2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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At this rate Georgia is a battleground state that Trump isn't guaranteed to win. Republicans usually win by taking Texas, dominating the swath of southern states from North Carolina to Louisiana, as well as winning both Florida and Ohio.

Below is Dubya's victory over Al Gore in 2000 - despite everything seemingly red, he barely squeaked by with a 271-266 win.


As you can see, Trump faces a massive uphill slog to reach 270 at this moment, in fact Hillary is doing so well that she could lose both Florida and Ohio and still win the election.
Do the number of college votes change each election cycle? Michigan must of had quite a few people leave the state in the past few years, will their number of college votes go down?

Probably a stupid question but I'm not American so feel cool asking it.
Do the number of college votes change each election cycle? Michigan must of had quite a few people leave the state in the past few years, will their number of college votes go down?

Probably a stupid question but I'm not American so feel cool asking it.

Yes, it's adjusted based on the census. For example, in the 1960's election, Illinois had more EVs than Texas.
At this rate Georgia is a battleground state that Trump isn't guaranteed to win. Republicans usually win by taking Texas, dominating the swath of southern states from North Carolina to Louisiana, as well as winning both Florida and Ohio.

Below is Dubya's victory over Al Gore in 2000 - despite everything seemingly red, he barely squeaked by with a 271-266 win.


As you can see, Trump faces a massive uphill slog to reach 270 at this moment, in fact Hillary is doing so well that she could lose both Florida and Ohio and still win the election.

If Gore allowed Clinton to campaign for him in AK alone, he would have got the presidency.

Man I would love to see their internal state polling. Still holding a candle for my Texas dream.
He believes climate change is a hoax.

So, yes.

He claims to, hard to believe though. He's likely just trying to win people who actually do and doesn't give a feck. He's a grubby, selfish, piece of work but a demagogue who's willing to make himself look foolish, not a fool

Man I would love to see their internal state polling. Still holding a candle for my Texas dream.

She's probably up by 7-10 points in both places, which were already slight Dem leans anyway.

I also have a pretty good feeling she may take Georgia and/or Arizona if her current national numbers hold up.
Secret Service agents get spooked and swarm the stage after animal rights protesters interrupt a rally in Vegas today. Hillary uses the chance to have a go at Drumpf's kids for shooting animals.


Man I would love to see their internal state polling. Still holding a candle for my Texas dream.

Come to think of it, the Superpac would be wise to dump a lot of money into AZ, MO, and GA. 47 electoral votes up for grabs and Hillary has a very realistic shot of taking at least one of the three states.
Get this eerie feeling all will be going well for Hillary with Trump further imploding, GOP infighting, FOX climaxing on conspiracy nonsense, but something utterly ridiculous will crash it all (terror attack) for Trump to somehow win the GE.
There was this surreal interview in CNN today about Clint Eastwood on Don Lemon's show. They were talking about Eastwood's remark of 'Get over it' about Trump's racist/bigoted messages. Don Lemon and him were making a point that, in today's world commenting like that is not on, while the other black guy on the panel made a valid point about free speech and telling Clint Eastwood not to get angry if someone takes offence to Trump's remarks and was saying that Eastwood is being unrealistic that you can't say what you want and expect everybody to not take offence to it.

There was another washed up actor on the panel who seemed to suggest that there were no black soldiers with George Washington (or very less in number) when he fought the British as a defence for this. He ended up saying he won't 'allow' Clint Eastwood being subtly branded as a racist. I had no idea what he was trying to say. It was totally surreal.
There was this surreal interview in CNN today about Clint Eastwood on Don Lemon's show. They were talking about Eastwood's remark of 'Get over it' about Trump's racist/bigoted messages. Don Lemon and him were making a point that, in today's world commenting like that is not on, while the other black guy on the panel made a valid point about free speech and telling Clint Eastwood not to get angry if someone takes offence to Trump's remarks and was saying that Eastwood is being unrealistic that you can't say what you want and expect everybody to not take offence to it.

There was another washed up actor on the panel who seemed to suggest that there were no black soldiers with George Washington (or very less in number) when he fought the British as a defence for this. He ended up saying he won't 'allow' Clint Eastwood being subtly branded as a racist. I had no idea what he was trying to say. It was totally surreal.
Eastwood was probably getting angry at an empty chair in the room.
He's probably got something lined up to milk this whole campaign for a buck or two.

Maybe a reality show about his experience being a candidate or something.

Book most likely, I don't think any big network would want to be associated with him.

There were rumours a few weeks back he was looking into getting his own cable network, like Palin.

Get this eerie feeling all will be going well for Hillary with Trump further imploding, GOP infighting, FOX climaxing on conspiracy nonsense, but something utterly ridiculous will crash it all (terror attack) for Trump to somehow win the GE.

Economy tanking and/or more police shootings are his only path. His support dropped after Nice/Orlando.
Get this eerie feeling all will be going well for Hillary with Trump further imploding, GOP infighting, FOX climaxing on conspiracy nonsense, but something utterly ridiculous will crash it all (terror attack) for Trump to somehow win the GE.

It's certainly going too well, too early.
Yeah that is always a chance.

Then there was this guy.


There was also the one KGB agent who came up with this Matrix of things he felt would happen in the world to indicate the West was about to launch a nuclear strike on the USSR. Basically a series of events, actions, etc that they would check off and when enough of them were checked off it meant a Nuclear Attack was about to happen so they might as well launch first. And of course at one point in the 80's they had most of the boxes filled in and he was advising the Kremlin that war was about to happen.

As far as I understand from the article, the "madman theory" is an intentional deception that is used to provoke fear in you opponents. While in this case I think we are talking about a man that is "mad" or close to it, in the clinical sense of the term.

I don't think Trump can grasp the other concept that funnily is also spelled as MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction. Otherwise he wouldn't be asking questions of the sort: "We got those big bombs, why don't just drop them on the bad guys?"
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