2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Is anyone following this? :lol:

The plaque reads "The Emperor has no balls." #genius #trump :lol: :lol:


Nude Donald Trump statues are popping up across the US

Completely nude statues of Donald Trump mysteriously appeared in several US cities on Thursday.

Multiple statues allegedly erected by anarchist collective Indecline have been reported in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle.

Could be worse it could be BOTH Trump and Hillary nude. :eek:

That's fecking brilliant. He's even getting trolled by the Parks Department spokesperson now too. :lol:
I've just realised who Kellyanne Conway is. I remember seeing her on Bill Maher's show and thinking she was a stupid cnut. She'll fit right in.
Is anyone following this? :lol:

The plaque reads "The Emperor has no balls." #genius #trump :lol: :lol:


Nude Donald Trump statues are popping up across the US

Completely nude statues of Donald Trump mysteriously appeared in several US cities on Thursday.

Multiple statues allegedly erected by anarchist collective Indecline have been reported in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle.
Thought it was hilarious then looked through the pics and saw they'd put a Masonic ring on his hand. Now I've mixed emotions
Trump now wants everybody to forget about what he said in the past. And accept the new and improved Trump.
There is NO WAY! Trump is or would ever be part of the Masons. Well, not unless the American version is full of complete feckwits. The one thing I know about them is they are exceptionally strict on who joins here in the UK. Part of it is connected to wealth and social standing for sure, but a huge part is personality and intelligence and honesty and integrity. There is no way Trump would get past the vetting section, he would be black balled for sure! They wouldn't want an embarrassment like that having anything to do with them, and it's one society you can't buy or bribe your way in to either, so I bet his answer would be "yeah, well I was asked to join, of course I was, but I declined, secret groups just aren't my thing"
There is NO WAY! Trump is or would ever be part of the Masons. Well, not unless the American version is full of complete feckwits. The one thing I know about them is they are exceptionally strict on who joins here in the UK. Part of it is connected to wealth and social standing for sure, but a huge part is personality and intelligence and honesty and integrity. There is no way Trump would get past the vetting section, he would be black balled for sure! They wouldn't want an embarrassment like that having anything to do with them, and it's one society you can't buy or bribe your way in to either, so I bet his answer would be "yeah, well I was asked to join, of course I was, but I declined, secret groups just aren't my thing"
This sums up how I feel about it quite nicely.
Ok guys, we've got a good thread going here, noone tell those Naniwhatever or Erictheking guys about this please :D
They're probably the ones who put the ring on the statue.
There is NO WAY! Trump is or would ever be part of the Masons. Well, not unless the American version is full of complete feckwits. The one thing I know about them is they are exceptionally strict on who joins here in the UK. Part of it is connected to wealth and social standing for sure, but a huge part is personality and intelligence and honesty and integrity. There is no way Trump would get past the vetting section, he would be black balled for sure! They wouldn't want an embarrassment like that having anything to do with them, and it's one society you can't buy or bribe your way in to either, so I bet his answer would be "yeah, well I was asked to join, of course I was, but I declined, secret groups just aren't my thing"

He's part of the Masons?

Not that I know of, but I am. Hence the mixed emotions.

Must be different in the US ;)
KellyAnn, Trump's new manager says she has plotted out two ways for Trump to win in November - one path has him reaching about 285 and another 273. Something like this.


This would probably involve a complete implosion by Hillary in Pennsylvania, FL, NC, NV, and Ohio which is pretty hard to imagine.
KellyAnn, Trump's new manager says she has plotted out two ways for Trump to win in November

See that's why she has failed already. She can plot away as much as she likes, but at the same time Trump will be digging his own grave and helping with his own downfall. She (and his entire campaign) can't ever know what the fat Orange idiot is going to do or say next, and with that kind of unpredictability, well it just makes any kind of planning or plotting completely pointless.

He apologised in a speech yesterday and apparently upset more of his loyal supporters as they all felt he had nothing to apologise for, some saying by doing so he's now bowing to and working for the establishment :lol: Gotta love how tremendously stupid Trump supporters are. :lol:
I would LOVE it if from now until Nov.8 the Drumpf's campaign put everything they have into PA.

There isn't a single more deceptive state than that one. Any Republican candidate will come out of Philly and its suburbs with a 400k votes deficit at the very least. It's death by demographic.
Its conceivable that he comes back strong with a decent campaign and wins Ohio, NC, and Florida - but I can't see him winning VA, PA, CO or any of the northern states (WI, MI, MN). He will need at least PA to win and I doubt he can win there as he's down massively now. Hillary probably has a better chance of nicking GA and AZ than Drumpf has of winning PA.
With Zika spreading right now in FL due to Congress Republicans and Rick Scott, I have more chance of having a threesome tomorrow than Drumpf winning it :lol:
.....and Manafort has just resigned. I suppose working for the Russians is better than working for Drumpf.
.....and Manafort has just resigned. I suppose working for the Russians is better than working for Drumpf.

IIRC Manafort was bought in because Lewandowski was allowing Trump to be too Trumpy.

Trump is still being too Trumpy and now someone else is brought in.

Maybe at some point they'll realize that it's the candidate.
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