2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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As if on cue...

Seriously, if Republicans can still in good conscience vote for him after this, you lot are fecked, Clinton win or not.
I'd give most politicians the benefit of the doubt with that but with him I actually think he probably meant it the way it's being interpreted.
What's so interesting about this ?

This, and the rest of the article, lays out that the foundation was an inefficient charity (a pity for its weight and cash), rife with conflicts of interest, and could create, a blurring between the lines of POTUS and the Clinton family.

About the bolded part: it's the type of shit that would get more play if Trump did it.
Trump just said something incredibly controversial. He will get hammered for this and it will probably snuff out what little chance he still has.

Yeah, unlike all the crazy stuff he's said up to date...

That said, I'm no longer uneasy about voting for Jill. I think Hillary has this in the bag.
I'd give most politicians the benefit of the doubt with that but with him I actually think he probably meant it the way it's being interpreted.

He doesn't have enough nuance of thought to mean anything other than the literal meaning of the words that come from his mouth.

I doubt half the time he even knows what he's trying to say. His mouth just moves and words randomly come out.
Trump just said something incredibly controversial. He will get hammered for this and it will probably snuff out what little chance he still has.
I think it would be possible to post those sentences at random times without any knowledge of what's happening with the candidates, and it would stand a good chance of being correct. He's the human equivalent of the Microsoft machine learning twitter account.
I think it would be possible to post those sentences at random times without any knowledge of what's happening with the candidates, and it would stand a good chance of being correct. He's the human equivalent of the Microsoft machine learning twitter account.

Let's hope this dominates the cycle for the next few days and just adds to the idiocy over the Khan family from last week, to where he can't gain any momentum leading into the debates.
He doesn't have enough nuance of thought to mean anything other than the literal meaning of the words that come from his mouth.

I doubt half the time he even knows what he's trying to say. His mouth just moves and words randomly come out.
I've thought this for a while. He probably prepares what he's going to say but when he's actually up there he just goes off without thinking what he's saying.
I'd give most politicians the benefit of the doubt with that but with him I actually think he probably meant it the way it's being interpreted.

Certainly looks like some in the audience behind him understood it that way judging by the reaction.
Let's not even try and use the 'Oh it's Trump, but he never thinks before he says'. He knows exactly what he says and exactly what he's implying. He's relying on his rep of saying stupid things once in a while to be not taken seriously.

His surrogates will defend him and depending on publich reaction to the comments, he'll either try to walk back the comments after a couple of days or continue to stoke the flames. We'll file it under the '19 outrageous things Trump said and you won't believe number 13' folder. The guy is dangerous and if GOP had any sense and patriotism, they'l disown him sharpish.
Your last half a dozen or so posts make no sense. What is your point ?

It's quite sad to see that Hillary's many many faults are being glossed over because of the overarching insanity that is Trump. He may or may not have suggested that some groups may kill her. She suggested the same, in a slightly less direct but more coherent fashion, with Obama in 2008. Both statements can have two interpretations.

What has seemingly swung the election is Trump being unable to control both his mouth and his bigotry one more time, and for once it's backfired. It's meant that terrible people (but not openly racist) have declared their support for Hillary. 50 GOP security guys have endorsed Hillary. The next president has the backing of the top strategist in the bloodiest part of the Vietnam War and almost the entire cabinet that pushed the Iraq war. And when you look at her foreign policy record, of aggressive muscular short-sighted disaster, it makes sense. She was for Iraq which created the instability ISIS thrives in. She was for LiIbya which gave them another safe haven, which her successor is now bombing. She was for toppling Assad, and now she is for killing his enemy. That's without the shadier side of things in Honduras and Haiti. Does nothing give her pause or doubt?
But does this record scare no one? When the overlap between her and Bush becomes so blatantly obvious, when the convention screams USA as a speaker talks about killing them all and anti-war slogans are drowned out, when mainstream liberals are welcoming Paul Wolfowitz, is there not a danger of the party itself becoming the mirror image of its (soon-to-be) leader?
The policies she supported and her husband implemented in the 90s helped lay the ground for the recession (and increased painful it would be) in 2008. The foreign policy she supported as senator and secretary of state has created a vacuum filled by a terrifying death cult. Those are the 2 most toxic Bush legacies.

Finally I'm assuming "my last 6 posts" probably refers to my reply to fishy and not my posts about Rubio's cuntishnes or the relative harmlessness of free trade. I really disagree with the idea that there is some centre ground, and if politicians compromised and found it the country would improve. That's especially true when one half of the compromise is going to be from the party of Ayn Rand worshippers. Even with relatively moderate parties, compromise isn't good enough for the biggest challenge: global warming. Finally, compromise usually means tinkering around the edges and letting systemic issues linger, since both sides will have the opposite way of dealing with a big problem (Unemployment: cut top tax rates so that job creators stimulate the economy, or, increase top tax rates and increase government expenditure through investment or job training). There is no compromise between those positions (actually there is, the compromise is to do nothing).
It's quite sad to see that Hillary's many many faults are being glossed over because of the overarching insanity that is Trump. He may or may not have suggested that some groups may kill her. She suggested the same, in a slightly less direct but more coherent fashion, with Obama in 2008. Both statements can have two interpretations.

