2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I bet Hillary's team or the press will have evidence that Melania was working illegally whilst she was on a tourist visa. That's the october surprise.
So it's a 'look i'm reasonable, i'm talking to the Mexicans' to those who don't like his immigration policy and a 'can you believe they're buying this?' to his supporters?

He couldn't even decide his stance at the Hannity forum the other day, Hillary will surely batter him on this at the debates.

To be fair, its going to be difficult for Hillary to batter jello. He has flat out lied despite video evidence.

How do you debate someone like that?

Slippery (orange) eel.
Trump's Plan
1) There will be a wall and Mexico will pay for it (they don't know it yet but they will)
2) End "catch and release" policy - illegals will be returned to the country they came from
3) Zero tolerance for criminal aliens - deportations will begin his first hour in office
4) Non-enforcement policies will be terminated
5) Restore the Good Communities Program and deport illegals currently held in jails/prisons
6) Will push Congress to pass "Kate's Law" to give harsh minimum penalties to illegals who commit violent crime and then deport them
7) Will push Congress to pass legislation to ensure that criminal illegal immigrants are swiftly deported
8) Triple the number of ICE deportation officials to create the ICE Deportation Task Force
9) Hire 5000 more Border Patrol Agents to patrol the new wall
10) Block tax payer funding to "Sanctuary Cities"
11) Cancel "unconstitutional" amnesty executive orders
12) Suspend visas to "anyplace that adequate screening cannot occur"
13) Implement "extreme vetting" through the Dept. of State and Dept. of Homeland Security to create a "no immigration list" of countries
14) Build "safe zones" in "no immigration countries" with the construction costs funded by "the Gulf states"
15) Implement an ideological certification test for all potential immigrants
16) Ensure that other countries accept back people that are deported by the United States
17) Complete the implementation of the biometric entry/exit visa system
18) "Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet" - make sure e-verify hiring is fully implemented

So much for for having a 'business man' as a president. A key thing about running a business is choosing your priorities within a limited budget and the expected outcomes. Immigration or illegals is the highest priority and give you the biggest bang for your buck?

Morally, images of having police or ICE stopping anyone who looks illegal is just downright scary. Who next? Catholics and jews?

They may need to build another statue of liberty on the west coast with the words on her current plaque inscribed more boldly -- because its obvious that the New Yorker that is Trump, cant seem to read it clearly. Maybe he needs bigger eyes.
He was great. While Hillary was taking a nap in her hyperbaric chamber, Trump was commanding the attention of two countries and changing perceptions with his calm demeanor and regal statesmanship. He really is the kind of man who can bring people together. Through prosperity.


Did a real person just say that?
Hero gets his shirt blurred on CNN.


Original airing
Hillary must have got to Trump with portraying him as being unfit for President . Probably why he went to Mexico to show that he was.
Trump's Plan
1) There will be a wall and Mexico will pay for it (they don't know it yet but they will)
2) End "catch and release" policy - illegals will be returned to the country they came from
3) Zero tolerance for criminal aliens - deportations will begin his first hour in office
4) Non-enforcement policies will be terminated
5) Restore the Good Communities Program and deport illegals currently held in jails/prisons
6) Will push Congress to pass "Kate's Law" to give harsh minimum penalties to illegals who commit violent crime and then deport them
7) Will push Congress to pass legislation to ensure that criminal illegal immigrants are swiftly deported
8) Triple the number of ICE deportation officials to create the ICE Deportation Task Force
9) Hire 5000 more Border Patrol Agents to patrol the new wall
10) Block tax payer funding to "Sanctuary Cities"
11) Cancel "unconstitutional" amnesty executive orders
12) Suspend visas to "anyplace that adequate screening cannot occur"
13) Implement "extreme vetting" through the Dept. of State and Dept. of Homeland Security to create a "no immigration list" of countries
14) Build "safe zones" in "no immigration countries" with the construction costs funded by "the Gulf states"
15) Implement an ideological certification test for all potential immigrants
16) Ensure that other countries accept back people that are deported by the United States
17) Complete the implementation of the biometric entry/exit visa system
18) "Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet" - make sure e-verify hiring is fully implemented

I seriously got a dictator/nazi vibe reading this
I actually like most of that plan except the Mexico paid wall but he doesn't address the harder issues like kids who were brought to USA before they were registered in their home country. I know a few kids through my friend's schools (parents are lawyers, so went to a private school) who came to the US when they were toddlers so while they don't have any American citizenship they don't have their Mexican/Honduran/Salvadorean/Haitian papers either, so you would not know where to send them.
Just curious, why is it never mentioned in all this wall and immigration business that during the Obama administration that Mexican immigration has gone way down and that many sources point to the fact that more Mexicans are leaving the United States than coming in? Should´t this be of some relevance, yet I never hear of this spoken about by the candidates or parties.
Just curious, why is it never mentioned in all this wall and immigration business that during the Obama administration that Mexican immigration has gone way down and that many sources point to the fact that more Mexicans are leaving the United States than coming in? Should´t this be of some relevance, yet I never hear of this spoken about by the candidates or parties.

If you want to have a rational argument they probably would but Trump obviously isn't, so given he wants to play the immigrant card (which is arguable the most effective card for any right wing populist out there) what other options than the Mexicans does he have?
If you want to have a rational argument they probably would but Trump obviously isn't, so given he wants to play the immigrant card (which is arguable the most effective card for any right wing populist out there) what other options than the Mexicans does he have?

Yeah, I realize that this all fits in the firing up the angry white man Republican thesis, but it seems like the press or the democrats should start pointing out this situation.
Morally, images of having police or ICE stopping anyone who looks illegal is just downright scary. Who next? Catholics and jews?

