2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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For some reason there is this perception that the Clinton Foundation is a massive grifting operation siphoning money to Bill and Hill. From the digging I've done it actually seems to be doing a hell of a lot of good with the money that pours into it.

One of the few things Trump has actually done correctly in his campaign. His 'corrupt Hillary' campaign dovetailed nicely with the Foundation/Emails fiasco and blurred all lines. Most people think of the Foundation as the Clinton's personal money making machine misusing their official power/connections. Something which Bernie totally mishandled.
One of the few things Trump has actually done correctly in his campaign. His 'corrupt Hillary' campaign dovetailed nicely with the Foundation/Emails fiasco and blurred all lines. Most people think of the Foundation as the Clinton's personal money making machine misusing their official power/connections. Something which Bernie totally mishandled.

I remember some American posters banging on about how Republicans had no chance in 2016 due to changing demographics in US. But I really do think some mainstream Republican like Romney would have easily beaten Hillary. This whole foundation stuff is actually pretty serious IMO and would have hurt her badly if it was not for Trump being her opponent. Not to mention, Bernie supporters would have been less motivated to vote for her to beat Romney than they are to beat Trump
Right now everyone is so scared of possibility of Trump being the president that no one is willing to spend more than 5 minutes on Hillary's flaws.
This whole foundation stuff is actually pretty serious IMO and would have hurt her badly if it was not for Trump being her opponent.

Agree on other parts, except the above.

Personally I'm not so sure. Yeah, it may not exactly be clear cut clean...but in politics what is? Private independent charity monitoring institutions like CharityWatch, GuideStar etc still hold the Foundation in high esteem and have rated it highly. I tend to believe they do a good job which benefits humanity globally. I'm not really familiar with the intricacies, but Is there any single credible proof for the pay-for-play accusations till now?
I remember some American posters banging on about how Republicans had no chance in 2016 due to changing demographics in US. But I really do think some mainstream Republican like Romney would have easily beaten Hillary. This whole foundation stuff is actually pretty serious IMO and would have hurt her badly if it was not for Trump being her opponent. Not to mention, Bernie supporters would have been less motivated to vote for her to beat Romney than they are to beat Trump
Right now everyone is so scared of possibility of Trump being the president that no one is willing to spend more than 5 minutes on Hillary's flaws.

If Trump had anything remotely as successful as that foundation to his name, you wouldn't hear the end of it.
I remember some American posters banging on about how Republicans had no chance in 2016 due to changing demographics in US. But I really do think some mainstream Republican like Romney would have easily beaten Hillary. This whole foundation stuff is actually pretty serious IMO and would have hurt her badly if it was not for Trump being her opponent. Not to mention, Bernie supporters would have been less motivated to vote for her to beat Romney than they are to beat Trump
Right now everyone is so scared of possibility of Trump being the president that no one is willing to spend more than 5 minutes on Hillary's flaws.

They're made for each other, the 2 most unpopular candidates in history.
Bernie Sanders' new group is already in turmoil

Key staffers quit amid lingering tensions from the Vermont senator's campaign.

People familiar with what occurred say that the board, which is chaired by the Vermont senator’s wife Jane, was growing increasingly concerned about campaign finance questions being raised over the last week. Their concern reached a breaking point, one person deeply involved with the Sanders world said, with astory last Friday from ABC News about how the group would handle the particular tax questions raised by having a senator so closely associated with a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization that has strict restrictions on its political work.
“A majority of the staff quit as a result of Jeff joining,” said one person familiar with the situation, who added that they had joined with a promise from Bernie and Jane Sanders, and executive director Shannon Jackson, that Weaver wouldn't be running it and had asked for this promise specifically.

They claim as well that there was a specific argument about fundraising strategy.

Weaver said he had a vision that included more traditional — not just grassroots — fundraising, the person familiar with the situation said.

"It’s about both the fundraising and the spending: Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads," said Claire Sandberg, who was the digital organizing director of the campaign and the organizing director of Our Revolution (whose entire department of four left) before quitting. "That’s the opposite of what this campaign and this movement are supposed to be about and after being very firm and raising alarm the staff felt that we had no choice but to quit."

The argument came to a boil in a conference call last week between Pennington, Weaver and Jane Sanders. After airing his complaints about Weaver without managing to move the senator’s wife, Pennington decided to quit — along with key staffers from the organizing, data, outreach and political teams with him.

Great work, people. The Clinton Foundation was more fecking useful than this shit.
Sounds like Trump is trying to wiggle his way out of his tough immigration stance.