What has seemingly swung the election is Trump being unable to control both his mouth and his bigotry one more time, and for once it's backfired. It's meant that terrible people (but not openly racist) have declared their support for Hillary. 50 GOP security guys have endorsed Hillary. The next president has the backing of the top strategist in the bloodiest part of the Vietnam War and almost the entire cabinet that pushed the Iraq war. And when you look at her foreign policy record, of aggressive muscular short-sighted disaster, it makes sense. She was for Iraq which created the instability ISIS thrives in. She was for LiIbya which gave them another safe haven, which her successor is now bombing. She was for toppling Assad, and now she is for killing his enemy. That's without the shadier side of things in Honduras and Haiti. Does nothing give her pause or doubt?
But does this record scare no one? When the overlap between her and Bush becomes so blatantly obvious, when the convention screams USA as a speaker talks about killing them all and anti-war slogans are drowned out, when mainstream liberals are welcoming Paul Wolfowitz, is there not a danger of the party itself becoming the mirror image of its (soon-to-be) leader?
The policies she supported and her husband implemented in the 90s helped lay the ground for the recession (and increased painful it would be) in 2008. The foreign policy she supported as senator and secretary of state has created a vacuum filled by a terrifying death cult. Those are the 2 most toxic Bush legacies.

Finally I'm assuming "my last 6 posts" probably refers to my reply to fishy and not my posts about Rubio's cuntishnes or the relative harmlessness of free trade. I really disagree with the idea that there is some centre ground, and if politicians compromised and found it the country would improve. That's especially true when one half of the compromise is going to be from the party of Ayn Rand worshippers. Even with relatively moderate parties, compromise isn't good enough for the biggest challenge: global warming. Finally, compromise usually means tinkering around the edges and letting systemic issues linger, since both sides will have the opposite way of dealing with a big problem (Unemployment: cut top tax rates so that job creators stimulate the economy, or, increase top tax rates and increase government expenditure through investment or job training). There is no compromise between those positions (actually there is, the compromise is to do nothing).

The primaries are over. Let it go man.
Liz is back in action after Drumpf's comments......

It's quite sad to see that Hillary's many many faults are being glossed over because of the overarching insanity that is Trump. He may or may not have suggested that some groups may kill her. She suggested the same, in a slightly less direct but more coherent fashion, with Obama in 2008. Both statements can have two interpretations.

What has seemingly swung the election is Trump being unable to control both his mouth and his bigotry one more time, and for once it's backfired. It's meant that terrible people (but not openly racist) have declared their support for Hillary. 50 GOP security guys have endorsed Hillary. The next president has the backing of the top strategist in the bloodiest part of the Vietnam War and almost the entire cabinet that pushed the Iraq war. And when you look at her foreign policy record, of aggressive muscular short-sighted disaster, it makes sense. She was for Iraq which created the instability ISIS thrives in. She was for LiIbya which gave them another safe haven, which her successor is now bombing. She was for toppling Assad, and now she is for killing his enemy. That's without the shadier side of things in Honduras and Haiti. Does nothing give her pause or doubt?
But does this record scare no one? When the overlap between her and Bush becomes so blatantly obvious, when the convention screams USA as a speaker talks about killing them all and anti-war slogans are drowned out, when mainstream liberals are welcoming Paul Wolfowitz, is there not a danger of the party itself becoming the mirror image of its (soon-to-be) leader?
The policies she supported and her husband implemented in the 90s helped lay the ground for the recession (and increased painful it would be) in 2008. The foreign policy she supported as senator and secretary of state has created a vacuum filled by a terrifying death cult. Those are the 2 most toxic Bush legacies.

Finally I'm assuming "my last 6 posts" probably refers to my reply to fishy and not my posts about Rubio's cuntishnes or the relative harmlessness of free trade. I really disagree with the idea that there is some centre ground, and if politicians compromised and found it the country would improve. That's especially true when one half of the compromise is going to be from the party of Ayn Rand worshippers. Even with relatively moderate parties, compromise isn't good enough for the biggest challenge: global warming. Finally, compromise usually means tinkering around the edges and letting systemic issues linger, since both sides will have the opposite way of dealing with a big problem (Unemployment: cut top tax rates so that job creators stimulate the economy, or, increase top tax rates and increase government expenditure through investment or job training). There is no compromise between those positions (actually there is, the compromise is to do nothing).

I think the reason people aren't scared of Clinton's record is simply because of how terrifying the prospect of Trump is. When he is the alternative, someone who is quite shady in general seems angelic in comparison, and it's easy to see why.

