2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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There seems to be an obsession with Navy SEALs these days.

Indeed. I wonder if their equivalent over in the Army are bitter that they didn't get the UBL mission, or actually glad since it means they didn't get 20 books talking about everything they do, and guys everywhere cashing in on their name.
Indeed. I wonder if their equivalent over in the Army are bitter that they didn't get the UBL mission, or actually glad since it means they didn't get 20 books talking about everything they do, and guys everywhere cashing in on their name.
Delta has a slightly different mission purpose than Devgru does.

It also came down to geography. The region of Afghanistan bordering where UBL was hiding out had been designated as SEAL territory. Same as how the area around Baghdad was Delta territory when Saddam was captured by them.
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Delta has a slightly different mission purpose than Devgru does. Devgru is designed to go in and do stuff alone. Delta is designed to be a force multiplier alongside other forces.

It also came down to geography. The region of Afghanistan bordering where UBL was hiding out had been designated as SEAL territory. Same as how the area around Baghdad was Delta territory when Saddam was captured by them.

It was a incursion into a foreign country, so I'm not sure anyone "owned" the mission. I know what you're talking about as far as Delta "owning" Iraq and DEVGRU Afghanistan. But I really think it was mostly down to McRaven being JSOC commander at the time and giving it to the organization he knew the best. I think if McChrystal were still in charge then he would've given the 75th the mission, and they'd subsequently elect to march an entire battalion from Afghanistan to the compound :lol:.

If you read Sean Naylor's Relentless Strike he tells that Delta was a bit frustrated when they had to rotate out of Afghanistan in 2002 without one of the Squadrons even getting deployed, and a Team 6 Squadron rotating in instead. They thought that mountainous terrain was their dept., but JSOC decided that both units were well above min. mission requirements. Was a similar case with the UBL mission, they flying was the hard part. Once they were there a regular infantry platoon could've possibly pulled off the kill.
I think if McChrystal were still in charge then he would've given the 75th the mission, and they'd subsequently elect to march an entire battalion from Afghanistan to the compound :lol:.
:lol: As long as it got the job done.

In seriousness though, McChrystal was actually in charge of Delta operations in Iraq. He went on ops with them while they were hunting Zarqawi.

You're right though about McRaven favoring the SEALs. He didn't do a good job of hiding it.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday announced a new team of ultra-rich financiers and businessmen as his core economic advisers, a move that brings high-profile names to his inner circle but also may step on his populist claims to save America's middle class. The list includes strikingly few academic policy experts, usually the bread-and-butter of campaign policy teams. Instead, the advisory team of 13 men — and no women — consists largely of personal friends or longtime business associates of Trump.

None of advisers is a woman. Trump on Thursday struggled to name any women he'd consider appointing to his Cabinet, other than his daughter, Ivanka.

This is getting downright scary. A megalomaniac dictator advised by his friends with family members as cabinet....
Think by November we'll beat the Pogba thread?

Also, wish the Douche were sinking later with all the latest nonsense. We're still in August.



This is getting downright scary. A megalomaniac dictator advised by his friends with family members as cabinet....

It really is. In the end, I think the bigger problem with Trump would be incompetence and not knowing how to actually do the job at all than anything in the way of actual conflict, but even the problems that could arise from having a completely incompetent and incapable President could be pretty damaging for many Americans and the economy in general depending on how he tries to rule.

I also think that action on issues like climate change is crucial right now, and the prospect of having perhaps the world's most influential country being led by someone who will surround himself with those close to him and ignore any sort of scientific reasoning is devastating.
You mean that this thread is actually just a conversation of about 10 people? Yeah I'd noticed. :)

From what I know, none of the top 9 are both
1. born in the US
2. currently living in the US with the right to vote

I think Nobby style is the only one born here, and Raoul, Red Dreams, Grinner have a vote.
This is getting downright scary. A megalomaniac dictator advised by his friends with family members as cabinet....

