2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Counting down to his speech (2nd of the day mind you) on immigration. Said he will have extreme detail. I'll bet there is little detail and when there is it will be unachievable nonsense.
Counting down to his speech (2nd of the day mind you) on immigration. Said he will have extreme detail. I'll bet there is little detail and when there is it will be unachievable nonsense.

Unachievable? The Wall just got a lot more real today. The Mexican president basically accepted it. Now we just have to argue about the price and how tall it will be.
Unachievable? The Wall just got a lot more real today. The Mexican president basically accepted it. Now we just have to argue about the price and how tall it will be.
Well we can argue about the wall and the ***details*** of the wall but that leaves the small matter of moving 13 million people out of the country and how that will be done with ***details***.
Sadly his schtick is pretty unimaginative.


Honestly, reading through this thread the discussion reminded me of WeWonItTwoTimes back in the day. Not just the political stance but the writing style and tone...maybe a mod should do an IP check on that user account :lol:
Winging it on the spot doesn't make you more 'authentic'.
People can rehearse speeches in their minds, in their spare time -- practicing oratory. The best speakers don't need a script, they know what they're about.

Politics is phoney.

The advent of television forced the practice. Instead of reading notes on a radio address, you look into the camera reading from a prompter.

Technology opens our eyes to a lot of things left hidden before.
Yeah, TV changed the game. Churchill had someone read his speeches for him on the radio, it wasn't his voice the people heard. However, he was also an excellent orator capable of spontaneously delivering addresses and rebuttals.

The same goes for many a parliamentarian who has stepped up to the dispatch box, and many congressmen/congresswoman, etc, who do likewise. The bigger the event gets, the more coordinated, scripted, and less authentic it becomes. If you read a speech from a prompter (which tells you to look from left to right periodically), written by someone else, what part of that message can be attributed to you? All of it because you pronounce it? Not in linguistics. These politicians are responsible for minimal content when rehearsing this nonsense.
I think the modern day press coverage has a lot to do with it as well. Scandals are manufactured out of nowhere. Gore and Bush Snr. got eviscerated for nothing in the debates. Voters demand authenticity, but got indignant easily at superfluous nonsense. Much safer to just get on stage, read from the prompter and be done with it. There isn't much incentive for being genuine.
I think the modern day press coverage has a lot to do with it as well. Scandals are manufactured out of nowhere. Gore and Bush Snr. got eviscerated for nothing in the debates. Voters demand authenticity, but got indignant easily at superfluous nonsense. Much safer to just get on stage, read from the prompter and be done with it. There isn't much incentive for being genuine.
Yeah, that's a solid point. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Corbyn sort of highlights your point. You may have noticed that he's become a tad more scripted himself lately.
Trump's Plan
1) There will be a wall and Mexico will pay for it (they don't know it yet but they will)
2) End "catch and release" policy - illegals will be returned to the country they came from
3) Zero tolerance for criminal aliens - deportations will begin his first hour in office
4) Non-enforcement policies will be terminated
5) Restore the Good Communities Program and deport illegals currently held in jails/prisons
6) Will push Congress to pass "Kate's Law" to give harsh minimum penalties to illegals who commit violent crime and then deport them
7) Will push Congress to pass legislation to ensure that criminal illegal immigrants are swiftly deported
8) Triple the number of ICE deportation officials to create the ICE Deportation Task Force
9) Hire 5000 more Border Patrol Agents to patrol the new wall
10) Block tax payer funding to "Sanctuary Cities"
11) Cancel "unconstitutional" amnesty executive orders
12) Suspend visas to "anyplace that adequate screening cannot occur"
13) Implement "extreme vetting" through the Dept. of State and Dept. of Homeland Security to create a "no immigration list" of countries
14) Build "safe zones" in "no immigration countries" with the construction costs funded by "the Gulf states"
15) Implement an ideological certification test for all potential immigrants
16) Ensure that other countries accept back people that are deported by the United States
17) Complete the implementation of the biometric entry/exit visa system
18) "Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet" - make sure e-verify hiring is fully implemented
Trump's Plan
Turn the election into a debate on fear mongering over immigrants and hope for the worst in people, whilst characterizing the opponent as incompetent and dangerous.

The rest is all bluster because no one (Trump campaign included) has a clue on what happens if he actually wins. It's literally Brexit all over again.
Has just said he's not a politician, nor beholden to any special interests. He's running for president as the GOP's nominee -- makes him both a politician and beholden to party interests and ties. He's so full of shit that it's actually amusing.
Turn the election into a debate on fear mongering over immigrants and hope for the worst in people, whilst characterizing the opponent as incompetent and dangerous.

The rest is all bluster because no one (Trump campaign included) has a clue on what happens if he actually wins. It's literally Brexit all over again.
You know... based on this speech, all he really wants to do is blame a group of undesirables for all of the nation's social ills, create a massive police force to remove the undesirables from the country, create a tracking system to keep track of the "legal" undesirables within our borders should they also need to be removed, and therefore cure our nation of its problems and bring back peace and prosperity to all pure citizens. What could possibly go wrong with that?
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You know... based on this speech, all he really wants to do is blame a group of undesirables for all of the nation's social ills, create a massive police force to remove the undesirables from the country, create a tracking system to keep track of the undesirables within our borders should they also need to be removed, and therefore cure our nation of its problems and bring back peace and prosperity to all pure citizens. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Herr Drumpf.
Trump just got an immigrant to denounce immigrants. It frames it well, because the rest of the victims aren't immigrants and so Trump can get away with any potential criticism regarding racism.

He's truly a fecking cnut.
You know... based on this speech, all he really wants to do is blame a group of undesirables for all of the nation's social ills, create a massive police force to remove the undesirables from the country, create a tracking system to keep track of the undesirables within our borders should they also need to be removed, and therefore cure our nation of its problems and bring back peace and prosperity to all pure citizens. What could possibly go wrong with that?

We'll get awesome highways :nervous:
hmmmmm, visa overstays. What about illegally using visitor visas for work like his wife? Or was that debunked?

I think this is certainly something to look at and while we are at it we should quit training brainy bastards and making it impossible for them to stay. Obama wanted to do that but I don't think it got anywhere.
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