2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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For all the Liberal circlejerk surrounding Elizabeth Warren she does come across as annoying petulant sometimes. That "losing to a girl" comment is exactly the petty, obnoxious nonsense you'd expect to hear from the Trump camp. No need for it really.
For all the Liberal circlejerk surrounding Elizabeth Warren she does come across as annoying petulant sometimes. That "losing to a girl" comment is exactly the petty, obnoxious nonsense you'd expect to hear from the Trump camp. No need for it really.

That's the entire point. She's using his own medicine against him, which is why it gets under his skin so much.
For all the Liberal circlejerk surrounding Elizabeth Warren she does come across as annoying petulant sometimes. That "losing to a girl" comment is exactly the petty, obnoxious nonsense you'd expect to hear from the Trump camp. No need for it really.
Elizabeth Warren is terrible. Mind you, I'd rather her than Trump, but she is almost as insufferable.
For all the Liberal circlejerk surrounding Elizabeth Warren she does come across as annoying petulant sometimes. That "losing to a girl" comment is exactly the petty, obnoxious nonsense you'd expect to hear from the Trump camp. No need for it really.
I dont get it either... Entirely pointless..

I cant see her appeal ... Not being batshit crazy or extremely dislikable.. the bar has been set pretty fecking low.
I dont get it either... Entirely pointless..

I cant see her appeal ... Not being batshit crazy or extremely dislikable.. the bar has been set pretty fecking low.

She is basically a female Bernie. That side of her has been completely concealed in this campaign since she is not running, but her outspoken nature is being used to wind Trump up, which is why she is in the news.
I dont get it either... Entirely pointless..

I cant see her appeal ... Not being batshit crazy or extremely dislikable.. the bar has been set pretty fecking low.

What's not to like about her? She is the politician that should be lauded for speaking her mind, instead of mental patients like Trump.
It was mainly one guy, who incidentally wants all Labor voters to select it's leader and wants independents to vote in Dem primaries.
I didn't think it would work but I thought he'd at least TRY, rather than encouraging the assassination of public officials/the President!

He really does need to be beaten resoundingly, a narrow Clinton EC win would lead to a scary few weeks (at least).
She is basically a female Bernie. That side of her has been completely concealed in this campaign since she is not running, but her outspoken nature is being used to wind Trump up, which is why she is in the news.

She's nothing like Bernie.
I find it remarkable that anyone can be okay with and supportive of Trump's 'controversies' when they include harassing the family of a dead soldier.

Trump is an asshole and that doesn't matter to me. He says asshole stuff. I got over it. I'm more concerned about actions than I am about style points or being offended. I would never base my vote on a single comment by either candidate.

Hillary presents herself in a more polished and practiced manner, but that counts for nothing to me. Underneath the $600 haircut and wool pantsuit and scripted speech lives a monster who has grown enormously wealthy from a life of "public service". Her ACTIONS are despicable and put our country at risk, so she can benefit. She tries to hide these flaws behind a veneer of feigned civility.

Trump has said more than a few things I didn't like. He's a pushy New York jerk. I grew up with people just like him and it doesn't bother me - most of them are great people once you get past the exterior. Trump's off-the-cuff remarks have nothing to do with his overall vision for the country. Any serious decision will be made after proper reflection and discussion with advisers. Trump's flaws are font and center for all to see, with no apologies. Somehow he has used his unconventional approach and personality to rise high in the world of business and entertainment. That's the way he achieves success and it's not going to change. If he wins the presidency it will be on his terms.

I'd rather have an asshole running the country. We've been too nice for too long.
I didn't think it would work but I thought he'd at least TRY, rather than encouraging the assassination of public officials/the President!

He really does need to be beaten resoundingly, a narrow Clinton EC win would lead to a scary few weeks (at least).

He was always going to make up as he go along. FWIW, I never thought he'll change a bit.
What's not to like about her? She is the politician that should be lauded for speaking her mind, instead of mental patients like Trump.
That's not really speaking her mind though is it, she's merely indulging in Trump's school yard rhetoric from the safety of being uninvolved in a campaign.
It's another laughable manufactured "controversy".

