2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Give me a time machine, for a day, 4 years from now with Trump as president, that would be very, very interesting to see
Probably, although I doubt he knows/understands any of the procedures that would be involved in doing something like that. His relationship with his daughter seems so weird in general though.

He doesn't discriminate against attractive young women. Hispanics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans.... different matter.

You saw how he looked at the reporter who he offered a cabinet position? I am sure Melania would not be pleased.
Trump has had to backtrack on the video he said he watched of $400m being delivered by plane to Iran. Turns out it was a hostage plane in Geneva, not a money plane in Tehran.

I thought I had ADHD and shoot off the hip too much.... but since Trump entered the political arena.... I feel exponentially better about myself!

Thank you Donald Trump!
To be fair, if the academic policy experts had anything beyond that theoretical knowledge the world probably wouldn't be in the shitter as badly as it is at the moment. Trump's choices seem reflective of his outsider status.

Theories don't necessary translate into practice, esp when peoples emotions are in the mix. His choices are pure favoritism and elitism. A bunch of rich people trying to 'do good' to middle class, mmm...what could go wrong?
Wow, this should/could have been done since the dawn of television news.

I know, it's daft really, I can't believe nobody thought of it before. I wonder if it was suggested before and how many times some TV exec poo pooed the idea? At least they are doing it now though.
I know, it's daft really, I can't believe nobody thought of it before. I wonder if it was suggested before and how many times some TV exec poo pooed the idea? At least they are doing it now though.

Its useful, but won't make a noticeable difference unless BMN (Bullshit Mountain News) starts doing it too. 12% of Americans believe in Lumpy's 'reporting', that's nearly 38 millions people and probably 80% of Drumpf's voting base.

I'm having a great time here thinking what is the most apt simile for this video... I think it might be "he looks like a small child forced to make an apology for something he still believes wasn't a wrong thing to do" :D

Paul Ryan.... a good man... *glum look*... a good man....

Wonder what they held over his head to make him do that endorsement?

What's with the reading off the script, literally in his hand? This is the same guy who lambasted someone else for using a teleprompter :D

I'm having a great time here thinking what is the most apt simile for this video... I think it might be "he looks like a small child forced to make an apology for something he still believes wasn't a wrong thing to do" :D

Paul Ryan.... a good man... *glum look*... a good man....

Wonder what they held over his head to make him do that endorsement?

What's with the reading off the script, literally in his hand? This is the same guy who lambasted someone else for using a teleprompter :D

It's clear he has been read the riot act by everyone. His poll numbers are shocking and falling by the minute, his unfavourable numbers are rising by the minute (I saw a poll that said he was polling less than 1% for African American voters :lol:) and he has been upsetting everyone with blatant lies that are so easily checked. To be perfectly honest, he hasn't done much more this week than he has been doing for the entire time he has been a candidate it's just the attacking of Mr Khan appears to be the straw that broke the camels back. The fact he dodged serving and came out with the bullshite lines about dodging STD's rather than bullets obviously didn't help things. He is becoming almost impossible to support anymore, everyone on Fox except Hannity were also taking pops at him, and the sheer amount of GOP members that came out and flat out said the wouldn't support him, had left the party or would vote for Hillary must have been a huge embarrassment.

Don't worry though, he can't keep it up, he hasn't the intelligence or the self restraint. His ego or temper will get the better of him again soon. He has done this before a few times where he has gone right off and upset everyone by saying ridiculous stuff, been reined in and told to get a grip and forced to read of teleprompters instead of freestyling and then a few days later he forgets and it's back to square one again. I think we should have a few bets on how long it will be this time?

I reckon Monday night.
It's clear he has been read the riot act by everyone. His poll numbers are shocking and falling by the minute, his unfavourable numbers are rising by the minute (I saw a poll that said he was polling less than 1% for African American voters :lol:) and he has been upsetting everyone with blatant lies that are so easily checked. To be perfectly honest, he hasn't done much more this week than he has been doing for the entire time he has been a candidate it's just the attacking of Mr Khan appears to be the straw that broke the camels back. The fact he dodged serving and came out with the bullshite lines about dodging STD's rather than bullets obviously didn't help things. He is becoming almost impossible to support anymore, everyone on Fox except Hannity were also taking pops at him, and the sheer amount of GOP members that came out and flat out said the wouldn't support him, had left the party or would vote for Hillary must have been a huge embarrassment.

