2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Two things required there. A) Someone would have to want to bang her and B) That person would need to pass three levels of background checks involving ancestry, education and income. A confluence of a and b simply hasn't occurred yet or if they have they preceded the era of smart phones.

Nah, there's always someone who will bang the outcasts, plus I bet her taste in sexual partners is quite diverse, "Anne Coulter's World Tour of Sex"
Trump is actually going to Mexico? What's the game here?

He is attempting to gin up support for his next policy move on immigration policy - specifically how to tap dance around not sounding too extreme by promoting mass deportations and not sounding like his is going to allow amnesty. His people are using terms like "baby-steps" lately which sounds like he will try to suggest mass deportations but not until after he is elected.
He was great. While Hillary was taking a nap in her hyperbaric chamber, Trump was commanding the attention of two countries and changing perceptions with his calm demeanor and regal statesmanship. He really is the kind of man who can bring people together. Through prosperity.
He was great. While Hillary was taking a nap in her hyperbaric chamber, Trump was commanding the attention of two countries and changing perceptions with his calm demeanor and regal statesmanship. He really is the kind of man who can bring people together. Through prosperity.

Hillary was actually busy addressing the American Legion in Cincinnati while Trump was making a desperate attempt at appearing Presidential in a foreign country.
Hillary was actually busy addressing the American Legion in Cincinnati while Trump was making a desperate attempt at appearing Presidential in a foreign country.

Has she taken the private jet out for her weekly appearance? The only Hillary coverage I see is related to Benghazi/Huma/Foundation/Emails/Wikileaks/Parkinson's Disease. Oh and firing all the people who write articles about her she doesn't like.
He was great. While Hillary was taking a nap in her hyperbaric chamber, Trump was commanding the attention of two countries and changing perceptions with his calm demeanor and regal statesmanship. He really is the kind of man who can bring people together. Through prosperity.
You can't be real.
The only thing standing in the way for a lot of people to vote for Trump is the concern if he can work with other leaders and "act presidential". He just removed that roadblock. Trump conducted official business with the president of Mexico in a respectful and dignified matter. You can see how well the role fits him. The image of Trump & Nieto speaking together, shaking hands, will have a lasting impact. MAGA
Has she taken the private jet out for her weekly appearance? The only Hillary coverage I see is related to Benghazi/Huma/Foundation/Emails/Wikileaks/Parkinson's Disease. Oh and firing all the people who write articles about her she doesn't like.

WTF are you on about ?
The only thing standing in the way for a lot of people to vote for Trump is the concern if he can work with other leaders and "act presidential". He just removed that roadblock. Trump conducted official business with the president of Mexico in a respectful and dignified matter. You can see how well the role fits him. The image of Trump & Nieto speaking together, shaking hands, will have a lasting impact. MAGA

Which of Trump's two faces should we believe ? The one who called Mexicans rapists or the one who cynically flew to Mexico to be nice out of sheer desperation because his poll numbers are tanking.
Which of Trump's two faces should we believe ? The one who called Mexicans rapists or the one who cynically flew to Mexico to be nice out of sheer desperation because his poll numbers are tanking.

Raoul, you know he was talking about ILLEGAL immigrants and not referring to Mexicans as a people. When he was up there talking to Nieto, and responding to questions, did he seem in any way racist to you? Trump wants to be great. The best way to do that is to make America great. It's a simple equation.
Why are you posting conspiratorial BS now ?

There's nothing conspiratorial in there. One guy works for Huff Post (wikipedia: an overtly liberal/left commentary outlet and alternative to news aggregators such as the Drudge Report), and the other is a new age California doctor with no political leanings I'm aware of.

Check out this interview with a Secret Service agent who worked closely with the Clintons for years. It's very revealing. He'll probably end up dead like Seth Rich.

Raoul, you know he was talking about ILLEGAL immigrants and not referring to Mexicans as a people. When he was up there talking to Nieto, and responding to questions, did he seem in any way racist to you? Trump wants to be great. The best way to do that is to make America great. It's a simple equation.

He made a sweeping statement that Mexican immigrants are rapists. There's a reason previous Mexican Presidents criticized him and the current one compared him to Hitler and Mussolini. He also has zero governance experience which basically disqualifies him from the Presidency.
There's nothing conspiratorial in there. One guy works for Huff Post (wikipedia: an overtly liberal/left commentary outlet and alternative to news aggregators such as the Drudge Report), and the other is a new age California doctor with no political leanings I'm aware of.

Check out this interview with a Secret Service agent who worked closely with the Clintons for years. It's very revealing. He'll probably end up dead like Seth Rich.

I know plenty of people who have worked for Hillary who only have good things to say about her.
He made a sweeping statement that Mexican immigrants are rapists. There's a reason previous Mexican Presidents criticized him and the current one compared him to Hitler and Mussolini. He also has zero governance experience which basically disqualifies him from the Presidency.

I know we've talked about this before and I don't think you're being objective about his actual words. They were clearly in reference to the damage done by criminal ILLEGAL aliens to our society.