I find the overreaction and attempt to characterize supporters of the Second Amendment as murderous maniacs to be bigoted and offensive. Elections are decided with votes, not guns. Just another case of creative Trump abuse by an emboldened media desperate for attention.

They have almost identical core policies.
They're alot closer than say Hillary and Bernie, but I'd still say there's still considerable mileage that seperates the two, namely foreign policy and to a lesser extent health and education reform.

If she was a female carbon copy of Sanders she would have had no qualms endorsing him at the primaries.
Well that's a bit rich holding everybody else but Trump and his cronies to a higher standard.
On the contrary I would have expected better from her. Trump's always going to Trump so I'm not surprised by his antics anymore, but I would have expected someone more dignified like her not to engage in this childish shit slinging volley on social media.

She should be pushing the progressive agenda, or better yet seeking to continue the substantial grassroots movement conceived by Sanders, not trying to use Trump insults on Trump.
Any serious decision will be made after proper reflection and discussion with advisers
1) he's said he advises himself and has almost zero credible experts willing to step up and offer themselves for employment by a possible Trump administration

2) Trump asked 3 times in a 1 hour security briefing "if we have nukes, why can't we use them?"

You can't rethink your vote after he acts on thought like that.
I find the overreaction and attempt to characterize supporters of the Second Amendment as murderous maniacs to be bigoted and offensive
Trump is the one who cited the 2nd amendment in a thinly veiled innuendo
On the contrary I would have expected better from her. Trump's always going to Trump so I'm not surprised by his antics anymore, but I would have expected someone more dignified like her not to engage in this childish shit slinging volley on social media.

She should be pushing the progressive agenda, or better yet seeking to continue the substantial grassroots movement conceived by Sanders, not trying to use Trump insults on Trump.

She's not in to win the most pure leftist contest or the nicest girl in town contest. She can do as well as she pleases, especially when it comes to a moron like Trump. This 'Trump's gonna Trump' bullshit is why we are here right now.
Trump is an asshole and that doesn't matter to me. He says asshole stuff. I got over it. I'm more concerned about actions than I am about style points or being offended. I would never base my vote on a single comment by either candidate.

Hillary presents herself in a more polished and practiced manner, but that counts for nothing to me. Underneath the $600 haircut and wool pantsuit and scripted speech lives a monster who has grown enormously wealthy from a life of "public service". Her ACTIONS are despicable and put our country at risk, so she can benefit. She tries to hide these flaws behind a veneer of feigned civility.

Trump has said more than a few things I didn't like. He's a pushy New York jerk. I grew up with people just like him and it doesn't bother me - most of them are great people once you get past the exterior. Trump's off-the-cuff remarks have nothing to do with his overall vision for the country. Any serious decision will be made after proper reflection and discussion with advisers. Trump's flaws are font and center for all to see, with no apologies. Somehow he has used his unconventional approach and personality to rise high in the world of business and entertainment. That's the way he achieves success and it's not going to change. If he wins the presidency it will be on his terms.

I'd rather have an asshole running the country. We've been too nice for too long.

They're alot closer than say Hillary and Bernie, but I'd still say there's still considerable mileage that seperates the two, namely foreign policy and to a lesser extent health and education reform.

If she was a female carbon copy of Sanders she would have had no qualms endorsing him at the primaries.

She wasn't going to endorse a losing candidate and potentially alienate a winning one. Turns out she made the smart move.
She is basically a female Bernie. That side of her has been completely concealed in this campaign since she is not running, but her outspoken nature is being used to wind Trump up, which is why she is in the news.

She isn't.

Easy to forget, but 5 years ago she was a nobody Harvard professor. Now she is one of the most powerful politician in the US Congress. That's the appeal. Staunch liberal beliefs + great politicking skills.

