2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Trump's Plan
1) There will be a wall and Mexico will pay for it (they don't know it yet but they will)
2) End "catch and release" policy - illegals will be returned to the country they came from
3) Zero tolerance for criminal aliens - deportations will begin his first hour in office
4) Non-enforcement policies will be terminated
5) Restore the Good Communities Program and deport illegals currently held in jails/prisons
6) Will push Congress to pass "Kate's Law" to give harsh minimum penalties to illegals who commit violent crime and then deport them
7) Will push Congress to pass legislation to ensure that criminal illegal immigrants are swiftly deported
8) Triple the number of ICE deportation officials to create the ICE Deportation Task Force
9) Hire 5000 more Border Patrol Agents to patrol the new wall
10) Block tax payer funding to "Sanctuary Cities"
11) Cancel "unconstitutional" amnesty executive orders
12) Suspend visas to "anyplace that adequate screening cannot occur"
13) Implement "extreme vetting" through the Dept. of State and Dept. of Homeland Security to create a "no immigration list" of countries
14) Build "safe zones" in "no immigration countries" with the construction costs funded by "the Gulf states"
15) Implement an ideological certification test for all potential immigrants
16) Ensure that other countries accept back people that are deported by the United States
17) Complete the implementation of the biometric entry/exit visa system
18) "Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet" - make sure e-verify hiring is fully implemented
All the illegals that are criminals should be deport immediately after they finish their time in prison, all the illegals that pay taxes would get a green card, all the illegals who have jobs could apply for the green card and start paying taxes, that would be more realistic and besides if they want to penalize someone then penalize the people who gives them work paying in cash.
Just curious, why is it never mentioned in all this wall and immigration business that during the Obama administration that Mexican immigration has gone way down and that many sources point to the fact that more Mexicans are leaving the United States than coming in? Should´t this be of some relevance, yet I never hear of this spoken about by the candidates or parties.
Has more to do with the economy, I started seeing white and black people working on landscaping and before was only Hispanics.
Regarding Trump's point 18, there is always going to be a lot of resentment around illegal immigration. As an example, some Americans do not like that certain illegal immigrants attend a state's higher education system and pay (subsidized) in-state tuition fees while out-of-state citizens and legal residents pay (much) higher out-of-state rates. They wonder "why are citizens being treated worse than illegal immigrants?"
The rights and wrongs of this have some nuances but it does make a lot of citizens unhappy that it occurs. And it is an example of the kind of thing Trump is referring to.

I think many Americans can accept the concept of small-scale illegal immigration as it has always occurred but nearly all Americans seem troubled by the huge scale of it in recent decades. Trump has successfully tapped into this sentiment and will continue to do so.

More :lol:

And now that I'm done :lol:@Trump, I shall :mad:@HRC

Did Hillary Clinton stand by as Honduras coup ushered in era of violence?
While secretary of state, the Democratic presidential nominee supported new elections following a 2009 coup – and the consequences continue to reverberate

In a recent interview with New York Daily News, Clinton said the legislature and judiciary “actually followed the law in removing President Zelaya. Now I didn’t like the way it looked or the way they did it, but they had a strong argument that they had followed the constitution and the legal precedents”.

Yet the military’s actions were widely condemned as a coup by governments across Latin America, the UN, EU and the Organisation of American States (OAS), which suspended Honduras.

Clinton has claimed that calling the military coup a military coup would haveincreased the suffering of ordinary Hondurans as it would have triggered the suspension of US aid.
The new government swiftly unveiled a collection of pro-business policies and aggressively pursued a sell-off of natural resources.

As community leaders like Cáceres fought back against mining, logging and agri-business projects, Honduras became the most dangerous country for environmental activists, with at least 118 killed since 2010, according to the latest data from Global Witness.

The deaths came amid a general deterioration in human rights. Between 2009 and 2015, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued 41 protective measures covering hundreds of union workers, lawyers and LGBT, environmental and indigenous activists who were facing imminent risks. Only Colombia and Mexico – both of which have much larger populations – received more during the same period.