I actually do agree with a lot of your last paragraph, admittedly. Global warming is by far the biggest challenge we face today and as a global dominant power with plenty of influence the US should be fronting that. But again, even if Clinton's approach to that will be moderate and nowhere enough, it's surely still better than the alternative...someone who doesn't believe in it at all and thinks it's a Chinese hoax, representing a party who actually brainwash children on the issue to conform to their own views.

And while the thought of compromise with the so-called Ayn Rand worshipers may not seem ideal, what's the alternative? For what it's worth, I actually think someone like Sanders could've won this one being up against Trump because Trump himself is so awful and his own anti-establishment message wouldn't have gone well against someone like Sanders. But, in politics in general, how can you just ignore the other side? I mean, yeah, I can't stand Republicans and the thought of a politician who can enact genuine, meaningful change is fantastic...but if people don't buy into it, what then? I think this would've been a great chance for Sanders, but in another election it might have backfired. And it's not as if you can just go cease power if someone much, much worse gets in.
Let's not even try and use the 'Oh it's Trump, but he never thinks before he says'. He knows exactly what he says and exactly what he's implying. He's relying on his rep of saying stupid things once in a while to be not taken seriously.

His surrogates will defend him and depending on publich reaction to the comments, he'll either try to walk back the comments after a couple of days or continue to stoke the flames. We'll file it under the '19 outrageous things Trump said and you won't believe number 13' folder. The guy is dangerous and if GOP had any sense and patriotism, they'l disown him sharpish.

Then you remember this bit...

Wow just saw 5 seconds of that. He is like a weird mix of Colonel Sanders and Derek Zoolander. Doesn't change the fact for me that he is still sane compared to Trump and Trupeters like Hannity.
Wow just saw 5 seconds of that. He is like a weird mix of Colonel Sanders and Derek Zoolander. Doesn't change the fact for me that he is still sane compared to Trump and Trupeters like Hannity.

He's playing with dolls and at the end is wearing ruby red slippers. Dunno about more sane. Very thin line there. Hannity is a doofus, Trump is a showman, and Beck is a conspiratard nutter.

I know of a few right-wing loons in my FB news feed that throw out The Blaze links - I immediately recall this segment and dismiss that person. No point in arguing with that person though, he/she is too far submerged in a bubble.
It's quite sad to see that Hillary's many many faults are being glossed over because of the overarching insanity that is Trump. He may or may not have suggested that some groups may kill her. She suggested the same, in a slightly less direct but more coherent fashion, with Obama in 2008. Both statements can have two interpretations.

What has seemingly swung the election is Trump being unable to control both his mouth and his bigotry one more time, and for once it's backfired. It's meant that terrible people (but not openly racist) have declared their support for Hillary. 50 GOP security guys have endorsed Hillary. The next president has the backing of the top strategist in the bloodiest part of the Vietnam War and almost the entire cabinet that pushed the Iraq war. And when you look at her foreign policy record, of aggressive muscular short-sighted disaster, it makes sense. She was for Iraq which created the instability ISIS thrives in. She was for LiIbya which gave them another safe haven, which her successor is now bombing. She was for toppling Assad, and now she is for killing his enemy. That's without the shadier side of things in Honduras and Haiti. Does nothing give her pause or doubt?
But does this record scare no one? When the overlap between her and Bush becomes so blatantly obvious, when the convention screams USA as a speaker talks about killing them all and anti-war slogans are drowned out, when mainstream liberals are welcoming Paul Wolfowitz, is there not a danger of the party itself becoming the mirror image of its (soon-to-be) leader?
The policies she supported and her husband implemented in the 90s helped lay the ground for the recession (and increased painful it would be) in 2008. The foreign policy she supported as senator and secretary of state has created a vacuum filled by a terrifying death cult. Those are the 2 most toxic Bush legacies.

Finally I'm assuming "my last 6 posts" probably refers to my reply to fishy and not my posts about Rubio's cuntishnes or the relative harmlessness of free trade. I really disagree with the idea that there is some centre ground, and if politicians compromised and found it the country would improve. That's especially true when one half of the compromise is going to be from the party of Ayn Rand worshippers. Even with relatively moderate parties, compromise isn't good enough for the biggest challenge: global warming. Finally, compromise usually means tinkering around the edges and letting systemic issues linger, since both sides will have the opposite way of dealing with a big problem (Unemployment: cut top tax rates so that job creators stimulate the economy, or, increase top tax rates and increase government expenditure through investment or job training). There is no compromise between those positions (actually there is, the compromise is to do nothing).
Great post .
Remember the good ol' days when we thought Trump would try and pivot after securing the nomination?

Those were the days.
Remember the good ol' days when we thought Trump would try and pivot after securing the nomination?

Those were the days.

He couldn't really pull off a pivot because he had dug himself such a hole with the Mexican rapists remarks that he made his bed with the right wing nativists and pivoting would've estranged that support in the Gen. He is now in a political limbo where he can't go left or right for fear of alienating the other side.
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