2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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How does her being killed mean Hilary doesn't care about blacks? Or is this just another moment where his lack of a filter has been badly exposed again, using Twitter like a notepad to document every single incoherent thought.

He claims policies she and other Dems support have led to the violence like this in black neighborhoods over the past decades. Basically trying to score cheap political points off a tragedy.
He claims policies she and other Dems support have led to the violence like this in black neighborhoods over the past decades. Basically trying to score cheap political points off a tragedy.

Basically Politics 101?

I find the race-baiting by both candidates hilarious. It's obvious neither of them care about African Americans beyond getting their votes in November.
Basically Politics 101?

I find the race-baiting by both candidates hilarious. It's obvious neither of them care about African Americans beyond getting their votes in November.

There's little equivalence between them. The Clinton's have a pretty long track record on getting support from black communities over decades, whereas Trump has cherry picked a few token black pastors to be his surrogates this year.
He claims policies she and other Dems support have led to the violence like this in black neighborhoods over the past decades. Basically trying to score cheap political points off a tragedy.

Might have worked better if he hadn't sent his condolocences two hours after sending the cheap Tweet. Christ, that guy needs a real campaign manager. Even for a campaign that will ultimately play out as a self-promotion tour, it's just really bad.
Might have worked better if he hadn't sent his condolocences two hours after sending the cheap Tweet. Christ, that guy needs a real campaign manager. Even for a campaign that will ultimately play out as a self-promotion tour, it's just really bad.

He has a good one now - trouble is he doesn't always listen to advice and insists on improvising.
Drumpf getting roasted on Twitter for attempting to use the murder of Dwayne Wade's cousin to suggest Hillary doesn't care about Blacks.

Was just going to post about that, surely one of his worst comments yet. The man's ego knows no bounds: has to use the death of someone to try and boost his own campaign. fecking cnut.
Was just going to post about that, surely one of his worst comments yet. The man's ego knows no bounds: has to use the death of someone to try and boost his own campaign. fecking cnut.
So like liberals do with gun laws every time there is a mass shooting? That's just politics. Trump is terrible, but so are 95% of other politicians.
Private Prison Involved in Immigrant Detention Funds Donald Trump and His Super PAC
GEO GROUP, THE second largest private prison company in the U.S., and a major player in for-profit immigrant detention, filed a disclosure this month revealing that it provided $50,000 through its political action committee to Rebuilding America Now, the Super PAC backing the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

While Trump has not used his campaign to purchase campaign advertisements, an unusual dynamic noted by many in the campaign press, Rebuilding America Now has become his de facto paid media voice, with $2 million in recent anti-Hillary Clinton ad buys.


Democratic Pundits Downplay Serious Ethical Issues Raised by the Clinton Foundation

One frequent line of attack heard this week is that stories concerning the Clinton Foundation, at best, only reveal that some foundation donors received help at the State Department with visa problems:

  • Vox writer Matthew Yglesias argued that “however many times they take a run” at the Clinton Foundation, journalists “don’t come up with anything more scandalous than the revelation that maybe billionaire philanthropists have an easier time getting the State Department to look into their visa problems than an ordinary person would.” The Vox piece was circulated widely by the Clinton campaign.
  • ThinkProgress editor Adam Peck wrote that “aside from an occasional assist with acquiring a visa, or meeting with executives from a cosmetics company to talk about ways to curb gender-based violence in South Africa,” there were no “shady dealings” conducted by the Clinton Foundation. He added, “If Hillary Clinton was abusing the power of her office by running an international multi-million dollar pay-for-play scheme, she did a lousy job of it.”
  • DailyKos writer Mark Sumner, in a piece shared by Blue Nation Review, a website owned by Clinton campaign operative David Brock, claimed that “extensive reviews haven’t found any evidence — any evidence — that [the Clinton Foundation] affected a single action at the State Department.”
The assertions above obscure the problems unearthed through years of investigative reporting on the foundation. Journalist David Sirota, who has reported extensively on the Clinton Foundation, rounded up a sample of the stories that provide a window into Clinton Foundation issues:

  • The Washington Post found that two months after Secretary Clinton encouraged the Russian government to approve a $3.7 billion deal with Boeing, the aerospace company announced a $900,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation.
  • The Wall Street Journal found that Clinton made an “unusual intervention” to announce a legal settlement with UBS, after which the Swiss bank increased its donations to, and involvement with, the Clinton Foundation.
  • The New York Times reported that a Russian company assumed control of major uranium reserves in a deal that required State Department approval, as the chairman of the company involved in the transaction donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.
The Intercept has also reported on the Clinton Foundation and the conduct of the State Department under Clinton. Leaked government documents obtained by The Intercept revealed that the Moroccan government lobbied Clinton aggressively to influence her and other officials on the Moroccan military occupation of Western Sahara, which holds some of the world’s largest reserves of phosphate, a lucrative export for the kingdom.

As part of its strategy for influence, the Moroccan government and companies controlled by the kingdom donated to the Bill Clinton presidential library, the Clinton Foundation, and hired individuals associated with the Clinton political network. Despite a statement by the Obama administration that suggested it would reverse the previous Bush administration support for the Moroccan government and would back a U.N.-negotiated settlement for the conflict in Western Sahara, Clinton announced there would be “no change” in policy — and has gone on to praise the Moroccan government’s human rights record.

