2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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.Tough reforms on wallstreet :lol:

.Foreign policy - Libya has been a disaster

But yes for the shitshow that American politics are he's been ok.

Also vox youtube channel is really great (rio olympics video is incredible)
Libya huh? Compared to two preempted wars from Bush. Yes Bengazi (C) Fox News is a major disaster like Iraq and Afghanistan and the real shitstorm that caused.

This is funny

Anyone who uses "Bigly" probably has small penis syndrome.

This is possibly the central root of his constant aggression and reaction towards anything deemed an attack at him. He was probably ridiculed in the showers by classmates, having the tiny hands and penis he does. So each time someone attacks him, or he perceives being attacked, his mind reverts to those adolescent years and he perceives everyone laughing at his button knob of a penis. For if he was wielding a massive concealed weapon he'd have a much different demeanor.
This is possibly the central root of his constant aggression and reaction towards anything deemed an attack at him. He was probably ridiculed in the showers by classmates, having the tiny hands and penis he does. So each time someone attacks him, or he perceives being attacked, his mind reverts to those adolescent years and he perceives everyone laughing at his button knob of a penis. For if he was wielding a massive concealed weapon he'd have a much different demeanor.
Clinton up 12 in VA in new CBS/YouGov Battleground Polls. Up 2 in NV, down 2 in AZ.

Bear in mind Obama's 2012 polling average in NV was +2 on Election Day. He ended up winning by +7.
Another independent candidate apparently set to join the race today - mainly to be anti-Trump. Either way Drumpf is toast.
Return of the Mitt?

No apparently its some low level guy (apparently with a CIA background) who may enter the race today to give down ballot candidates some top cover incase Trump completely implodes and drags GOP control of congress down with him. In either case, between Trump's idiotic campaign where he puts his foot in his mouth every couple of days, Hillary's convention bounce, the ascent of Gary Johnson, and this new guy today - I'd say everything is lining up in favor of Trump not being able to win.
He is human scum.

Marco Rubio: women with Zika should not be allowed abortions

Florida senator and former presidential candidate says he will ‘err on the side of life’ even if babies will have microcephaly

he should adopt them. of course most that are anti-choice don't do SFA about that do they? have an unwanted baby dammit. but marco can we get help from the state - "feck off that costs money"
Lots of liberals in Austin, plenty of hispanics to drop some Spanish on as well. They must have internal analytics and polling suggesting Texas is more vulnerable for the GOP than previously thought.
With Johnson polling in double digits I think this is actually doable. Iirc Bill won Arizona in 96 thanks to Perot taking a chunk of the red votes there as well.
Strategic to make them use up limited resources in TX so less to go to closer toss up states?
It's doable if the overall lead is ~10 points and enough white college educated voters switch/abstain. Dubya and Cruz certainly won't be doing much campaigning for him there.
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