2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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At least we can console ourselves with a Glaston-esque view of the Caf... It's a politics forum with a very large Manchester United section.

I love it when he blatantly says "yup, not even getting the irony of it" None of them get it at all do they? Hypocrites the lot of them. "I believe in freedom of religion and all religions are equal, except Islam" :rolleyes:

The lack of self-awareness is mindblowing.

It's also mindblowing that there are this many idiots out there.

I can't believe that in this great massive never-ending galaxy of infinite possibilities this is what we have become.
It's also mindblowing that there are this many idiots out there.

I can't believe that in this great massive never-ending galaxy of infinite possibilities this is what we have become.

That is the scary thing. As @Grinner rightly says, it is frightening that people are that fecking dumb. It is a serious flaw in the US education system. Obviously you are always going to have a certain percentage of the population as being dumb, but this many is ridiculous. The fact they think they are right and see absolutely nothing wrong with their beliefs, ideas or actions makes it even more scary.

Religion and the way it is taught in the US must also play a huge part in this and simply has to accept its role and take more responsibility in the future. The leaders of ALL faiths have to stop all this nonsense and the teaching of acceptance of others beliefs has to be the core teaching in the future. If not, well there is only one way this is all going to end and it's really not pretty. With the anger, resentment and plain ignorance centring around the USA at the moment you can see it is just one or two attacks away from eruption. I personally don't think that a lot of Americans have the strength, intelligence, empathy or sympathy to deal with what France has been through in the last year or so. I think if you saw needless death like that over the course of 3 or 4 different attacks and all were carried out by Muslim killers then I think there would be a very serious and dangerous backlash in the USA. The irony being of course that out of over 350 MASS SHOOTINGS last year, only 2 were carried out by Muslim attackers. Yet the distrust, anger, hatred and ignorance shown towards people of the Muslim faith by many of these morons is very real and clear. I personally would not want to be in the USA if I even looked like I came from the Middle East or parts of Asia, let alone if I was actually a Muslim, and certainly not if Trump gets elected.

Trumps part in stoking up all this hate and fear is massive, agreed it was there already, but he has picked it up and manipulated it and used it for his personal gain with absolutely no regard for the consequences and absolutely no experience of dealing with anything like it before. He is so completely ignorant and selfish and full of self importance, he really doesn't give a shit and it's so dangerous. The thing is, it's not just against Muslims either, it's anyone who is different, anyone who he disagrees with. He is starting wars within peoples own families, the divide he is causing can be seen everywhere and even amongst sensible and rational people too. How this clown has caused this much trouble is astounding, but very, very real. People will lose lives and he wont give a shit because in his eyes he wont be responsible for any of it. He has absolutely no idea of what he is doing or playing with, I personally believe that he is too stupid and ignorant to have a real clue. But if he DOES KNOW, and if he IS AWARE then what does that make him then? Then he really is on the same level as Hitler, Idi Amin, Mugabe and the like.

There is absolutely no responsibility in anything anymore. People like Trump, can get up, wave his money about and say what he likes with no consequences for his actions. He wasted hours upon hours of peoples time and money just by saying Obama wasn't American. Even when presented with proof it still wasn't good enough and he denied it and still causes trouble with that today. He's like one of those crazy morons in the Conspiracy thread who believe Sandy Hook didn't happen or that the Government is trying to poison everyone's children with inoculations or that think Climate change is a hoax! Funnily enough Trump does believe all of those things except the Sandy Hook Conspiracy. So why isn't he just being ignored and laughed at? Simple, because of ignorance and fear and the way he is using it. He should be fecking ashamed of himself and what he is doing should be illegal and he should face charges for it, he should take some responsibility and he should have some comeback from it all. But if not, then the American people on a whole have a fecking duty to the rest of the world to stand up against this fecking idiot and ensure he doesn't get anymore power. Because if he causes this much shit just by running for President, can you seriously imagine what he would cause if he was actually President? The leader of the most powerful country in the world?

The fact we are even talking about it as even the smallest possibility is not only fecking moronic and scary, it's incredibly sad too. AS I said a while ago, it really isn't funny anymore.

And breath....

But if not, then the American people on a whole have a fecking duty to the rest of the world to stand up against this fecking idiot and ensure he doesn't get anymore power. Because if he causes this much shit just by running for President, can you seriously imagine what he would cause if he was actually President? The leader of the most powerful country in the world?

