2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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GOP could have refused to allow Trump to run in the beginning, or told 40% of them to feck off and selected its chosen candidate in June. They were fecked either way.
She got a massive bounce after the Dem convention, and Trump had a calamitous week last week. The conventions are more or less the end of act one of the general election and voters tend to have a good idea of who they are voting for in the week or two after. There are a dwindling number of people who haven't decided yet and those that still exist will decide next month during the debates.
Looking at those numbers though it's hard to see what's left to debate.
Looking at those numbers though it's hard to see what's left to debate.

There isn't much to debate - debates are more or less a chance for the candidates to raise the opposition's negative polling whilst raising their own. That can have a massive effect on the polls.
GOP could have refused to allow Trump to run in the beginning, or told 40% of them to feck off and selected its chosen candidate in June. They were fecked either way.

No sympathy for them. Ever since they let the Tea Party faction drive their agenda it was only going one way. It's a pipe dream, but it would be great if the Democrats took advantage of this clusterfeck and regained majorities in the Senate and House.
Now that the Pogba thread is locked and the forum is working again...


I'm counting on Wikileaks to deliver a late Solskjaer style goal some time in October. Maybe some Clinton bank records showing money laundering while at the state department.

Trump has had a rough couple of weeks but he has weathered a few serious controversies already. We have three more months of ups and downs for both sides. Ten days ago the Democrats were a dumpster fire. Now they're "unbeatable". We'll see :)
Now that the Pogba thread is locked and the forum is working again...


I'm counting on Wikileaks to deliver a late Solskjaer style goal some time in October. Maybe some Clinton bank records showing money laundering while at the state department.

Trump has had a rough couple of weeks but he has weathered a few serious controversies already. We have three more months of ups and downs for both sides. Ten days ago the Democrats were a dumpster fire. Now they're "unbeatable". We'll see :)

Not sure if another Wikileaks dump is going to do much damage. The previous one came out around the Trump convention and Hillary has done nothing but move up in the polls since.
New Monmouth poll ( rated A+ pollster by 538):

Clinton 50%
Trump 37%
Johnson 7%
Stein 2%

First time Clinton reaches the 50% mark.

Shes going to win bigly @Raoul
Now that the Pogba thread is locked and the forum is working again...


I'm counting on Wikileaks to deliver a late Solskjaer style goal some time in October. Maybe some Clinton bank records showing money laundering while at the state department.

Trump has had a rough couple of weeks but he has weathered a few serious controversies already. We have three more months of ups and downs for both sides. Ten days ago the Democrats were a dumpster fire. Now they're "unbeatable". We'll see :)

Now that the Pogba thread is locked and the forum is working again...


I'm counting on Wikileaks to deliver a late Solskjaer style goal some time in October. Maybe some Clinton bank records showing money laundering while at the state department.

Trump has had a rough couple of weeks but he has weathered a few serious controversies already. We have three more months of ups and downs for both sides. Ten days ago the Democrats were a dumpster fire. Now they're "unbeatable". We'll see :)

I find it remarkable that anyone can be okay with and supportive of Trump's 'controversies' when they include harassing the family of a dead soldier.
I find it remarkable that anyone can be okay with and supportive of Trump's 'controversies' when they include harassing the family of a dead soldier.

If anything, the reaction to Trump´s statement is a lot more worrying than the statement itself. A whole country united in moral confusion.
The Fox controversy is hotting up again. There are apparently audio recordings on the sexual harassment allegation.
The Clinton Foundation has staffers and programs in dozens of countries working on countless issues. But it’s perhaps best known for its high-profile role in the reconstruction of Haiti after the country’s devastating 2010 earthquake.

The foundation’s Haiti initiatives, like similar operations elsewhere, were distinguished by an allegiance to the free market and a corporation-centric solution to social problems.

In this respect, the Clinton Foundation’s operations in Haiti bore a striking resemblance to the Bush administration’s arrogant colonial posture toward the occupation of Iraq — right down to the way the Bush administration deployed recent Ivy League graduates to carry out central elements of the US empire’s plans for occupation and reconstruction.

According to an unnamed UN official who talked to journalist Janet Reitman for a 2011 report in Rolling Stone, there was a “dual problem” with the Clinton Foundation staffers:

First, they had no background in development — they didn’t know what they were talking about in aid or humanitarianism. Second, they didn’t even realize it. They had come to Haiti in their suits convinced they were going to fix the place, and then they looked really confused when we would try to explain to them why the ideas they came up with on the back of an envelope on the plane over wouldn’t work.

Indeed, the iconic accomplishments of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti today are an industrial park built to help foreign-owned clothing manufacturers exploit low-wage Haitian labor; trailers to house schools for Haiti’s next generation of workers; and a luxury hotel for wealthy corporate executives who need a place to rest their weary heads as they seek out new business opportunities.

In 2012, Bill and Hillary Clinton personally attended the opening ceremony of the Caracol Industrial Park, which was supposed to create some 60,000 jobs for Haitians longing for decent employment. (Among the celebrities who attended the opening were Sean Penn and Ben Stiller.) But a year after its opening, the park had only generated 1,500 jobs. “Hundreds of smallholder farmers were coaxed into giving up more than 600 acres of land for the complex, yet nearly 95 percent of that land remains unused,” Al Jazeera reported in September 2013.

Disgracefully, the Clinton Foundation also contracted with Clayton Homes — the same firm sued by the US government for supplying trailers reeking of formaldehyde fumes to Hurricane Katrina refugees — to provide trailers to serve as schools for the children of the town of Léogâne.

Warren Buffet, owner of the investment firm Berkshire Hathway, which in turns owns Clayton Homes, was a prominent supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Buffet co-hosted a fundraiser that raked in more than $1 million for her campaign.

But the Clinton Foundation did see at least one project through to completion, under the auspices of the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund. The fund invested $2 million to complete the construction of a luxury hotel in Pétionville.

Trump just said something incredibly controversial. He will get hammered for this and it will probably snuff out what little chance he still has.
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