Too little too late?
Good move from Trump. He's using the immigration referendum we had with Brexit to form the narrative for the US Presidential Election.

Smart but underhanded and cynical.
I have no idea where you are watching any of this, and although I'm upset I can't watch it, i'm also very glad too. The thought of seeing that smug cnut Farage speak, followed by that awful cnut Drumpf just makes me angry. The lies told by those two............. jeez. :(
I have no idea where you are watching any of this, and although I'm upset I can't watch it, i'm also very glad too. The thought of seeing that smug cnut Farage speak, followed by that awful cnut Drumpf just makes me angry. The lies told by those two............. jeez. :(
So Trump has invited a foreigner to speak at a rally full of people seduced by a campaign against foreigners.

On top of that, he's in Jackson, Mississippi. Not that I'm complaining, but why the hell would a GOP candidate waste time/money in Mississippi?
Understandable :lol:

I actually want to cry. Seriously, I'm not joking. I feel so fecking angry and sad. Nigel Farage is a cnut. A complete cnut. He had one thing on his list, a simple agenda! Get the UK out of Europe because he is a racist bigot. That's it. He spent years as a European MP taking thousands and thousands of pounds and getting rich off something he despised and wanted to destroy. He spent years refusing to vote and just being a thorn in a side and making a complete joke and mockery out of something he wanted to destroy. He wanted the end of the UK in the EU so badly he annoyed and upset his own political party and sided with the enemy, he cuddled up with the Tories like they were lifelong chums and he lied and deceived and spread fear and hate and lies and propaganda and he then got what he wanted. Then he left his scum riddled political party because he had achieved his goal. He basically made UKIP a completely pointless entity, they formed to get the UK out of Europe, he made them credible in some sections of society and gave them a face and a voice, one many wanted to punch, but he gave them an identity none the less. Then he got what he wanted and he fecked off.

Now most of us who didn't vote to leave the EU are angry and upset because of the vote, but we have learned to accept it, we don't like it or agree with it, but it's done now, and the one bonus was that we thought that awful cnut Farage had fecked off in the sunset because he had achieved his goal. Now, NOW I find out that not being content with that he now feels the need to campaign for Trump and try to help get that wanker elected. Not being content with helping destroy the EU he now wants to bring the end of the world upon us. The man has no morals, no ethics, no shame, no conscience. I am so mad, so angry so fecking pissed off it's not true. I am so glad I didn't watch it, I would have had another aneurysm and haemorrhage, no question about it.
Well, langster...

I'm sorry, I can't find it amusing. I would actually beat the shit out of Farage if I saw him in the street. I understand that's not politically correct, and it goes against my pacifist and liberal beliefs, but feck it. I just tweeted my anger and someone replied that "Farage is a hero and a patriot" Obviously an American as nobody from the UK would talk like that, my initial reply was "go feck yourself you cnut" but I deleted that and just blocked them instead. I like my twitter account and don't want to lose it due to Farage rage :lol:
I actually want to cry. Seriously, I'm not joking. I feel so fecking angry and sad. Nigel Farage is a cnut. A complete cnut. He had one thing on his list, a simple agenda! Get the UK out of Europe because he is a racist bigot. That's it. He spent years as a European MP taking thousands and thousands of pounds and getting rich off something he despised and wanted to destroy. He spent years refusing to vote and just being a thorn in a side and making a complete joke and mockery out of something he wanted to destroy. He wanted the end of the UK in the EU so badly he annoyed and upset his own political party and sided with the enemy, he cuddled up with the Tories like they were lifelong chums and he lied and deceived and spread fear and hate and lies and propaganda and he then got what he wanted. Then he left his scum riddled political party because he had achieved his goal. He basically made UKIP a completely pointless entity, they formed to get the UK out of Europe, he made them credible in some sections of society and gave them a face and a voice, one many wanted to punch, but he gave them an identity none the less. Then he got what he wanted and he fecked off.

Now most of us who didn't vote to leave the EU are angry and upset because of the vote, but we have learned to accept it, we don't like it or agree with it, but it's done now, and the one bonus was that we thought that awful cnut Farage had fecked off in the sunset because he had achieved his goal. Now, NOW I find out that not being content with that he now feels the need to campaign for Trump and try to help get that wanker elected. Not being content with helping destroy the EU he now wants to bring the end of the world upon us. The man has no morals, no ethics, no shame, no conscience. I am so mad, so angry so fecking pissed off it's not true. I am so glad I didn't watch it, I would have had another aneurysm and haemorrhage, no question about it.
I agree with pretty much all of this. Backing Trump is ironic, though. Considering the 350m pound for the NHS claim (communism to Trump supporters).
For some reason there is this perception that the Clinton Foundation is a massive grifting operation siphoning money to Bill and Hill. From the digging I've done it actually seems to be doing a hell of a lot of good with the money that pours into it.