One of Zelaya’s most controversial policies had been to order an investigation into the entrenched land conflicts in the Bajo Aguán region where campesinos were pitted against palm oil conglomerates. After the coup, campesino groups started occupying land illegally as Zelaya’s land reform plans were shelved. The region was rapidly militarised and more than 110 campesinos were murdered.

Violence against the LGBT community has also escalated since the coup. Since 2009, 229 LGBT people have been murdered – an average of 30 every year, according to the NGO Cattrachas. This compares to an average of two murders a year between 1994 and 2008.

The country’s economy has tanked. Immediately after the coup, a five-month curfew imposed by the new government cost the economy $50m a day. Wages dropped, subsidies were shelved and the public education and social security systems gutted.

Meanwhile, organised crime – which was already well-established – flexed its muscles, infiltrating all corners of the country’s weak institutions. Death squads reappeared, and the murder rate surged.

And why HRC is a long-term threat to democracy as a whole, since she embraces the Scalia Citizens United stand that corruption needs explicit proof of quid-pro-quo

Clinton's embrace of Republicans will harm her own party's future

And then there’s the Clinton campaign’s response to questions about large donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments that seem to coincide with the state department approving large weapons deals to dictatorships like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The Clinton camp has essentially been arguing that since there’s no evidence of quid pro quo, there’s nothing wrong. Many commentators (including a lot of ethics experts) have said that this comes very close to corruption, and it sounds an awful lot like the GOP’s long-held defense of Citizens United.

This is the same logic, too, that the Clinton camp used against Bernie Sanders when he continually pointed out the large number of bank and oil lobbyists who were giving money to the network of Clinton Super Pacs and interest groups during the primary. As campaign finance expert Lawrence Lessig has previously pointed out, this tactic is further entrenching big corporate money into our political system, even though Democrats have spent years pointing to the dissent in Citizens United that made clear the fundamental problem with corporate money in politics is much broader than explicitly buying a vote on a specific issue.
So all the white european immigrants can be kicked out as well then?
A few Portuguese got kicked this year around where I live plus Brazilians (most of the American people are ignorant and for them if is from South America then is not white), using the stats we probably have more Europeans expelled from this country than Hispanics.
Note:Brazilians aren't Hispanics

In what could be good news for endangered Republican senators up for re-election this fall, a majority of Hillary Clinton supporters say they are likely to split the ticket — that is, vote for the Democratic presidential candidate but then support some GOP candidates for the Senate or other offices down the ballot.

In a nationwide USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, a third of Clinton's supporters, 32%, say they are "very likely" to split their votes, and another 20% say they are "somewhat" likely. Twenty percent say they are "not very likely" to split the ticket, and 23% say they'll vote for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.

In contrast, a majority of Donald Trump supporters say they probably or definitely will vote only for Republicans. A third, 33%, say they plan to vote a straight GOP ticket up and down the ballot, and another 20% say they are "not very likely" to vote for Democratic candidates for other offices.
A few Portuguese got kicked this year around where I live plus Brazilians (most of the American people are ignorant and for them if is from South America then is not white), using the stats we probably have more Europeans expelled from this country than Hispanics.
Note:Brazilians aren't Hispanics

Meh they are ignorant but not blind, the probably think Portugese are muslims though
You know... based on this speech, all he really wants to do is blame a group of undesirables for all of the nation's social ills, create a massive police force to remove the undesirables from the country, create a tracking system to keep track of the "legal" undesirables within our borders should they also need to be removed, and therefore cure our nation of its problems and bring back peace and prosperity to all pure citizens. What could possibly go wrong with that?

Her worst week yet... the FBI tried to help by dumping their report Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend. Even that wasn't enough to keep her from looking incompetent (doesn't know how to classify a document?), unhealthy (couldn't work or remember anything due to her brain injuries), and utterly dishonest (13 mobile devices?).

Her worst week yet... the FBI tried to help by dumping their report Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend. Even that wasn't enough to keep her from looking incompetent (doesn't know how to classify a document?), unhealthy (couldn't work or remember anything due to her brain injuries), and utterly dishonest (13 mobile devices?).