People determined to see only the negative side of Trump will twist those words into "all Mexicans are rapists" instead of "illegal aliens are coming into our country and being given sanctuary in cities where they often face little criminal penalty for violent crimes like rape, gun violence, etc."
I know we've talked about this before and I don't think you're being objective about his actual words. They were clearly in reference to the damage done by criminal ILLEGAL aliens to our society.

People determined to see only the negative side of Trump will twist those words into "all Mexicans are rapists" instead of "illegal aliens are coming into our country and being given sanctuary in cities where they often face little criminal penalty for violent crimes like rape, gun violence, etc."

Once its out there, its out there. He is polling at 14% among Hispanics as a result of his dog whistle race baiting comments.
I will have to admit that you are right about this one. I have seen some of her rallies with almost a hundred people in the audience.

If that's her support then Trump must have about a dozen since she is schlonging him in the polls and already has enough support to win the election.
I love the "look at the crowds!" argument. Bernie was getting tens of thousands in Manhattan. Lost the NY primary by 16%.
He is attempting to gin up support for his next policy move on immigration policy - specifically how to tap dance around not sounding too extreme by promoting mass deportations and not sounding like his is going to allow amnesty. His people are using terms like "baby-steps" lately which sounds like he will try to suggest mass deportations but not until after he is elected.

So it's a 'look i'm reasonable, i'm talking to the Mexicans' to those who don't like his immigration policy and a 'can you believe they're buying this?' to his supporters?

He couldn't even decide his stance at the Hannity forum the other day, Hillary will surely batter him on this at the debates.
So it's a 'look i'm reasonable, i'm talking to the Mexicans' to those who don't like his immigration policy and a 'can you believe they're buying this?' to his supporters?

He couldn't even decide his stance at the Hannity forum the other day, Hillary will surely batter him on this at the debates.

This is make or break for him on immigration imo. The trip to Mexico today where he patronized an entire country after trashing them for an entire year and the speech tonight in Phoenix where he outlines his policy. Personally, I think it won't be well received as he will either alliante the right wing nutters who he rode to the nomination or the college educated whites he is seeking to court in the final two months.
Which of Trump's two faces should we believe ? The one who called Mexicans rapists or the one who cynically flew to Mexico to be nice out of sheer desperation because his poll numbers are tanking.

Must reply in question form. The answer is: The apt term for Trump's constant flip-flopping to con the supporting base and independents alike.

Raoul, you know he was talking about ILLEGAL immigrants and not referring to Mexicans as a people.

:lol: So all the ones who come over the border illegally are instantly criminals or rapists? That's hilarious, and a pathetic attempt to excuse an awful statement by a moronic bigot.

He couldn't even decide his stance at the Hannity forum the other day,

That was truly the most embarrassing thing I think I have ever witnessed. A supposed Presidential candidate and his (supposed) Journalist/TV Presenter mate both ASKING THE FECKING AUDIENCE! about immigration policy. It's not "Who wants to be a millionaire" for fecks sake. If anything ever in the mounds upon mounds of evidence to prove that Trump is the furthest thing from a good fit for President was proof, then it surely has to be that one instance. It just shows the moronic, dumb, walking clusterfeck will say anything to anyone and side with who agrees most, or who he upsets the least. He couldn't be further from Presidential if he tried!

If he didn't have money (which is debatable anyway) he would just be an arse-licking yes man, following people round agreeing with anyone who gave him praise, just like with Putin because he said something nice about him once. Just like last week because Joe said something positive about him on Morning Joe, Trump said he wasn't so bad, despite slagging him for months on end. He's like a child, a sad little man who can only say nice things about people who say nice things about him. How people cannot see this disturbs me, the people who support him disturb me far more though. They either need help, or are desperately beyond it.
He was great. While Hillary was taking a nap in her hyperbaric chamber, Trump was commanding the attention of two countries and changing perceptions with his calm demeanor and regal statesmanship. He really is the kind of man who can bring people together. Through prosperity.

I've decided that you are a troll and will no longer take you seriously.
I love the "look at the crowds!" argument. Bernie was getting tens of thousands in Manhattan. Lost the NY primary by 16%.
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that for the New York primary you had to register 6 months before voting day to get a vote. Chances are a lot of the people at that Manhattan rally couldn't vote.

Although your point still stands, big crowds don't mean a lot.
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I know we've talked about this before and I don't think you're being objective about his actual words. They were clearly in reference to the damage done by criminal ILLEGAL aliens to our society.

People determined to see only the negative side of Trump will twist those words into "all Mexicans are rapists" instead of "illegal aliens are coming into our country and being given sanctuary in cities where they often face little criminal penalty for violent crimes like rape, gun violence, etc."
Difficult to take it any other way when he said "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
You can livestream the Trump rally in Arizona tonight. It's his second major event today. Most days he does two live events - the man has incredible vigor and is without a doubt, high energy. He'll bring the same commitment and enthusiasm to his leadership as president.

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