2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The infamous Kate Snow interview - try watching this from start to finish without feeling you're trapped in alternate Universe.

A couple of, possibly naive, questions:
Is George Orwell's book 1984 well read in the US?
Has anyone over there even heard of Robert Tressell or his book The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists?
I know Animal Farm is in the curriculum in high school, but I don't think 1984 is. The first time I read 1984 is in a poly sci class in college, so I'm not sure how widely read it is in the US. I know that it is frequently casually referenced when people think the government is doing something that's "socialist".

I've never heard of the other book.
How dare Hillary take the spotlight when it comes to corruption? If she can do emails, Trump's camp can do physical files.

Trump's Russian money/support (through Manafort) may explain his staunch Putin support and overlooking of Ukraine.


Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief

And Mr. Manafort’s presence remains elsewhere here in the capital, where government investigators examining secret records have found his name, as well as companies he sought business with, as they try to untangle a corrupt network they say was used to loot Ukrainian assets and influence elections during the administration of Mr. Manafort’s main client, former President Viktor F. Yanukovych.

Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials.In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles, including a palatial presidential residence with a private zoo, golf course and tennis court. Among the hundreds of murky transactions these companies engaged in was an $18 million deal to sell Ukrainian cable television assets to a partnership put together by Mr. Manafort and a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin.
Trump is far too incendiary in his manner of speaking, throwing around dangerous and self-destructive taunts about “Second Amendment people” taking out Hillary, or President Obama and Hillary being the founders of ISIS. And he still blindly follows his ego, failing to understand the fundamentals of a campaign. “I don’t know that we need to get out the vote,” he told Fox News Thursday. “I think people that really wanna vote are gonna get out and they’re gonna vote for Trump.”

Hillary, on the other hand, understands her way around political language and Washington rituals. Of course you do favors for wealthy donors. And if you want to do something incredibly damaging to the country, like enabling George W. Bush to make the worst foreign policy blunder in U.S. history, don’t shout inflammatory and fabricated taunts from a microphone.

You must walk up to the microphone calmly, as Hillary did on the Senate floor the day of the Iraq war vote, and accuse Saddam of giving “aid, comfort and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda,” repeating the Bush administration’s phony case for war.

If you want to carry the G.O.P. banner, your fabrications have to be more sneaky.

As Republican strategist Steve Schmidt noted on MSNBC, “the candidate in the race most like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney from a foreign policy perspective is in fact Hillary Clinton, not the Republican nominee.”

And that’s how Republicans prefer their crazy — not like Trump, but like Cheney.

Berbatrick is like Darth Vader. Starts off brilliantly, shows promise, tries to bring balance to the force, but then gets corrupted. Started the 'WE WILL RULE THIS, FOR YOUR BENEFIT' but now is consumed by rage looking for soundbites.
Hillary has apparently ditched ad buys in Colorado and Virginia and is moving resources to Georgia and Arizona. Pretty bleak news for Drumpf.
Hillary has apparently ditched ad buys in Colorado and Virginia and is moving resources to Georgia and Arizona. Pretty bleak news for Drumpf.

But good news for the folks in the US. Not that I am a huge Hillary fan, have issues with her also, but this is not even the case of a choosing between the lesser of two evils, this is a case of choosing the one who isn't acting like an insane idiot. (my apologies to anyone on the Caf who is insane for being put in the same grouping as Trump).
I know Animal Farm is in the curriculum in high school, but I don't think 1984 is. The first time I read 1984 is in a poly sci class in college, so I'm not sure how widely read it is in the US. I know that it is frequently casually referenced when people think the government is doing something that's "socialist".

I've never heard of the other book.

Yeah Animal Farm is big in Jr High where I live. 1984, not so much, though I remember our one Social Studies teacher urging us to read it.
Is that US has come to now?

Putin is a bad guy > Trump is bad too because he supports Putin > Putin is good guy compared to Trump


No I was being a bit tongue in cheek regarding how differently Putin is viewed in say the Ukraine thread (he is either compared to Hitler or made out to be a good guy or someplace in between).
Donald Trump on Monday will call for a new ideological test for admission to the United States, vetting applicants on their stance on issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. The policy would represent a significant shift in how the U.S. manages entry into the country.

In a speech the Republican presidential nominee will deliver on Monday in Ohio, Trump will argue that the country needs to work with anyone that shares that mission, regardless of other ideological and strategic disagreements. Any country that wants to work with the U.S. to defeat "radical Islamic terrorism" will be a U.S. ally, he is expected to say.

Ideological Test - Jeez, I can't think of a more useless solution. Any immigrant is by default expected to follow US rules, irrespective of his personal beliefs. And as if anyone who wants to immigrate will vote "No" to these options.

Foreign Policy Realism i/o Nation-building - We are in problem now, so let's all go back and repeat the same thing that caused the problem. The 'realism' in supporting of Mujahideen against the Soviets can be traced forward to current ISIS threat. "Work with anyone that shares that mission, regardless of other ideological and strategic disagreements" is a another way of saying "we'll provide funds and arms and let you do the dirty work".

I thought he couldn't get scarier...but he's consistently proving me wrong.
I know. Just saying, making Putin look good in US is something only Trump can achieve. :lol:

Nah Trump makes nobody look good. That is why so many repubs are jumping ship.

Though speaking of that I pissed off my right wing relatives this weekend, when they were calling the Repubs who are refusing to support Trump "rats jumping ship", I pointed out that actual phrase was "rats jumping from a sinking ship" They did not like the implication.
Ideological Test - Jeez, I can't think of a more useless solution. Any immigrant is by default expected to follow US rules, irrespective of his personal beliefs. And as if anyone who wants to immigrate will vote "No" to these options.

Foreign Policy Realism i/o Nation-building - We are in problem now, so let's all go back and repeat the same thing that caused the problem. The 'realism' in supporting of Mujahideen against the Soviets can be traced forward to current ISIS threat. "Work with anyone that shares that mission, regardless of other ideological and strategic disagreements" is a another way of saying "we'll provide funds and arms and let you do the dirty work".

I thought he couldn't get scarier...but he's consistently proving me wrong.

AFAIK the Netherlands already has something similar.
Ideological Test - Jeez, I can't think of a more useless solution. Any immigrant is by default expected to follow US rules, irrespective of his personal beliefs. And as if anyone who wants to immigrate will vote "No" to these options.

Foreign Policy Realism i/o Nation-building - We are in problem now, so let's all go back and repeat the same thing that caused the problem. The 'realism' in supporting of Mujahideen against the Soviets can be traced forward to current ISIS threat. "Work with anyone that shares that mission, regardless of other ideological and strategic disagreements" is a another way of saying "we'll provide funds and arms and let you do the dirty work".

I thought he couldn't get scarier...but he's consistently proving me wrong.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend lol, it will never change will it?
Ideological Test - Jeez, I can't think of a more useless solution. Any immigrant is by default expected to follow US rules, irrespective of his personal beliefs. And as if anyone who wants to immigrate will vote "No" to these options.

Foreign Policy Realism i/o Nation-building - We are in problem now, so let's all go back and repeat the same thing that caused the problem. The 'realism' in supporting of Mujahideen against the Soviets can be traced forward to current ISIS threat. "Work with anyone that shares that mission, regardless of other ideological and strategic disagreements" is a another way of saying "we'll provide funds and arms and let you do the dirty work".

I thought he couldn't get scarier...but he's consistently proving me wrong.

That ideological test is the equivalent of porn websites asking if you're 18.
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