I'm with you man. I've been warming to Trump lately. Watch this space.

F.B.I. Papers Offer Closer Look at Hillary Clinton Email Inquiry
The documents provided a number of new details about Mrs. Clinton’s private server, including what appeared to be a frantic effort by a computer specialist to delete an archive of her emails even after a congressional committee had requested they be preserved.

About three weeks later, however, the unnamed specialist “had an ‘oh shit’ moment” and realized that he had not destroyed an archive of emails that was supposed to have been deleted a year earlier, according to the F.B.I. report.

Mr. Powell warned Mrs. Clinton that if she used her BlackBerry for official business, those emails could become “official record and subject to the law.”

yeah, meh. Adhering to the law is always tedious. I totally understand her.
As I said a few hundred pages back, if these two are the best we can come up with the country is in trouble. Still only one option for me but I really wish Biden/Warren had run.
I couldn't care less about Hillarys emails. When you know what went on before with the Bush crowd this is nothing. There is a republican machine that for the last thirty years has tried to destroy the Clintons yet nothing has stuck. The guy behind this is also the guy behind citizens united and is now the assistant campaign manager to trump who in my opinion is only running to enrich himself and his shitehawk kids. The future of decency is at stake in this country. The trump campaign is running on conspiracies funded by a hedge fund billionaire, Robert Mercer, and will ultimately fail.
Please please please, anyone considering supporting trump please read up on this guy. He would be denied in any aspect of normal life, he is a crook, a scam, a bigot and a very selfish, compulsive and oblivious liar.
Hillary Clinton is not perfect but when the choice is her or trump I think of my kids, who will they benefit under. The choice is clear people. If you don't like it sit it out and suck up the next four years, maybe then the republicans can come up with someone other than a dumbfeck with an evil corporate villan, an old dude who doesn't know how many houses he owned and a mentally deranged white trash Alaskan, a multi millionaire venture capitalist Mormon bishop with an Ayn Randian nut job or a carnival barker fraudster Mussolini wannabe and an anti gay failing governor who is obviously gay.
I couldn't care less about Hillarys emails. When you know what went on before with the Bush crowd this is nothing. There is a republican machine that for the last thirty years has tried to destroy the Clintons yet nothing has stuck. The guy behind this is also the guy behind citizens united and is now the assistant campaign manager to trump who in my opinion is only running to enrich himself and his shitehawk kids. The future of decency is at stake in this country. The trump campaign is running on conspiracies funded by a hedge fund billionaire, Robert Mercer, and will ultimately fail.
Please please please, anyone considering supporting trump please read up on this guy. He would be denied in any aspect of normal life, he is a crook, a scam, a bigot and a very selfish, compulsive and oblivious liar.
Hillary Clinton is not perfect but when the choice is her or trump I think of my kids, who will they benefit under. The choice is clear people. If you don't like it sit it out and suck up the next four years, maybe then the republicans can come up with someone other than a dumbfeck with an evil corporate villan, an old dude who doesn't know how many houses he owned and a mentally deranged white trash Alaskan, a multi millionaire venture capitalist Mormon bishop with an Ayn Randian nut job or a carnival barker fraudster Mussolini wannabe and an anti gay failing governor who is obviously gay.

Well said, I'd gladly post an applause gif for that one, but it kind of goes against this forum's rules. It sure deserves on though. Feck it.

I've been following posts by Americano and Berbatrick and have concluded Hillary is just not trustworthy enough for me.

Fair enough, I see you have really thought this through and have fought with your conscience over this and have conceded to better judgement. Congratulations for seeing the light.
I've been following posts by Americano and Berbatrick and have concluded Hillary is just not trustworthy enough for me.
Is Trump trustworthy enough for a position of this magnitude. Remember he has a massive fraud case coming in November. He is also named in an underage rape case which people should definately look in to.
Is Trump trustworthy enough for a position of this magnitude. Remember he has a massive fraud case coming in November. He is also named in an underage rape case which people should definately look in to.

I'll have to check with Americano to verify this, but thanks.
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