As recently as Monday, we learned that after being denied an official meeting with the State Department, Peabody Energy, the worlds largest coal company, used a consultant who donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation to back channel and attempt to set up a meeting with Clinton via her aide Huma Abedin. The consultant, Joyce Aboussie, wrote that “It should go without saying that the Peabody folks” reached out to her because of her “relationship with the Clinton’s [sic].”

Peabody and Aboussie have declined to comment, and it is unclear if the meeting took place.

Drumpf getting roasted on Twitter for attempting to use the murder of Dwayne Wade's cousin to suggest Hillary doesn't care about Blacks.

This cnut will get disqualified from the "Biggest cnut challenge" for being too yuge of a cnut.
So like liberals do with gun laws every time there is a mass shooting? That's just politics. Trump is terrible, but so are 95% of other politicians.

There's quite a clear difference. Liberals arguing for gun control are generally arguing that a tragic death from a gun incident could've been prevented if guns were controlled/banned.

There's nothing of the like from Trump here. He isn't even making a point in relation to her death: just using it as a cheap way to try and show that he's somehow better for a certain group of voters. It's fecking despicable.
Anyone posted that story about the rent at his tower going up by 500% since he started getting donors' money?

The Drumpfkins are literally being duped out of their money (rolling donation on his website without opt out option etc...). The Clintons should forget about the 'unfit to be C-o-C' angle. Just hammer at these instances over and over.
There's little equivalence between them. The Clinton's have a pretty long track record on getting support from black communities over decades, whereas Trump has cherry picked a few token black pastors to be his surrogates this year.

Huh? I didn't equate the 2 candidates.

Leaving Trump for a second, I find it funny how Clinton is associating Trump with fringe racist groups, attempting to "shame" mainstream Republicans into voting for her. As if the policies and laws of mainstream Republicans and America aren't racially biased already. It's classic divide and conquer.
There's quite a clear difference. Liberals arguing for gun control are generally arguing that a tragic death from a gun incident could've been prevented if guns were controlled/banned.

There's nothing of the like from Trump here. He isn't even making a point in relation to her death: just using it as a cheap way to try and show that he's somehow better for a certain group of voters. It's fecking despicable.
Well that isn't the case, Trumps idea, as bad as it actually is, is that he will do more to combat violence and deaths in African American groups. I don't see the difference with the point to gun laws.
I'm not saying it's pointless, just that making it free isn't going to help anything.

An educated workforce is pointless? If America actually stopped exporting its manufacturing base it would negate any stupid arguments about free education. Train kids in trades AND educate them and do it cheaply. Putting young people in a hundred grand debt or more isnt the answer.
An educated workforce is pointless? If America actually stopped exporting its manufacturing base it would negate any stupid arguments about free education. Train kids in trades AND educate them and do it cheaply. Putting young people in a hundred grand debt or more isnt the answer.
You quote a post that says "I'm not saying an educated workforce is pointless" by saying "an uneducated work force is pointless?" Okay then.
Drumpf getting roasted on Twitter for attempting to use the murder of Dwayne Wade's cousin to suggest Hillary doesn't care about Blacks.

He destroys the myth that since people are rich, they must be smart.
Anyone posted that story about the rent at his tower going up by 500% since he started getting donors' money?

The Drumpfkins are literally being duped out of their money (rolling donation on his website without opt out option etc...). The Clintons should forget about the 'unfit to be C-o-C' angle. Just hammer at these instances over and over.

Yes, I remember seeing that. What a sham his campaign is. Performance art that got out of hand or something.
Well that isn't the case, Trumps idea, as bad as it actually is, is that he will do more to combat violence and deaths in African American groups. I don't see the difference with the point to gun laws.

What is Trump's idea to help African American groups?
I've been reading Trump's policies on his website. It's great. On the trade relations between America and China, it says:

Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator.

Reads exactly like a narcissist acting like a cowboy who thinks he's single-handedly going to put everyone and everything in its place. What a clown.
In otherwise unrelated news that doesn't deserve its own topic, North Carolina spent over a million from its disaster relief fund to fight abortion rights. Now they have a tropical storm heading their way. If there's any flooding, lets wait for them to run to the fed seeking cash like little bitches.
In otherwise unrelated news that doesn't deserve its own topic, North Carolina spent over a million from its disaster relief fund to fight abortion rights. Now they have a tropical storm heading their way. If there's any flooding, lets wait for them to run to the fed seeking cash like little bitches.

Yeesh!! Another plotline straight out of House Of Cards, yet far more sinister in reality.
An educated workforce is pointless? If America actually stopped exporting its manufacturing base it would negate any stupid arguments about free education. Train kids in trades AND educate them and do it cheaply. Putting young people in a hundred grand debt or more isnt the answer.
The idea here is if you can't afford college then you have 2 options: Get a job at McDonalds or join the military and miraculous the government have the money to pay for your education.
I love how they could´t even get any of those planes from the multi trillion dollar air force in the air on 9/11. What a scandal, without nary a peep. And who are all these trillion dollar air force keeping us safe from? The Boogieman?

Umm, numerous F-16s and other jets were scrambled. The ones at Carswell (Fort Worth, TX) were armed and scrambled within the hour (most jets aren't armed until necessary, for obvious reasons).
Exactly why I didn't put an Obama sign up in 2012 and won't put up a Hillary sign this term. I simply do not trust the assholes down here (Georgia).

You can feck with my signs, feck with my cars, feck with my house, but feck with my dogs and I will put a bullet between your eyes.

Id go for a Ramsey Bolton type ending for them.
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