The fact we are even talking about it as even the smallest possibility is not only fecking moronic and scary, it's incredibly sad too. AS I said a while ago, it really isn't funny anymore.

If he loses in the first landslide since '84, to a highly unpopular candidate, is that "enough"? I've also been pissed, scared, incredulous, and everything else during the past 4 months or so. But this is still the country that on aggregate elected a guy named Barack Hussein Obama, it can't be that infantile.
If he loses in the first landslide since '84, to a highly unpopular candidate, is that "enough"? I've also been pissed, scared, incredulous, and everything else during the past 4 months or so. But this is still the country that on aggregate elected a guy named Barack Hussein Obama, it can't be that infantile.

That's fair enough and a great point. I have faith in you guys, in the many wonderful, sensible, amazing, warm lovely Americans that hopefully outnumber the others :) Not that all Trump supporters are bad, far from it, but those in that video aren't a small minority and they scare the hell out of me.
That's fair enough and a great point. I have faith in you guys, in the many wonderful, sensible, amazing, warm lovely Americans that hopefully outnumber the others :) Not that all Trump supporters are bad, far from it, but those in that video aren't a small minority and they scare the hell out of me.

Oh, I currently have faith in the Americans too (got shaky a few months ago), but I'm not one of them. They just let me hang out here for now.

I was an exchange student down in Mississippi when I was younger. My host family was great, but I'm fairly confident its a 100% Trump constituency right now. I don't ask so that I can live on under the illusion that they're lovely people :nervous:.
Sounds like you're an avid viewer of his show.
Not really. I just find it annoying how two of our presidential candidates have demonstrated corruption multiple times yet they are still out there running. Don't you?
Not just that, but yes.

The optics aren't good, but this is the nature of politics. At least the Clinton Foundation do good work in terms of vaccines, economic development, and general global health issues. Conceptually, its not particularly different than the likes of wealthy individuals financing Presidential campaigns - they are buying the implementation of policies they endorse and continued influence after the elections. I do think the Clintons didn't do a particularly good job of separating their donors from the perception that they are getting special access to the State Department, but overall I see this as nothing more than a last hour desperate attempt by Trump at bringing Hillary's poll numbers down so she doesn't win. In terms of policy positions, experience, and general temperament, she is light years ahead of him.
For some reason there is this perception that the Clinton Foundation is a massive grifting operation siphoning money to Bill and Hill. From the digging I've done it actually seems to be doing a hell of a lot of good with the money that pours into it.
For some reason there is this perception that the Clinton Foundation is a massive grifting operation siphoning money to Bill and Hill. From the digging I've done it actually seems to be doing a hell of a lot of good with the money that pours into it.

Yeah I agree. The Republicans are basically defaming an organization that does a lot of good work. Not too different from when they disparaged planned parenthood earlier this year.
For some reason there is this perception that the Clinton Foundation is a massive grifting operation siphoning money to Bill and Hill. From the digging I've done it actually seems to be doing a hell of a lot of good with the money that pours into it.

Shh... Don't you know Republicans were extremely indignant at Cheney's Haliburton tied?
For some reason there is this perception that the Clinton Foundation is a massive grifting operation siphoning money to Bill and Hill. From the digging I've done it actually seems to be doing a hell of a lot of good with the money that pours into it.

I think that there´s the valid complaint that access to Hillary as Sec of State came at a price of donation to the foundation. It would seem that a lot of foreign leaders or business who had dealings with Secretary Clinton ended up donating directly or indirectly to the foundation. There did seem to be a conflict of interest, or at least the appearance of it at times. The Clintons could have been a lot smarter in their dealings with this situation, but then again, they´re the Clintons.
For some reason there is this perception that the Clinton Foundation is a massive grifting operation siphoning money to Bill and Hill. From the digging I've done it actually seems to be doing a hell of a lot of good with the money that pours into it.

Yeah not sure where the idea that they are taking money for themselves comes from, I can see people asking if donations = access, especially when Hillary was still Secretary of State, it is a legit question to look into, but no need to start making shit up.
I've not heard one good thing that the Clinton Foundation does. Which says everything about the media.

Probably because you don't hear about good things as they aren't salacious news grabbing sensationalism, whereas the perception of bad things is.
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