2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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If other Republicans lost the nomination to a candidate who didn't even want to win his own election, what's that say about the rest of them? :lol:

It says more about the state of the people who usually vote Republican more than anything else. They are fractured and paranoid.
The Clinton plant theory definitely has some traction. Its more realistic that they encouraged him to run for prez just to cause shit in the primaries and generally make the GOP look even more ridiculous. Either he went rogue and said feck it Im gonna go for this, or more likely he unexpectedly became the front runner and it snowballed from there. Either way im sure Bill's pacemaker had a few tantrums either from shock or laughter.
For those using corruption as a tool against Hillary, Trump as usual is worse.

Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Christie Took Office.

By the time Chris Christie became governor of New Jersey, the state’s auditors and lawyers had been battling for several years to collect long-overdue taxes owed by the casinos founded by his friend Donald J. Trump. The total, with interest, had grown to almost $30 million. The state had doggedly pursued the matter through two of the casinos’ bankruptcy cases and even accused the company led by Mr. Trump of filing false reports with state casino regulators about the amount of taxes it had paid.

But the year after Governor Christie, a Republican, took office, the tone of the litigation shifted. The state entertained settlement offers. And in December 2011, after six years in court, the state agreed to accept just $5 million, roughly 17 cents on the dollar of what auditors said the casinos owed.

Tax authorities sometimes settle for lesser amounts to avoid the costs and risks of further litigation, legal experts said, but the steep discount granted to the Trump casinos and the relationship between the two men raise inevitable questions about special treatment.

For those using corruption as a tool against Hillary, Trump as usual is worse.

The narrative for Trump supporters will be: He got the best deal for his casinos. As President, he's going to get the best deal for the US (forget about the part where he screws over everybody else).
The narrative for Trump supporters will be: He got the best deal for his casinos. As President, he's going to get the best deal for the US (forget about the part where he screws over everybody else).

That'd be really a lame argument to go with, tbh. He got the best personal deal by screwing up US taxpayers. What's stopping him for not doing that again?
A number of prominent insurance companies are opting out of Obamacare. Premiums expected to go up by 23% in the next enrollment period. The lack of a public option has really hamstrung the program, and Trump is for canceling the entire structure, while Hillary is advocating for the public option to be added. Not sure if that will factor into the election.
A number of prominent insurance companies are opting out of Obamacare. Premiums expected to go up by 23% in the next enrollment period. The lack of a public option has really hamstrung the program, and Trump is for canceling the entire structure, while Hillary is advocating for the public option to be added. Not sure if that will factor into the election.

It would if there was a real GOP candidate instead of this circus they have.
Watched it LIVE. Completely cringeworthy. Its really remarkable how Trump has managed to surround himself with such an impressive cabal of charlatans. Katrina Pierson, Boris Ephstein, Michael Cohen, et al.
The narrative for Trump supporters will be: He got the best deal for his casinos. As President, he's going to get the best deal for the US (forget about the part where he screws over everybody else).

What his low knowledge/intelligence supporters fail to understand and read into his statements is that he got the best deal for HIM.

Not realising that even as president, it will be the best deal for HIM once again.

Desperate fools.
Not surprising Micheal Cohen acts like this. Most of the Trump supporters think that the Polls are rigged or are not accurate (The Brexit effect). And believe that the so called "real polls" show a Trump landslide.
How much is the Trump brand worth now? He famously uses it to inflate his net worth. The name Trump is now toxic in large parts of the world and for many Americans.
Not surprising Micheal Cohen acts like this. Most of the Trump supporters think that the Polls are rigged or are not accurate (The Brexit effect). And believe that the so called "real polls" show a Trump landslide.

Just shows how ignorant they are. Brexit polls showed a toss up.
Not surprising Micheal Cohen acts like this. Most of the Trump supporters think that the Polls are rigged or are not accurate (The Brexit effect). And believe that the so called "real polls" show a Trump landslide.

The twat just now decided to refer to himself as Mr Brexit.

Just shows how ignorant they are. Brexit polls showed a toss up.

