MarceloFalcon said:
So apparently some folks at Indianapolis don't have good systems, or they aren't good at accounting. Or both.
Can understand if it's an accounting problem...but actual loss of money? For that large and not missed seems improbable.
I work in the DoD finance arena, under the USAF. DoD eliminated the dozens of DFASs around the world to consolidate into a few locations in the hopes of gaining a stronger accountability and oversight. It's worked overall but so much still out there.
The systems are outdated, don't speak to each other, patchworked over the years, etc. New systems come up, like GFEBS and DEAMS, and present all kinds of issues with legacy systems. For example, DEAMS (modeled after GFEBS) does not speak well with other systems causing failures in cutting orders and funding missions and TDYs. It's a nightmare for all involved, from the finance techs to the accountants to the travelers to the commanders. GFEBS and DEAMS are meant to connect numerous areas like contracting, finance, property management, acquisitions, foreign military sales, etc. It's one-continuous loop designed to hold accountability to all and ensure all necessary points are connected. It allows one technician to "see" all steps, approve/disapprove, reject, trace steps, etc. Great in theory, difficult in application.
Another example is DJMS, the military pay system, which uses a language, COBOL, that is so old and outdated that like 14 people alive still understand the programming. This led to initiatives like DIMHRS - axed after a hundreds of millions spent over a decade (feck you, Army) - and now AFIPPS - Air Force only, years away if ever. DJMS is often patched to keep up with ever-changing systems and programming. So bad that edits and cases are used to process transactions when the initial transaction fails for reasons known/unknown.
That's just the small sample of the accounting/pay based stuff. That's not considering how often pay docs are input with incorrect funding data, often times the funding data was entered incorrectly at the initial level (i.e. platoon, unit, contracting officer, etc.). These numbers may be a few dollars to many thousands but without proper reconciliation and accountability, some funds are inevitably "lost." Lost in space or charged against a pot of funds so massive that the manager(s) never noticed a few grand taken off. I've seen funds in the hundreds of millions, usually acquisitions based.
Then there's the defense contracts. We know much about them from publicity. There's also quite a bit of funding for special ops, so secretive that few persons have clearance and NTN. That's a kitty that is constantly funded as necessary.