2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Yes I am and depending on the specific history class, he absolutely would be... But that isn't down to Common Core, but rather if the course has a state EOC exam at the end (World Geography and US History). Teachers of EOC courses are evaluated based on their students performance on the exam, so those classes have far less wiggle room for standards, but it is still up to the individual teacher as to what they emphasize and how they design their course.

Non-EOC classes have more broad standards that you can tailor a bit to fit your preferences.

The ironic thing about Common Core is that most people's complaints against it (typically small government conservatives) have actually been against things that are down to local district level curriculum designs and not at all down to CC standards.

You are a history teacher..also a republican?
I have mixed feelings. Those in the link are by no means the worst. I'll dig up some others.
I've seen them. The real issue isn't the standards, it is the implementation of the standards through curriculum created by districts and/or misinterpreted or misused by teachers.
You are a history teacher..also a republican?
I teach history, but am not a Republican.
Yes I am and depending on the specific history class, he absolutely would be... But that isn't down to Common Core, but rather if the course has a state EOC exam at the end (World Geography and US History). Teachers of EOC courses are evaluated based on their students performance on the exam, so those classes have far less wiggle room for standards, but it is still up to the individual teacher as to what they emphasize and how they design their course.

Non-EOC classes have more broad standards that you can tailor a bit to fit your preferences.

The ironic thing about Common Core is that most people's complaints against it (typically small government conservatives) have actually been against things that are down to local district level curriculum designs and not at all down to CC standards.
Does your state have PARCC testing?
Trump had better lie down and take Obama's comments, as he isn't witty or intelligent enough to think of anything that would have any result other than seeing Hilary's lead grow bigger. On the other hand, he also loses by not replying, because big, brash Donald is taking an absolute kicking from the man whose name alone appears to be enough to send lots of his supporters into a frenzy.
I've seen them. The real issue isn't the standards, it is the implementation of the standards through curriculum created by districts and/or misinterpreted or misused by teachers.

I teach history, but am not a Republican.
I was wondering if common core was influencing other subjects. I'd love to see the influence on biological sciences. Hope to God they've not included creationism.

To keep this on topic, I wonder how many will vote a certain way due to common core.
The president getting into a war of words with a trump can have a negative effect.
One thing Republicans are united on, is their hatred of Obama.
The president getting into a war of words with a trump can have a negative effect.
One thing Republicans are united on, is their hatred of Obama.

I think it will have the desired effect. If Georgia is leaning towards the Democrats, surely that suggests that there's widespread agreement with what Obama is saying, and no amount of anti-Obama rhetoric will adequately address the rift that is currently undermining the Republicans at this moment in time.
The president getting into a war of words with a trump can have a negative effect.
One thing Republicans are united on, is their hatred of Obama.

Obama's approval ratings are higher than they've been at any time during the past 4-5 years. This is precisely why he's doing it. If his ratings were low (as in Dubya's who was in the 20s at this time in his 2nd term) then he obviously wouldn't dream of speaking out. He has earned the right to do so and is doing it.
Good video on why Obama will be missed as president:

.Tough reforms on wallstreet :lol:

.Foreign policy - Libya has been a disaster

But yes for the shitshow that American politics are he's been ok.

Also vox youtube channel is really great (rio olympics video is incredible)
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.Tough reforms on wallstreet :lol:

.Foreign policy - Libya has been a disaster

But yes for the shitshow that American politics are he's been ok.

Also vox youtube channel is really great (rio olympics video is incredible)

Libya huh? Compared to two preempted wars from Bush. Yes Bengazi (C) Fox News is a major disaster like Iraq and Afghanistan and the real shitstorm that caused.
Does your state have PARCC testing?
We do not as it is based off of common core and SC withdrew from the initiative.
I was wondering if common core was influencing other subjects. I'd love to see the influence on biological sciences. Hope to God they've not included creationism.

To keep this on topic, I wonder how many will vote a certain way due to common core.
The science standards I know of when we were still experimenting with CC were evolution based. In many states that have CC it is actually a point of contention brought up by creationists. "Big gov't evolutionism"

I know CC was big in some state level elections, but I doubt that CC is big enough in a national election that it would be something for a single issue voter to latch onto
The president getting into a war of words with a trump can have a negative effect.
One thing Republicans are united on, is their hatred of Obama.
He's not trying to pull people across the aisle there though... He's speaking to influence the independents over to the Democrat side
Dont know why anyone would be against common core. I've seen with my own eyes how an american guy living in Sweden's plans were shattered after he started an engineering programme and realised he was behind from the start because he hadn't learned what he was supposed to according to the curriculum from his american high school.
He's not trying to pull people across the aisle there though... He's speaking to influence the independents over to the Democrat side
Surprised that there's been next to zero coverage from the media as well as the Clinton campaign about Judge Gonzalo 'total hater of Donald Trump' Curiel's ruling that the Duck must face trial for racketeering.

A potential issue with that poll...
4. My pal Karl pointed out a bizarre result in the Reuters numbers. When you try to look at Hispanic likely voters, you get … nothing. “There Aren’t Enough Responses To Give Sufficiently Accurate Results” appears in lieu of a graph. You get a similar message when you try to look at black likely voters, but you can see the effect of blacks on the results if you look at white likely voters first and then add blacks to your result. (The numbers move from a 10-point overall lead for Trump to a lead for Hillary of one-tenth of a point.) When you try to add Hispanics also, though, the overall numbers barely move. (Hillary’s lead grows to eight-tenths of a point.) Either Reuters’s sample of Hispanic likely voters is freakishly tiny or it points to that group being very evenly divided between Trump and Clinton, which simply isn’t true.
The magical 50%. Also, 51% in their filtering to Likely Voters, in contrast to the Reuters one where she loses points on the same filter. Wonder why there's such disparity?

At what point does momentum become unstoppable? That 50% barrier was one I've seen quoted a lot.

Ipsos is an online pollster. Their general election tracking poll has seen wild swings over the course of the campaign. Also, I believe they don't offer polling in Spanish, which skewers the result a fair bit.

It's useful as a tool to pick up on trends. For the real state of the race, we should go by the average, which at this time is at about Clinton + 7, and have passed the magic threshold in 4 of the last 6 national polls.
At what point do we start to worry about people staying home because they think it's a foregone conclusion?
Trump does, in fact, have unusually small hands. 15th percentile small.

According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump’s hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women.

But bear in mind, that is the 15th percentile among all American men. Trump is tall – about 6-foot-3, half a foot taller than the 5-foot-9 average among American men, according to the Center for Disease Control. If Trump were compared to men of his stature rather than the public at large, his hands would comparatively be even smaller.


When it opened, Trump boasted that the Taj Mahal was the “eighth wonder of the world.” A year later, it had gone through the first of its four bankruptcies. By 2004, Trump lost majority control of the hotel after it underwent another bankruptcy. And since 2009, he has not had anything to do with the management of the hotel. After that bankruptcy, he retained a 10 percent stake in the hotel in return for the use of his name, until another bankruptcy in 2014 undid his ownership entirely. On Wednesday, the management company for the current owner—Trump’s billionaire friend Icahn, who has been rumored as a potential treasury secretary pick—announced the property’s doors would close after Labor Day weekend.

Trump himself left the hotel behind years ago, though, having seen it turn into one of the great financial albatrosses of the city. The project took on more than $820 million in debt to be built and maintained, including $675 million in junk bonds. As the New York Times reported in an extensive June profile of the property, one casino analyst argued at its opening that the Trump Taj Mahal would have to make $1.3 million a day—a record at the time—just to break even. Trump demanded that the analyst’s company fire him, which it did.
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