2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Anyone catch Lewandowski on CNN last night? The man is a bitter fecktard and threw out another birtherism. He was an utter embarrassment.
He's a goon, just because he's got an official title doesn't mean he's suddenly going to get sophisticated.

If nothing else, Trump is extremely loyal to his people and doesn't mind tolerating even the utterly incompetent. Otherwise he's got no business continuing to be connected to the campaign in any official capacity.

Lewandowski has nothing on this thundertwunt



And we have 'liberal' folks here saying Drumpf's overt racism is all just an act :rolleyes:
The irony of her "pure breeds" comment is she is biracial and obviously attempting to suck up to white nativists.
It would be Ryan/Pence - since they are both likeminded and Pence is already part of the approved ticket.
They may just pay off his campaign debt and 50m on top of that.

Don't think he's bothered about all of that. He's a narcissistic arsehole who craves attention and the spotlight. He'll milk the attention till November.

Besides if they force him to drop out loyal Trumpists won't turn up. They feel betrayed by the establishment Republicans as it is and Ryan is now viewed firmly as establishment.

Gop is better off just writing the election off and focusing on rebuilding the party post November rather than trying to further create divisions.
What realistic % of Trump supporters would vote for Ryan if they sense some sort of coup? I don't think this will happen simply because, I doubt the party thinks it can help them win.
What realistic % of Trump supporters would vote for Ryan if they sense some sort of coup? I don't think this will happen simply because, I doubt the party thinks it can help them win.

I think Ryan would fare better than Trump. He is likable and doesn't have the unfavorables that Trump has, which would cut into Hillary's lead.
Don't think he's bothered about all of that. He's a narcissistic arsehole who craves attention and the spotlight. He'll milk the attention till November.

Besides if they force him to drop out loyal Trumpists won't turn up. They feel betrayed by the establishment Republicans as it is and Ryan is now viewed firmly as establishment.

Gop is better off just writing the election off and focusing on rebuilding the party post November rather than trying to further create divisions.

1) He's a narcissistic twunt, but also an avaricious one. I'd imagine it's dawning on him that he won't win and losing money in the process won't be appealing.

2) I think 'stop Killary/Hitlery' will be enough to keep the Drumpfkins on site. Some will stay home, no doubt, but most will still go out. Such is the sad reality of US election.

3) Ryan to the rescue is pretty much a move to salvage the house and senate. The GOP is getting pummeled in the down ballot races and if Clinton's current margin holds, the Dems will take both chambers. They must do something to take back the ideological conservatives/well educated/neocon crowd.
I think Ryan would fare better than Trump. He is likable and doesn't have the unfavorables that Trump has, which would cut into Hillary's lead.
But surely a lot of republicans will stay at home?
I can't imagine Trump stepping down. Has there been any such precedent before?

Technically Ross Perot counts as one. He dropped out in July 1992, got back in Oct.

When it comes to the two main parties, Thomas Eagleton, George McGovern's running mate, was forced out after reports of him having mental illness surfaced. Dems went on to lose a 49 states landslide.
Are the GOP even allowed to change nominee post-convention?
I don't think they need a permission for that. They are an independent organization that can select whoever candidate they want to, based on whatever rules and regulations they set.
If anyone hasn't read the article in the New Yorker where this guy talks about ghost-writing that book, then they should. It provides a convincing case for Trump having severe ADHD (amongst other psychological disorders)

You can tell by the way he answers questions before the person asking it is even done completing their sentence that there is some sort of ADD problem at work there.
You can tell by the way he answers questions before the person asking it is even done completing their sentence that there is some sort of ADD problem at work there.

His ghost writer was horrified. Said he was completely unable to stay with any given topic for more than a minute or too, before he'd get agitated and try to cut short the interview. He'd never seen anything like it.
Be interesting to see who the Replicants choose.
If anyone hasn't read the article in the New Yorker where this guy talks about ghost-writing that book, then they should. It provides a convincing case for Trump having severe ADHD (amongst other psychological disorders)

These days I was wondering, don't you have to posses a certain mental stability level (not sure what the correct term is) in order to acquire a top secret security clearance and be the commander-in-chief of the US armed forces? Instead you get a guy that asks 3 times why you can't use nuclear weapons if you have them (More related to IQ level, but still completely baffling)
Are the GOP even allowed to change nominee post-convention?

Obviously if he were to die, or slip into a coma (all jokes aside), they would be able to replace him no problem.

Should he step down, that would also allow them to move forward.

Kicking off the ballot, they could probably try but you are looking at one heck of a legal fight by the Trump Campaign in all 50 states. You would probably end up with Trump still on the ballot in some states and off in others, which would screw their chances. Even if they got him off the ballots in all 50 States, to suddenly throw someone into the race in the last few months would be a total mess and still most likely lead to a Republican loss.

They screwed themselves and now have to live with the effects, hopefully the votes in the GE do a better job than those in the Republican Primaries.
These days I was wondering, don't you have to posses a certain mental stability level (not sure what the correct term is) in order to acquire a top secret security clearance and be the commander-in-chief of the US armed forces? Instead you get a guy that asks 3 times why you can't use nuclear weapons if you have them (More related to IQ level, but still completely baffling)

They interview you and give you a polygraph test (after raking through every detail of your life) but unless you have tourettes of the mouth, then you should be fine.
These days I was wondering, don't you have to posses a certain mental stability level (not sure what the correct term is) in order to acquire a top secret security clearance and be the commander-in-chief of the US armed forces? Instead you get a guy that asks 3 times why you can't use nuclear weapons if you have them (More related to IQ level, but still completely baffling)

Being elected President will pretty much give you a high level security clearance because, well you are the President afterall. The President is the Commander in Chief, that is just a fact of the set up of the command and leadership structure. Once elected and sworn in you don't have to take a special test to gain all the powers allowed by the Office.

Though if your cabinet, armed forces commanders thought you were off the deep end they could use constitutional means to disregard orders, and seek to have you removed from office.
You can tell by the way he answers questions before the person asking it is even done completing their sentence that there is some sort of ADD problem at work there.

Trump is such a narcissist he'll probably try to rename ADD as Trump disorder.

In gold letterings no less.
They interview you and give you a polygraph test (after raking through every detail of your life) but unless you have tourettes of the mouth, then you should be fine.

OK. First, who are "they"? Second, Let's say you fail that test. Can you get denied office? Not sure who has authority over that.
Are the GOP even allowed to change nominee post-convention?

If Trump steps down, they will reconvene a convention where each state has 3 pre-assigned delegates who vote for a new nominee. They can then chose anyone they want irrespective of whether or not they were in the race over the past year
OK. First, who are "they"? Second, Let's say you fail that test. Can you get denied office? Not sure who has authority over that.

I'm speaking about getting a top secret clearance as a civilian or military official. As a government official, especially as President, I doubt one goes through the same procedure.

Authority who grants the clearance depends on the agency that owns the material. When I was flirting with a secret clearance it was an office attached to a branch of the military.
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