To be fair up until a week before, it looked like Remain were going to win. It was still incredibly tight though, with a 52-48 which is kind of how it turned out to be, just in reverse.
How much is the Trump brand worth now? He famously uses it to inflate his net worth. The name Trump is now toxic in large parts of the world and for many Americans.

I was thinking about this earlier. I wouldn't want to overestimate the impact to the brand, and some of his properties are still well located / well invested in, so some people will still stay / live there. Some don't carry the Trump name either iirc. But there has to be some detriment, because I was thinking about my own situation. I've never liked the name of a TV personality on everything and the fixation with gold, but if I were looking for hotel options somewhere and a Trump property was well reviewed, well located and competitively priced to similar options, before this whole mess I would give it an unbiased look vs. competing hotels. Now I'm not staying there no matter what the price, and I'm also looking into my other selections to make sure he doesn't own a share in them.
I was thinking about this earlier. I wouldn't want to overestimate the impact to the brand, and some of his properties are still well located / well invested in, so some people will still stay / live there. Some don't carry the Trump name either iirc. But there has to be some detriment, because I was thinking about my own situation. I've never liked the name of a TV personality on everything and the fixation with gold, but if I were looking for hotel options somewhere and a Trump property was well reviewed, well located and competitively priced to similar options, before this whole mess I would give it an unbiased look vs. competing hotels. Now I'm not staying there no matter what the price, and I'm also looking into my other selections to make sure he doesn't own a share in them.

Trump has recently sued two chef's as they pulled out of plans to have restaurants in one of his new properties after his racist comments. I think certain big brands like Macy's etc have also ended their relationship with him. So, yeah there's some impact. Alternatively, don't think there's any drop in latinos visiting his hotels etc. His brand will take a hit publicly...but it just means he'll get more attention as media bait.
Just shows how ignorant they are. Brexit polls showed a toss up.

With Brexit taking a small lead near the end, they seemed quite accurate. Especially compared to the 2015 GE polls.

A number of prominent insurance companies are opting out of Obamacare. Premiums expected to go up by 23% in the next enrollment period. The lack of a public option has really hamstrung the program, and Trump is for canceling the entire structure, while Hillary is advocating for the public option to be added. Not sure if that will factor into the election.

Yup, I've been reading mainstream liberal sources like NYT/WaP predicting a pretty gloomy future. Doesn't help that my univ suddenly claims that my insurance subsidy will be a month late. Healthcare in the US seems insanely complicated.
On a side note, many Dem donors are opposing a single-payer referendum in Colorado.
I was thinking about this earlier. I wouldn't want to overestimate the impact to the brand, and some of his properties are still well located / well invested in, so some people will still stay / live there. Some don't carry the Trump name either iirc. But there has to be some detriment, because I was thinking about my own situation. I've never liked the name of a TV personality on everything and the fixation with gold, but if I were looking for hotel options somewhere and a Trump property was well reviewed, well located and competitively priced to similar options, before this whole mess I would give it an unbiased look vs. competing hotels. Now I'm not staying there no matter what the price, and I'm also looking into my other selections to make sure he doesn't own a share in them.

For all we know the properties could very well be leveraged so I don't think that's really a comprehensive picture.
The twat just now decided to refer to himself as Mr Brexit.

When Trump was asked by journalist Michael Wolff for a Hollywood Reporter interview published in June what he thought about Brexit, he was flummoxed:

“And Brexit? Your position?” I ask.

“Huh?” replied Trump.



“The Brits leaving the EU,” I prompt, realizing that his lack of familiarity with one of the most pressing issues in Europe is for him no concern nor liability at all.

“Oh yeah, I think they should leave.”
Is anyone following this? :lol:

The plaque reads "The Emperor has no balls." #genius #trump :lol: :lol:


Nude Donald Trump statues are popping up across the US

Completely nude statues of Donald Trump mysteriously appeared in several US cities on Thursday.

Multiple statues allegedly erected by anarchist collective Indecline have been reported in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle.
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