2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Strongman fetish?

I suppose, just highlights the disconnect between the base and the party elites. Funnily enough, it also shows a degree of cognitive dissonance in the base itself, since Putin is vehemently against American exceptionalism (tbf, I'd wager about half the people in this thread are of the same opinion)
This isn't really election specific, but climate change is a US political issue so this seemed the best place to post this:

This is why Trump supporters will never change their mind no matter how much you try and reason with them -

Anyone remember that Kaine and Pence are the VP picks?

They have completely fallen off the radar.
Anyone remember that Kaine and Pence are the VP picks?

They have completely fallen off the radar.
To be fair, it's kind of hard to top Palin.

When we get to the debates, which will be more policy-oriented, I think we'll get more of a focus, particularly in Pence's case as he will be supposedly "balancing" the Trump-Pence ticket. Also, Indiana is in danger of going blue if current trends hold (latest poll on 538 is Clinton + 1), so Pence might get more attention for the wrong reasons.

I think Kaine is the biggest loser in all of this because Pence may be the de-facto President if rumours are true. In fact, Obama will probably be way more influential to the Clinton-Kaine ticket than Kaine. Kaine may well just end up doing grassroots stuff, appealing to those unsure about Clinton, while securing Virginia. Perhaps he can try to be the softer side of the ticket, everyone's favourite Dad versus the policy geek. He's arguably the most likeable of the four, anyway.

[edit] Why is "+ 1" (no space) censored, anyway? :rolleyes:
Anyone remember that Kaine and Pence are the VP picks?

They have completely fallen off the radar.

They have been pretty effective when they do communicate for their respective sides. Pence is basically Trump's interpreter who cleans up his ridiculous statements. Kaine is doing a lot of silent work mobilizing Latinos, which will be important in AZ, FL, and TX.
This is why Trump supporters will never change their mind no matter how much you try and reason with them -

The loyal hardcore Trump voters are a small fraction of all voters tbf. It's about 30-35% of the GOP primary voters in 2016 as that's what seemed to be his floor in the primary. This is anywhere from 10-15% of the overall electorate.

The rest of the people backing him are people that will vote for a Republican no matter who it is on the ballot. That's why his numbers are barely in the 40s right now.

You have to remember more people voted against Trump in the primaries than for him.
Tbf he hasnt seemed right since his convention speech.

Also, Lil' Marco confirmed that he still thinks Drumpf is a con artist, after endorsing him :lol:. If the Dems run that from now until Nov.8 hen maybe Pat Murphy has a chance.

Rubio - Con Artist
Ryan - The text book definition of racism

Both have therefore endorsed con artistry and racism.

I can see the Hillary ads for down ballot candidates being made as we speak.
Wow, Monmouth just put out a +9 for Clinton in Florida :lol:
The Senate is, I'd say, 95% blue. Kirk is toast, no way he keeps his seat in IL in a general election year. Bayh is up 30 points. Hassan up 5 on Ayotte and McGinty up on Toomey. That's the 4 seats they need.

The House is trickier. I'd say she'd have to win by about 9-9.5 points to flip it (I know Dave Wasserman of CPR said its 7, but she seems to be over performing in red states and underperforming in blues, which makes it different to a normal election)
Clinton camp pulling ads from key battleground states because they feel they have those states locked up. :nervous:
Clinton camp pulling ads from key battleground states because they feel they have those states locked up. :nervous:

They are reducing ad buys in those states and saving a bit of money to apply to other states - probably - GA, AZ, UT, and MO. If she is leading by double digits by the end of this month as she is now, then the Dems will probably apply their money in traditional red states to go for the kill in terms of winning the Senate back.
Money really well spent if the dems could win the house and senate as well. At least there would be 2 years of something actually getting done. And the icing would be a "7-2" advantage on the supreme court for the long term. I've not seen great analysis on the house and senate scenarios. Any pointers?
Certainly a more plausible theory than Obama founding ISIS :lol:

Republican Congressman: Trump Is Trying to Help Clinton Win

According to Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.), Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is intentionally trying to lose the election in order to help elect Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in November.

The GOP congressman made his claim during an interview Monday on the “Fernand Amandi Radio Show” on WIOD-AM in Miami. And it’s not the first time he’s made such an accusation. In July 2015, Curbelo referred to Trump as a “phantom candidate” seeking to help Clinton,the Miami Herald reported.

Asked if he still believed that the Clintons “planted” Trump as a candidate, Curbelo replied affirmatively. “I have no hard proof for my theory, but I think the relevant question is: Do people actually think that Donald Trump is trying to win?” Curbelo said.

Curbelo said Trump utilized “diversions” to distract from Clinton’s many controversies, such as her“egregious lie” that FBI Director James Comey had said that she was “truthful” about her emails.

Curbelo also argued that Trump’s decision to campaign in states such as Connecticut that he has “no chance of winning” benefits Clinton. “What is any [Republican] candidate doing campaigning in Connecticut?” Curbelo said, noting President Barack Obama carried the state by 18 points.

“So, to all my passionate friends who are Trump supporters,” he said. “And I understand why, there are a lot of people who are angry and frustrated in this country — they really don’t like Hillary Clinton for some obvious reasons — but put his recent conduct together with the fact he’s a close friend of the Clintons, they attended his wedding, the pictures are there to prove it.”

Always thought that Trump doesn't really have the stomach to be president. Bet he can't wait to it's over
Certainly a more plausible theory than Obama founding ISIS :lol:

It is a theory that has been out there since he announced he was running, considering his long "friendship" with the Clintons, and how he supposedly called Bill up right before deciding. Thing is, if it were to be true (huge IF), then it doesn't really make the Republican's look any better that they fell for it hook, line and sinker.
It is a theory that has been out there since he announced he was running, considering his long "friendship" with the Clintons, and how he supposedly called Bill up right before deciding. Thing is, if it were to be true (huge IF), then it doesn't really make the Republican's look any better that they fell for it hook, line and sinker.

If it's true, then Hillary should be impeached as it is a 'fix'. US Democracy will become a laughing stock for rest of the world.
If other Republicans lost the nomination to a candidate who didn't even want to win his own election, what's that say about the rest of them? :lol:
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