How is that scary? What does religion have to do with it? If there is probable cause to suspect someone is breaking the law, action will be taken. Under the existing laws, by the agencies designed to enforce them.
Yeah, I realize that this all fits in the firing up the angry white man Republican thesis, but it seems like the press or the democrats should start pointing out this situation.

Yes sure, but when the media is so categorized in ideological brackets as is the case in the US it's very hard to actually deliver the rational argument to the opposite voterbase let alone have them really consider it.
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I seriously got a dictator/nazi vibe reading this

Its a standard GOP approach - deport as many brown people as possible and prevent as many existing poor and colored people from voting so there are enough white people left to win elections.
You know... based on this speech, all he really wants to do is blame a group of undesirables for all of the nation's social ills, create a massive police force to remove the undesirables from the country, create a tracking system to keep track of the "legal" undesirables within our borders should they also need to be removed, and therefore cure our nation of its problems and bring back peace and prosperity to all pure citizens. What could possibly go wrong with that?

Has an eerily familiar sound to it.

I took a dump in Trump Tower. My life is complete!

I hope you didn't flush.
How is that scary? What does religion have to do with it? If there is probable cause to suspect someone is breaking the law, action will be taken. Under the existing laws, by the agencies designed to enforce them.
That's not my post you replied to, but in response to your question, you are talking about profiling which I believe is illegal.

Yeah, I realize that this all fits in the firing up the angry white man Republican thesis, but it seems like the press or the democrats should start pointing out this situation.
Net immigration with Mexico has been around zero for a while now. The problem is Central America. The gang violence there is absurd and criminally (pun intended) under-reported. Innocent people are doing anything to get north to escape it, sometimes just saving enough money to send their kids who inevitably get abused along the way. It doesn't seem to get any headlines, though Vice News did a good segment on it.

They're refugees of war, basically; The War On Drugs, which the US started. And as such, we should help the victims of it.
Trump's Plan
1) There will be a wall and Mexico will pay for it (they don't know it yet but they will) -good luck.
2) End "catch and release" policy - illegals will be returned to the country they came from -reasonable.
3) Zero tolerance for criminal aliens - deportations will begin his first hour in office -good luck.
4) Non-enforcement policies will be terminated -which policies?
5) Restore the Good Communities Program and deport illegals currently held in jails/prisons -same as no2.
6) Will push Congress to pass "Kate's Law" to give harsh minimum penalties to illegals who commit violent crime and then deport them -reasonable.
7) Will push Congress to pass legislation to ensure that criminal illegal immigrants are swiftly deported -repetition.
8) Triple the number of ICE deportation officials to create the ICE Deportation Task Force -reasonable.
9) Hire 5000 more Border Patrol Agents to patrol the new wall -can't be mexican-Americans though, they'll favour their rapist friends and family for entry.
10) Block tax payer funding to "Sanctuary Cities" -whats a sanctuary city?
11) Cancel "unconstitutional" amnesty executive orders -well obviously otherwise he can't do all the above.
12) Suspend visas to "anyplace that adequate screening cannot occur" -what constitutes adequate screening?
13) Implement "extreme vetting" through the Dept. of State and Dept. of Homeland Security to create a "no immigration list" of countries -reasonable.
14) Build "safe zones" in "no immigration countries" with the construction costs funded by "the Gulf states" -good luck.
15) Implement an ideological certification test for all potential immigrants -how is he going to know they're telling the truth?
16) Ensure that other countries accept back people that are deported by the United States -good luck again.
17) Complete the implementation of the biometric entry/exit visa system -reasonable.
18) "Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet" - make sure e-verify hiring is fully implemented -what is this magnet? Is he referring to the economy as a whole?
Yes I know, but that does not stop my hope that Bieber gets fecked off back to Canada. It is too important an issue not to discuss at every opportunity.

Don't want to de-rail the thread, but I've never really got the hate towards Bieber to be honest. I'm indifferent towards him

Glad to hear from Kaine that they are not taking anything likely.

As Clinton loses some of her convention bounce the race was bound to tighten.

Clinton is still up by 5-6 points on average. It's still a tall order for Trump to win from here. However Clinton's own bad image means that one or two major events could still tip this towards Drumpf.
Trump echoes Mexican president, says lax US gun laws help arm drug cartels

Godspeed, NRA :lol:
Leaked emails show Clinton, Dems split on linking Trump to GOP

Senior Democratic Party officials balked at plans by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to distinguish GOP nominee Donald Trump from Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and other Republicans, according to emails released by WikiLeaks.

The Clinton camp’s quick-response arm “basically want to make the case that you either stand with Ryan or with Trump, that Trump is much worse than regular Republicans,” then-communications director Luis Miranda told CEO Amy Dacey in May. “[T]hey don't want us to tie Trump to other Republicans because they think it makes him look normal.”

“That's a problem,” he added in the email, which had a subject line “Problem with HFA," using an acronym for Hillary for America.
“We would basically have to throw out our entire frame that the GOP made Trump through years of divisive and ugly politics,” he wrote. “It just doesn't work from the Party side.”

Adopting the Clinton campaign’s line, he insisted, would “hold up Paul Ryan as a good example” and "give down ballot Republicans such an easy out.”

It “would ALSO put us at odds with … basically all of our Congressional Democrats who have embraced our talking points … to point out that GOPers in Congress have been pushing these ugly policies for years,” he claimed.

“Let me see what I can find out,” responded Dacey.

The email exchange, which had been previously highlighted by the New York Post and NBC News, offers a peek into the internal frictions between Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) efforts to elect Democrats in the House, Senate and state offices.

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