Someone like Sanders can only enact his vision if there's a systemic change of the whole government, and the only logical means to that end is an uprising. Nowt wrong with that if you are a true leftist, but let's not pretend he can get anything done with his 'political revolution' in the current system.
1) he's said he advises himself and has almost zero credible experts willing to step up and offer themselves for employment by a possible Trump administration

2) Trump asked 3 times in a 1 hour security briefing "if we have nukes, why can't we use them?"

You can't rethink your vote after he acts on thought like that.

Trump is the one who cited the 2nd amendment in a thinly veiled innuendo

This. My last post was a piss take.
It make sense when a guy from Carolina is on the anti Trump wagon.

It's also scary it means the ones that get it are opposed to their demographic and parents and friends. Carolina Red I hope you don't take offense to this.
My wife and my southern born daughter are both in that. Not pro Hilary. But anti Trump.
Feel free to direct me if I'm wrong.
She isn't.

Easy to forget, but 5 years ago she was a nobody Harvard professor. Now she is one of the most powerful politician in the US Congress. That's the appeal. Staunch liberal beliefs + great politicking skills.

Someone like Sanders can only enact his vision if there's a systemic change of the whole government, and the only logical means to that end is an uprising. Nowt wrong with that if you are a true leftist, but let's not pretend he can get anything done with his 'political revolution' in the current system.

Being a "true leftist" in your word, I am actually glad he didn't win because nothing would have crushed the momentum of his movement more than him being elected and failing miserably. The hope now is that Bernie can (or rather has) inspired people like him to be a part of the system, young people who wouldn't care perhaps are now more interested and involved in politics and that should be an excellent start and a legacy of Bernie Sanders.
It's another laughable manufactured "controversy".

I find the overreaction and attempt to characterize supporters of the Second Amendment as murderous maniacs to be bigoted and offensive. Elections are decided with votes, not guns. Just another case of creative Trump abuse by an emboldened media desperate for attention.

Please explain exactly how else you think referring to the right to bear arms as a way to 'do something' about somebody could be anything other than shooting her. Do you think Donald was calling on people to march down the street carrying their guns and then using them as pretend microphones to sing anti Hillary songs? There's rose tinted glasses and then there's agenda/delusion. While the overall sentiment of your post may be true in some cases, it clearly isn't here.
Trump is an asshole and that doesn't matter to me. He says asshole stuff. I got over it. I'm more concerned about actions than I am about style points or being offended. I would never base my vote on a single comment by either candidate.

Hillary presents herself in a more polished and practiced manner, but that counts for nothing to me. Underneath the $600 haircut and wool pantsuit and scripted speech lives a monster who has grown enormously wealthy from a life of "public service". Her ACTIONS are despicable and put our country at risk, so she can benefit. She tries to hide these flaws behind a veneer of feigned civility.

Trump has said more than a few things I didn't like. He's a pushy New York jerk. I grew up with people just like him and it doesn't bother me - most of them are great people once you get past the exterior. Trump's off-the-cuff remarks have nothing to do with his overall vision for the country. Any serious decision will be made after proper reflection and discussion with advisers. Trump's flaws are font and center for all to see, with no apologies. Somehow he has used his unconventional approach and personality to rise high in the world of business and entertainment. That's the way he achieves success and it's not going to change. If he wins the presidency it will be on his terms.

I'd rather have an asshole running the country. We've been too nice for too long.

I was with you until the last two paragraphs. I agree that a Hilary presidency will be no reason to celebrate. The current status quo will be maintained and nothing much will change. You cannot take big contributions from someone/organizations and not be indebted to them in some form or the other. She was in support of the war in Iraq and she was with Bill when he enacted laws that led to mass incarcerations of minorities; among many other things. She is a hawk.

I would also agree with your argument that hardly any of Trump's current bullshit will actually ever become a reality. What is said during elections is far different from what happens on the ground after coming to power. The US is still a democracy the last time I checked. People are not 'voting' for the country to be run by a despot, despite him being a demagogue.

