2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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So Clinton has released her tax returns and the IRS have said that Trump is free to release the information. How long until he caves in? I've got this weird feeling that he'll either release partial information or the full information isn't nearly as bad as we think it's going to be once it's compared to the amount of waiting there has been.

He won't cave in imo. He obviously has something embarrassing or disqualifying to hide from the public and is using this fake issue of being audited to duck releasing them. My best guess is that if Trump believes he is going to lose the election, he won't have any incentive to release the taxes if there is indeed something in his returns that embarrasses him (as in he's not really a Billionaire, he has close ties with Russian money, he doesn't pay taxes or pays a very low rate, he doesn't give much if any money to charity, or any combination thereof). Conversely, if he believes he is going to win, he won't be incentivized to release them either as it may jeopardize his momentum or perhaps it would be irrelevant since he was sure he is going to win.

The most plausible outcome is he has something embarrassing in them and won't release because he feels it would damage him further if he thinks he is going to lose, to the point where it would continue to plague him in his business life after the elections are done.
He won't cave in imo. He obviously has something embarrassing or disqualifying to hide from the public and is using this fake issue of being audited to duck releasing them. My best guess is that if Trump believes he is going to lose the election, he won't have any incentive to release the taxes if there is indeed something in his returns that embarrasses him (as in he's not really a Billionaire, he has close ties with Russian money, he doesn't pay taxes or pays a very low rate, he doesn't give much if any money to charity, or any combination thereof). Conversely, if he believes he is going to win, he won't be incentivized to release them either as it may jeopardize his momentum or perhaps it would be irrelevant since he was sure he is going to win.

The most plausible outcome is he has something embarrassing in them and won't release because he feels it would damage him further if he thinks he is going to lose, to the point where it would continue to plague him in his business life after the elections are done.

Hmm, good point.
So Clinton has released her tax returns and the IRS have said that Trump is free to release the information. How long until he caves in? I've got this weird feeling that he'll either release partial information or the full information isn't nearly as bad as we think it's going to be once it's compared to the amount of waiting there has been.

I can't see him releasing it, many people are saying he's nearly flat broke with next to NO liquid assets whatsoever and others like Mark Cuban saying he is worth nowhere near as much as he or Forbes says he is. Then there is also the charity donations problem with him clearly lying numerous times that he donates millions to charity yet people have investigated and found there is absolutely no proof of that anywhere. If he's caught lying about that AND he's shown to be not worth anywhere near what he says, and possibly not even a paper billionaire anymore, well then the whole basis of his campaign will be proven to be a big lie and there will be absolutely nowhere for him to go.

Edit, Sorry @Raoul, I was typing that as you posted your reply. :lol: Both kind of saying the same thing there.
This election was only going to be either a referendum on Drumpf or Clinton, and as long as he doesn't shut up, chance of it being the latter is close to zero

I saw a nice quote recently on Twitter that sums up the election for me.

It said that if this election was about Trump then Hillary would win and if this election was about Hillary then Trump would win, and right now both candidates want this election to be about Trump.
Someone mentioned this morning that Trump has been operating on only a few hours of sleep for the past few months, which would explain his looney behavior.
Kramer from Seinfeld did that and it didn't work out well for him.
Republican governor of Illinois just vetoed a bipartisan Auto Voter Registration bill, veto override session is, wait for it, after the election :rolleyes:

Incidentally, a certain Republican, Mr. Mark Kirk is junior senator from IL, up for re election in November.
He won't cave in imo. He obviously has something embarrassing or disqualifying to hide from the public and is using this fake issue of being audited to duck releasing them. My best guess is that if Trump believes he is going to lose the election, he won't have any incentive to release the taxes if there is indeed something in his returns that embarrasses him (as in he's not really a Billionaire, he has close ties with Russian money, he doesn't pay taxes or pays a very low rate, he doesn't give much if any money to charity, or any combination thereof). Conversely, if he believes he is going to win, he won't be incentivized to release them either as it may jeopardize his momentum or perhaps it would be irrelevant since he was sure he is going to win.

The most plausible outcome is he has something embarrassing in them and won't release because he feels it would damage him further if he thinks he is going to lose, to the point where it would continue to plague him in his business life after the elections are done.

Time for Anonymous or someone to hack in and release his tax returns, even if after the election. I think many people would thoroughly enjoy his world crashing down.
He won't cave in imo. He obviously has something embarrassing or disqualifying to hide from the public and is using this fake issue of being audited to duck releasing them. My best guess is that if Trump believes he is going to lose the election, he won't have any incentive to release the taxes if there is indeed something in his returns that embarrasses him (as in he's not really a Billionaire, he has close ties with Russian money, he doesn't pay taxes or pays a very low rate, he doesn't give much if any money to charity, or any combination thereof). Conversely, if he believes he is going to win, he won't be incentivized to release them either as it may jeopardize his momentum or perhaps it would be irrelevant since he was sure he is going to win.

The most plausible outcome is he has something embarrassing in them and won't release because he feels it would damage him further if he thinks he is going to lose, to the point where it would continue to plague him in his business life after the elections are done.
The tax return won't tell you if he's a billionaire or no but will tell if he's on low income to not pay taxes (a low salary) About Clinton they donated 9.8% of their income to charity which 96% was for the Clinton foundation :lol:

Eighty-eight percent of Republicans and 40 percent of the general public support Trump. Judging by the last few months of polling, a significantly larger portion backs his national security agenda. Half the country supports a temporary ban on Muslim immigration; 44 percent favor a registry for Muslims already here; 53 percent want to intensify surveillance of US mosques; and 63 percent endorse thetorture of terror suspects. In the latest Pew survey on the subject, voters say Trump would do a better job than Clinton defending the country from future terrorist attacks.