Don't worry though, he can't keep it up, he hasn't the intelligence or the self restraint. His ego or temper will get the better of him again soon. He has done this before a few times where he has gone right off and upset everyone by saying ridiculous stuff, been reined in and told to get a grip and forced to read of teleprompters instead of freestyling and then a few days later he forgets and it's back to square one again. I think we should have a few bets on how long it will be this time?

I reckon Monday night.
I'll throw in a tenner for a later today.
Tbh, I really haven't paid attention to Gary Johnson...

“I hear that Donald Trump is watching the Olympics tonight. He’s seeing how high the Mexican pole vaulters go.”

“While Donald Trump is running on a platform to deport 12 million people, apparently including his own wife, Johnson-Weld stands for allowing people in Melania’s circumstances to stay and, over time, become citizens if they learn English, pay their back taxes and pay a fine.”

The statement went on to add that the Johnson campaign would welcome “other glamour models from around the globe to come to America and make it an even more beautiful country than it already is.

The Harvard Republican Club announced it would not support Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, and called for Republican leaders to withdraw their support of the candidate they called a “threat to the survival of the Republic” in a press release Thursday.

In the scathing statement, the largest conservative group at Harvard cited “both policy and temperamental concerns” about Trump and condemned his divisive campaign rhetoric they say “is poisoning our country and our children.”
I always see republicans talking about Common Core. What is it? And why are they so passionately against it?
I always see republicans talking about Common Core. What is it? And why are they so passionately against it?
It's an educational standards initiative which seeks to set a baseline for what students need to know in core subject areas at the end of each year K-12.

The GOP has characterized it as "big government federalized education" when in reality it was sponsored by the National Governors Association.
I always see republicans talking about Common Core. What is it? And why are they so passionately against it?
It isn't just republicans that are against it. My family is very liberal, and many of them are teachers that hate common core. They've never been able to articulate a reason why that I've been able to understand, though.
It's an educational standards initiative which seeks to set a baseline for what students need to know in core subject areas at the end of each year K-12.

The GOP has characterized it as "big government federalized education" when in reality it was sponsored by the National Governors Association.

Not without legitimate criticisms, but at its heart, just 'Big Brother government seeks to dictate our way of life. Thought police. Emperor Obummer'.
It isn't just republicans that are against it. My family is very liberal, and many of them are teachers that hate common core. They've never been able to articulate a reason why that I've been able to understand, though.
I read the Wikipedia page. From my understanding, it means there are basic things children have to know at different stages. Isn't that reasonable?
I read the Wikipedia page. From my understanding, it means there are basic things children have to know at different stages. Isn't that reasonable?
I think it's perfectly reasonable. There needs to be some standard across all states. I also like that it syncs up different subject areas with one another. While I'm teaching American colonial history, the English department is reading the Scarlet Letter, etc.

But alas... My GOP governor and state legislature decided to scrap it in our state after spending a couple years training us on how to implement it.
I think it's perfectly reasonable. There needs to be some standard across all states. I also like that it syncs up different subject areas with one another. While I'm teaching American colonial history, the English department is reading the Scarlet Letter, etc.
Are you a history teacher? That's really cool! I have a question for you then about common core.

When I was in high school our history teacher was able to tailor the course so we learned a lot about local history in addition to the broader American history topics. So for example when we covered slave revolts we went in depth about a local man who was active in trying to start slave rebellions. We had his actual letters and it was really cool to learn about that. I know it got a lot of the kids more interested in a topic they might not have cared about.

You mentioned that the standards are the same across the states. Is that strictly the standards? Or is it the curriculum as well? Would my teacher still be able to teach about local history, or does he have to teach the same history topics they're covering in California or Texas
I always see republicans talking about Common Core. What is it? And why are they so passionately against it?

I guarantee you 100% that Trump hasn't got a fecking clue what it is or how it works. It's just a buzzword to him, something he heard that sounds good and he can remember because it stirs up a reaction. While I agree many people are against it, and many Republicans vocally so, Trump is just using it as a bandwagon to ride on.
Are you a history teacher? That's really cool! I have a question for you then about common core.