Where I differ with you is the idea that Trump has some kind of coherent plan to 'make America great again'. When has the ultra-right had a plan? The same will happen as what happened with the UK post the Brexit vote. Farage and his cronies are no where to be seen now. They dissuaded the public based on false promises, on the romantic idea of getting the country back to the good ol' days, which unfortunately are no longer possible. Those factories aren't coming back, those jobs aren't coming back, Detroit ain't becoming the vibrant town it once was. Nothing much will change on Mexican immigration either; well there is little that needs to change when the net immigration from that country is in the negative.

The main problem is that the principals of capitalism which once helped US become one of the greatest countries in world and help bring so many people into the middle class, are not working for majority of the population anymore. The wealth gap is ever increasing and the wage growth has been stagnant or has seen minimal growth for years. The worst is that no one has a clue what do about that. Not the left, not the right, not the moderates, not the republicans, not the democrats. Bernie/Warren think a more re-distributive government is the solution. Paul Ryan/the republicans believe the opposite. Hillary, well no one knows what she believes in.

The sad part is that elections are nearly always about choosing the lesser evil; one who can do the least harm. At the end day, these are blood sucking, power hungry assholes; most of whom are not in this to serve the public but themselves.
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She isn't.

Easy to forget, but 5 years ago she was a nobody Harvard professor. Now she is one of the most powerful politician in the US Congress. That's the appeal. Staunch liberal beliefs + great politicking skills.

Someone like Sanders can only enact his vision if there's a systemic change of the whole government, and the only logical means to that end is an uprising. Nowt wrong with that if you are a true leftist, but let's not pretend he can get anything done with his 'political revolution' in the current system.

Warren fits into the same category. They both own the progressive wing of the party despite coming from different walks of life. The reason she didn't get more involved earlier on is because Bernie did. She then hedged her support because it didn't look like he would win and she was thought to be considered for a VP job.
Warren fits into the same category. They both own the progressive wing of the party despite coming from different walks of life. The reason she didn't get more involved earlier on is because Bernie did. She then hedged her support because it didn't look like he would win and she was thought to be considered for a VP job.

This is classic 'all commies are the same' or 'all liberals/conservatives are the same'.

They share a lot of ideals, but have distinct differences in the way they operate. Both berates bankers, Fed officials etc... on C-SPAN. One made that into YouTube clips, tweets etc... theatrics to garner grassroots following and turn that into leverage for the policies she desires, the other left it at that. One fundraises, socialites, attends private events for her colleagues, builds supports among the Democratic caucus, utilises her formidable grassroots fundraising prowess to, again, gains leverage and support from colleagues that are indebted to her. The other is notoriously difficult to work with and despises those necessary politicking, and tends to berate his allies for their ideological impurities.

You can't just say they are basically the same because they belong to the same wing of the party. Warren believes in operating inside the system, Sanders wants to tear it down. No one knows who will have a bigger legacy, but they are different.
This is classic 'all commies are the same' or 'all liberals/conservatives are the same'.

They share a lot of ideals, but have distinct differences in the way they operate. Both berates bankers, Fed officials etc... on C-SPAN. One made that into YouTube clips, tweets etc... theatrics to garner grassroots following and turn that into leverage for the policies she desires, the other left it at that. One fundraises, socialites, attends private events for her colleagues, builds supports among the Democratic caucus, utilises her formidable grassroots fundraising prowess to, again, gains leverage and support from colleagues that are indebted to her. The other is notoriously difficult to work with and despises those necessary politicking, and tends to berate his allies for their ideological impurities.

You can't just say they are basically the same because they belong to the same wing of the party. Warren believes in operating inside the system, Sanders wants to tear it down. No one knows who will have a bigger legacy, but they are different.

Not sure why you are arguing about such an obvious fact. People in Democratic politics view Sanders and Warren as the standard bearers for the progressive wing of the party. No one disputes this. Ive followed Sanders career for over 30 years and Warren's for the past few. There is very little between them worth distinguishing.
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