It’s tempting to attribute these authoritarian sentiments to Trump’s demagoguery alone. But Trump didn’t generate an appetite for reactionary reform by himself. The seeds were planted long ago — sown in that cryptic conversation between Hayden and Tenet, and thousands like it in the halls of power since.

If a constituency exists for Trump’s extreme anti-terror agenda it’s because Republicans and Democrats alike have spent the last fifteen years cultivating paranoia, secrecy, and deference to executive authority — while vastly overstating the threat of attacks on American soil.

For fifteen years, the US government has waged a war on terror premised on the idea that the extraordinary threat of global terrorism demands extraordinary measures, that the effective prevention of terrorist plots demands sacrifices of civil liberties, and that rooting out terror across the globe necessitates an expansion of what is permissible under traditional norms of war. For fifteen years, the state has been “playing to the edge” and beyond enabling the emergence of a candidate who doesn’t know or care where the edge is.

Foreign policy elites made their own bed; now Trump is sleeping in it.

Indeed, many of the elites now criticizing Trump were content to allow Islamophobia and irrational fear to fuel their war on terror, so long as it was coded in the Teflon language of “national security.”

Take John Yoo, author of the Torture Memos. No figure is more responsible for the legal architecture of the war on terror than Yoo. Bush and Cheney relied on his opinions to preemptively justify their violations of the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions.

In March, Yoo condemned Trump’s position on waterboarding. He did so not because he’s had a change of heart about the morality or legality of what he calls “enhanced interrogation,” but rather because Trump implied he would use torture as a means of punishment.

“That’s not what its purpose is,” Yoo insisted. “The purpose of it is not to take revenge for past acts. It’s to figure out what to do now to get intelligence to stop future attacks.”

Trump, by refusing to coat his language in nat. sec. legalese, revealed an uncomfortable truth: that torture has always been ineffective, motivated as much by spite as by a belief in its intelligence value. For Yoo, that was the unforgivable offense.
No one is held accountable for spouting nonsense, distributing misinformation, and blatant lying. Judging by the Trump loons CNN has employed, they must be doing their best to generate viewership at any cost.
Katrina Pearson having her daily Sarah Palin meltdown on national tv.

You could tell the anchor there was asking himself "wtf is she talking about?!?!" a few times there.

I guess the Trump folks are going all in and hoping 50.1% of voters can't remember the last 15 years of history.
You could tell the anchor there was asking himself "wtf is she talking about?!?!" a few times there.

I guess the Trump folks are going all in and hoping 50.1% of voters can't remember the last 15 years of history.

How shit is she? She spouts bullshit almost every time she speaks and then blames it on technical issues at CNN.
Even though I should know better, I'm constantly astounded by how simplistic the rhetoric on foreign policy is. I'm specifically referring to the scaremongers who confuse speaking their minds with having an informed opinion. As famed as politicians are for obfuscating, the Trump camp are just taking it to a whole new level, because I don't think they know quite how misinformed they are. A part of me wishes everything they are doing is all well orchestrated and cunning, and then the prospect of them being anywhere close to the White House wouldn't be so bad.
You could tell the anchor there was asking himself "wtf is she talking about?!?!" a few times there.

I guess the Trump folks are going all in and hoping 50.1% of voters can't remember the last 15 years of history.
A couple of, possibly naive, questions:
Is George Orwell's book 1984 well read in the US?
Has anyone over there even heard of Robert Tressell or his book The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists?
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Even though I should know better, I'm constantly astounded by how simplistic the rhetoric on foreign policy is. I'm specifically referring to the scaremongers who confuse speaking their minds with having an informed opinion. As famed as politicians are for obfuscating, the Trump camp are just taking it to a whole new level, because I don't think they know quite how misinformed they are. A part of me wishes everything they are doing is all well orchestrated and cunning, and then the prospect of them being anywhere close to the White House wouldn't be so bad.

Unfortunately that's not the case. We like to think that idiotic politicians are actually cunning and genial in their tactics/rhetoric because of the popularity it can sometimes bring them, but it's really just plain incompetence.
Speaks volumes that the best alternative the US can come up with to DT is the looney Hillary.

The best alternative of the two, but feck me is it underwhelming.

Rewatching that video where the bearded geezer reacts in a flabbergasted manner when Trump makes the remark about the second amendment folks taking care of Hillary, what seems more telling to me is how the woman (his wife?) next tot him reacts. The kindly grandmother type just cracks up at Trumps remarks as if it´s just so darn funny. Reminds of the great swaths of rural America who are the kindliest folks with some of the most nasty, bigoted political views.
Unfortunately that's not the case. We like to think that idiotic politicians are actually cunning and genial in their tactics/rhetoric because of the popularity it can sometimes bring them, but it's really just plain incompetence.

It's become apparent enough that this is the case, sure. I think it's also becoming more evident that Trump doesn't just have the support of some very misinformed people. He's also being pushed by an incredibly bitter minority who have no qualms about whether or not he's a viable candidate, instead doing so out of spite towards a system they seem to have an innate hatred towards, at least that's my take on it.
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