirements on refugees from Syria and Iraq before they can enter the United States.

Forty-seven Democrats defied President Obama’s veto threat and backed the bill — just short of enough to override a presidential veto if all members are present.

The 47 Democrats who voted against the bill ranged from centrist Blue Dogs, vulnerable lawmakers in tough reelection races and even one member of leadership: Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), who heads House Democrats' communications efforts.

Two Republicans voted against the bill: Reps. Walter Jones (N.C.) and Steve King (Iowa).

GOP aides noted that because of absences, the vote would have met the two-thirds requirement to override a presidential veto if that vote had been held Thursday. Still, there's no guarantee that Democrats would vote to override the president if the bill comes back to the floor.


Just a quick FYI - since the Syrian conflict started, the US has settled 1200 refugees. Yes, 1200 not 12,000.

The US has the UNHCR first do a thorough background check before then conducting their own. This process does not take days or weeks - rather in most cases 12-18 months, longer for some.

http://www.ccmaine.org/docs/Refugee Immigration Services/Syrian-Refugee-Crisis-Updates-10-2015.pdf
Ahh the politics of fear....

Just a quick FYI - since the Syrian conflict started, the US has settled 1200 refugees. Yes, 1200 not 12,000.

The US has the UNHCR first do a thorough background check before then conducting their own. This process does not take days or weeks - rather in most cases 12-18 months, longer for some.

http://www.ccmaine.org/docs/Refugee Immigration Services/Syrian-Refugee-Crisis-Updates-10-2015.pdf

I have Iraqi relations whose process to get out of Jordan into America took seven years.
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