Yeap. My niece interned there for a period of time and could not have been prouder of her association there.

Its blatantly clear that he is positioning himself and hardening his fan base for a post-November career -- surrounding himself by Bannon and Ailes to build a alt-right media empire. (There was talk before but now by bring these guys on-board officially...)

I suspect now a global alt-right network now that he has brought Farage on-board.

Mainstream GOPers must be hating themselves and questioning their own moral compass when they look at Trump and his shenanigans everyday.

It has clearly shown that it always been 'party first' and not 'country first' with them. They can never look at themselves in the mirror and say that they are doing it for the people or the country whenever they block or push a bill.
I wouldn't lose a second's sleep if something drastic happened to Farage or Trump. I might even manage a slight grin.

I have to agree with that. I'd go one step further and I think I would actually be happy about it. I know that's wrong, but they really are evil. The world would undoubtedly be a better place without either of them.

I agree with pretty much all of this. Backing Trump is ironic, though. Considering the 350m pound for the NHS claim (communism to Trump supporters).

And there in lies the rub! There is the hypocrisy and the complete and utter madness of the whole fecking situation. Don't get me started on that though because it's proven that when a NHS style option is spoken about in the US, the majority of Americans don't actually understand what that means. Most want it on paper and more importantly, MOST NEED IT! It's only the selfish attitude of thinking someone else is getting something that they didn't pay for that stops it being reality. Yet when the shit hits the fan it's the people who vote against it who would benefit from it the most. It's not actually funny at all because people suffer from this, and people die from this, every single day. Someone right this minute is suffering because of this! Right now and that is a sickening and exceptionally sad thought. Especially when you consider that the insurance companies continually screw the poor or working class and say they aren't covered for whatever reason. It's basically legalised torture. I hate to think how many people have died needlessly in the US because of fecking insurance companies. It's immoral and completely unethical and it makes me so sad to think about it. :(

I am finding the irony amsuing in my getting upset about this is probably making me poorly. :lol:
So Trump has invited a foreigner to speak at a rally full of people seduced by a campaign against foreigners.

On top of that, he's in Jackson, Mississippi. Not that I'm complaining, but why the hell would a GOP candidate waste time/money in Mississippi?

Remember... as long as they are white foreigners... other shades are not welcomed. Think Melania... pretty white chick he marries.
If Trump does manage to pull off a global right-wing empire/network he will become a true billionaire. There's a fortune to be made there, just ask Beck, Limbaugh, Murdoch, Ailes, etc. Hannity will play a prominent role, watch.
As much as Farage and Trump sicken me to my core, I'm not down with being satisfied with either individual coming into actaul harm. Clinton has the contest clean (as clean as top level politics gets), no point tarnishing that and potentially flushing years of post presidential run Trump comedy gold down the toilet.
If Trump does manage to pull off a global right-wing empire/network he will become a true billionaire. There's a fortune to be made there, just ask Beck, Limbaugh, Murdoch, Ailes, etc. Hannity will play a prominent role, watch.

I dunno -- his current Trump franchising model targets people earning more than $100k/year. And according to a few reports, business has dropped substantially since he started running.

His current trumplets are poorly educated. Not sure its the optimum advertisement target segment. Maybe for cable tv, at $6/mo maybe something that the poorly educated can afford?
I wouldn't lose a second's sleep if something drastic happened to Farage or Trump. I might even manage a slight grin.

With Trump it's inevitable. This could be the one time the crazies out there would do something good for the world.
The optics aren't good, but this is the nature of politics. At least the Clinton Foundation do good work in terms of vaccines, economic development, and general global health issues.

The "good work" of the Clinton Foundation was done as a shield, to insulate them from the inevitable bad press. To provide distraction form the wrongdoing. Just like Livestrong. Lance Armstrong used that foundation as a public relations tool to give people enough warm feelings that they wouldn't suspect him for the darkhearted criminal he really was.

The Clinton Foundation has just taken that to an unprecedented level. 2 motherfecking BILLION homie. That is not the nature of politics.

That is the nature of CORRUPTION.
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