When I was in high school our history teacher was able to tailor the course so we learned a lot about local history in addition to the broader American history topics. So for example when we covered slave revolts we went in depth about a local man who was active in trying to start slave rebellions. We had his actual letters and it was really cool to learn about that. I know it got a lot of the kids more interested in a topic they might not have cared about.

You mentioned that the standards are the same across the states. Is that strictly the standards? Or is it the curriculum as well? Would my teacher still be able to teach about local history, or does he have to teach the same history topics they're covering in California or Texas
Yes I am and depending on the specific history class, he absolutely would be... But that isn't down to Common Core, but rather if the course has a state EOC exam at the end (World Geography and US History). Teachers of EOC courses are evaluated based on their students performance on the exam, so those classes have far less wiggle room for standards, but it is still up to the individual teacher as to what they emphasize and how they design their course.

Non-EOC classes have more broad standards that you can tailor a bit to fit your preferences.

The ironic thing about Common Core is that most people's complaints against it (typically small government conservatives) have actually been against things that are down to local district level curriculum designs and not at all down to CC standards.
I always see republicans talking about Common Core. What is it? And why are they so passionately against it?

I have a relative who is a teacher in DC. She didn't like it much because she said it restricted her choice of texts to teach students. But she was far angrier about charter schools and the money they are taking away from public schools.
Yes I am and depending on the specific history class, he absolutely would be... But that isn't down to Common Core, but rather if the course has a state EOC exam at the end (World Geography and US History). Teachers of EOC courses are evaluated based on their students performance on the exam, so those classes have far less wiggle room for standards, but it is still up to the individual teacher as to what they emphasize and how they design their course.

Non-EOC classes have more broad standards that you can tailor a bit to fit your preferences.

The ironic thing about Common Core is that most people's complaints against it (typically small government conservatives) have actually been against things that are down to local district level curriculum designs and not at all down to CC standards.
That's great! Thanks for letting me know.
New York State has the regents exam. Is that what you mean by EOC? When I was in high school I did find the non regents courses had much more freedom, and in turn, much better classes.
That's great! Thanks for letting me know.
New York State has the regents exam. Is that what you mean by EOC? When I was in high school I did find the non regents courses had much more freedom, and in turn, much better classes.
Yes it is. I actually use Regent exams released by NY as practice EOC material when I teach US history. NY is one of the only states that releases their full exams and I'm quite thankful that they do. I've found if a SC student can pass NY Regents, the can pass the SC EOC.

In the specific instance you mentioned about highlighting a single revolt from local history, that's completely doable even within the framework of an EOC class. The standard will say you need to teach about slave revolts, but you can use the local history and documents as supplemental materials to highlight or reinforce info contained in the standards.
Yes it is. I actually use Regent exams released by NY as practice EOC material when I teach US history. NY is one of the only states that releases their full exams and I'm quite thankful that they do. I've found if a SC student can pass NY Regents, the can pass the SC EOC.

In the specific instance you mentioned about highlighting a single revolt from local history, that's completely doable even within the framework of an EOC class. The standard will say you need to teach about slave revolts, but you can use the local history and documents as supplemental materials to highlight or reinforce info contained in the standards.
Awesome! Thanks :)
she was far angrier about charter schools and the money they are taking away from public schools.
To me it is just another attempt at a form of segregation in schools.

When SC desegregated, we famously had several private schools pop up throughout the state, named things like Robert E. Lee Academy, Wade Hampton Academy, and The Hammond School (named after the largest slave owner in SC) etc. They were a way to keep whites and blacks separated. Now with these charter schools and the push for school vouchers for private schools, it is leading to a situation where people are segregated by socio-economic status instead of by race.

That's just my experience with it... ymmv
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Theories don't necessary translate into practice, esp when peoples emotions are in the mix. His choices are pure favoritism and elitism. A bunch of rich people trying to 'do good' to middle class, mmm...what could go wrong?

Wait a minute, that last bit applies to every US administration since Carter.
CRed, have the history books changed much since the 80s and 90s?

I remember reading about those "savage Indians" and how great the Pilgrims were, how the Cowboys were the good and the Indians the bad, etc.
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