To be fair, if the academic policy experts had anything beyond that theoretical knowledge the world probably wouldn't be in the shitter as badly as it is at the moment. Trump's choices seem reflective of his outsider status.
From what I know, none of the top 9 are both
1. born in the US
2. currently living in the US with the right to vote

I think Nobby style is the only one born here, and Raoul, Red Dreams, Grinner have a vote.
And I'm not even living there :lol: I have been trying to cut down :nervous:
To be fair, if the academic policy experts had anything beyond that theoretical knowledge the world probably wouldn't be in the shitter as badly as it is at the moment. Trump's choices seem reflective of his outsider status.
I wonder if any got offered and refuses though... Not wanting to commit career suicide
I'm currently 11th but am born here! #Merican

Yeah, but you have only been a full member for a couple of months :lol:

Good job you got promoted mate, you give us a different perspective. It's hardly surprising that there are not too many people from the States posting in here when you consider it's primarily an English team football forum. I suspect too that many members are young and not too arsed about politics, and I also think we may have a few secret Trump supporters who realise they are out of their depth or just cba to argue so stay clear.
Yeah, but you have only been a full member for a couple of months :lol:

Good job you got promoted mate, you give us a different perspective. It's hardly surprising that there are not too many people from the States posting in here when you consider it's primarily an English team football forum. I suspect too that many members are young and not too arsed about politics, and I also think we may have a few secret Trump supporters who realise they are out of their depth or just cba to argue so stay clear.
:lol: Yeah I kinda cannon balled in I guess! And I appreciate it. I like getting others perspectives on things and trying to present mine. It's all good fun for me. I love politics and had a minor in Poly Sci, so it's right up my alley to have a place like this to discuss things during United's off season and my summer break.
Think I quoted the wrong tweet by mistake. Dunno how that happened, check my link again, it should be the right tweet.

Haha! You just posted it too. :lol:
Ah! Gotcha. I'll take mine down then lol.

I thought it was something sly since it said "forget about email" in the advert!
Ah! Gotcha. I'll take mine down then lol.

I thought it was something sly since it said "forget about email" in the advert!

:lol: He must of only just said that in the last couple of hours or so, so as I said, someone is on the ball. The music playing in the background on that ad is priceless! They have definitely found the right way to attack him now. It's getting better by the minute. :lol: I just hope when he finally goes down, it's for good. No getting back up, no TV endorsements, nothing. I hope he does or says something so offensive and becomes so toxic nobody would dare touch him and he disappears from the public eye for good. I then hope the Trump University lawsuit cripples him financially and he goes bankrupt paying back everyone he ripped off. That would be perfect.
:lol: He must of only just said that in the last couple of hours or so, so as I said, someone is on the ball. The music playing in the background on that ad is priceless! They have definitely found the right way to attack him now. It's getting better by the minute. :lol: I just hope when he finally goes down, it's for good. No getting back up, no TV endorsements, nothing. I hope he does or says something so offensive and becomes so toxic nobody would dare touch him and he disappears from the public eye for good. I then hope the Trump University lawsuit cripples him financially and he goes bankrupt paying back everyone he ripped off. That would be perfect.
A little dose of medicine from his "favorite book" there... Galatians 6:7 - "...A man reaps what he sows."

What is even more funny is that he probably literally lost a vote in his own rally with that stunt. What are the odds that the new mother is going to vote for Trump?
Here's Trump sucking GOP ass to get endorsements. And of course he's bigging up Russia again. Talking about Russia and the US will take out ISIS together.

I'm really starting to get furious at this dipshit stain on the US.
Here's Trump sucking GOP ass to get endorsements. And of course he's bigging up Russia again. Talking about Russia and the US will take out ISIS together.

I'm really starting to get furious at this dipshit stain on the US.

It's still incredible that the Republicans seem kinda cool with someone who is actively appeasing Russia.
It's still incredible that the Republicans seem kinda cool with someone who is actively appeasing Russia.

He just mentioned Russia again at his speech in Wisconsin. They guy is completely clueless about geopolitics and probably wants to keep Putin in his good graces for after he loses the election and attempts his next construction project in Moscow.
Get this eerie feeling all will be going well for Hillary with Trump further imploding, GOP infighting, FOX climaxing on conspiracy nonsense, but something utterly ridiculous will crash it all (terror attack) for Trump to somehow win the GE.
Eat less cheese before bedtime
Give me a time machine, for a day, 4 years from now with Trump as president, that would be very, very interesting to see
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