2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Being elected President will pretty much give you a high level security clearance because, well you are the President afterall. The President is the Commander in Chief, that is just a fact of the set up of the command and leadership structure. Once elected and sworn in you don't have to take a special test to gain all the powers allowed by the Office.

Though if your cabinet, armed forces commanders thought you were off the deep end they could use constitutional means to disregard orders, and seek to have you removed from office.
There is one problem I can think of. Non-retaliatory nuclear attack can be launched on orders from the President, with confirmation from SecDef. So all you need is one mad man appointing another. This is just theory of course. I am hopeful some 4 star general in the chain of command would decide to ignore that order.
If Trump steps down, they will reconvene a convention where each state has 3 pre-assigned delegates who vote for a new nominee. They can then chose anyone they want irrespective of whether or not they were in the race over the past year

Would be interesting to know who would win such a vote. Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan maybe?
I'm speaking about getting a top secret clearance as a civilian or military official. As a government official, especially as President, I doubt one goes through the same procedure.

Authority who grants the clearance depends on the agency that owns the material. When I was flirting with a secret clearance it was an office attached to a branch of the military.
I think there are very thorough background checks as well, which have far more weight than the polygraph.

Just saw you mentioned it in your post.
If anyone hasn't read the article in the New Yorker where this guy talks about ghost-writing that book, then they should. It provides a convincing case for Trump having severe ADHD (amongst other psychological disorders)
It's a great (and frightening) article about what type of person he is.


Mr. Schwartz, a former magazine writer who said he worked on the book because he needed the money, told the writer Jane Mayer that he painted Mr. Trump in the most positive light that he could, thinking that a sympathetic character would be better for the book’s sales than a story about a cruel tycoon. If he could do it over again, however, Mr. Schwartz said the book would be titled “The Sociopath.”

“Lying is second nature to him,” Mr. Schwartz told The New Yorker. “More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.”
Not pro or against trump here, but I've also heard stories about trump being a great person. I've also heard stories about Hillary being a miserable person that is impossible to work with. Any person in power is going to have stories like this.

This is a man who shadowed the Cheeto for a year and a half, constantly, in business as well as privately.

I'd also recommend checking out Buzzfeed McKay Coppins's article about the time he spent with Drumpf in 2012. It tallied perfectly with this story.
Not pro or against trump here, but I've also heard stories about trump being a great person. I've also heard stories about Hillary being a miserable person that is impossible to work with. Any person in power is going to have stories like this.

I've heard of Secret service folks absolutely loathing Hillary Clinton because she's so tough to work with and has no respect for your job. I haven't heard of great stories about Trump, but there would be stories of generosity definitely. There are a few surrogates that worship Trump like a God and that never happens without a generous outlook.
So do we think that the Hillary for office narrative is so strongly entrenched that even the "Hillary did deals with ISIS" story Assange is promising to reveal won't be able to derail her and will be brushed aside in the next couple of weeks?


If you read that article, she was on their board of directors 25 years ago. Could be a stir, for sure, by Fox, but I doubt any journalist worth their salt would even bother.
If you read that article, she was on their board of directors 25 years ago. Could be a stir, for sure, by Fox, but I doubt any journalist worth their salt would even bother.

And although it shouldn't be this way, in many companies the boards are largely absent and just confirm whatever the CEO says/thinks.
If you read that article, she was on their board of directors 25 years ago. Could be a stir, for sure, by Fox, but I doubt any journalist worth their salt would even bother.

Oh yeah, it's pure click bait as a headline. There are some links in there to dodgy dealings which Donald will without doubt try to pass off as Hillary Armed ISIS though. Should be entertaining.
Come on now, it should be a given that anyone supporting Trump is either so stuck in their Republican ideals that they can't see the wood for the trees or they are someone who is seriously in need of help. The only other option is someone who just wants to watch the world burn. There is no other possibility. It's time we stopped pussyfooting around these imbeciles and time we started ripping them to shreds. If they get their way, their candidate could happily destroy the earth at ANY given moment and for any reason whatsoever. It's not a joke so it shouldn't be treated like one anymore. Feck it with the sympathy and attempts to change someone's vote, it's time to say it how we see it and start fighting back.

Trump supporters don't like people being Politically Correct, they like and admire straight up honesty and truth and they admire people who work hard and say it how it is. Well now's the time to show these people what that actually means. That doesn't mean anyone has to be offensive or rude or racist or bigoted, just time to stop holding back against Trumps supporters feelings.
You think Trump would happily destroy the Earth?

I think he hasn't a clue about what that would take. I think he would definitely deploy nukes against someone who upset him enough and I think he is so far from someone who understands global politics and how and why and what that all means as is possible. The guy is a feckwit of the highest order. I give him less credit than almost anyone who has ever walked this planet before him.
His speeches are absolutely ridiculous and he clearly has no idea of what it is to be a politician in a prominent position but to say that he'd deploy nukes at the drop of a hat because he's upset by someone is some serious hyperbole.

He's an asshole who's trying to win a popularity contest, he's not an idiot.
There is one problem I can think of. Non-retaliatory nuclear attack can be launched on orders from the President, with confirmation from SecDef. So all you need is one mad man appointing another. This is just theory of course. I am hopeful some 4 star general in the chain of command would decide to ignore that order.

Yeah that is always a chance.

Then there was this guy.


There was also the one KGB agent who came up with this Matrix of things he felt would happen in the world to indicate the West was about to launch a nuclear strike on the USSR. Basically a series of events, actions, etc that they would check off and when enough of them were checked off it meant a Nuclear Attack was about to happen so they might as well launch first. And of course at one point in the 80's they had most of the boxes filled in and he was advising the Kremlin that war was about to happen.
He believes climate change is a hoax.

So, yes.

If he really believes that climate change is a hoax, he's not really 'happily destroying the earth'. He's destroying it through ignorance and incompetence.

Although really i think he takes that stance to win a few votes. He flip flops on everything and anything so there's no telling what his policies would be if he won, which he won't.

Ming the Merciless he's not though.
His speeches are absolutely ridiculous and he clearly has no idea of what it is to be a politician in a prominent position but to say that he'd deploy nukes at the drop of a hat because he's upset by someone is some serious hyperbole.

He's an asshole who's trying to win a popularity contest, he's not an idiot.

And I think that is where we disagree. You definitely give him far too much credit, and also completely misread part of his personality. He's already said numerous times he would deploy nukes, or wouldn't take their deployment off the table. And as Morning Joe recently said, he asked why they can't be used 3 times in an hour long meeting. He really doesn't understand the point of having them as a deterrent. He also has the thinnest skin of anyone ever to walk the planet. He will retaliate with anything to anyone who upsets him.

I really have to disagree with the bolded part too. He REALLY IS a fecking idiot. And one of the biggest ones around too. Without question, he is a complete moron.
And I think that is where we disagree. You definitely give him far too much credit, and also completely misread part of his personality. He's already said numerous times he would deploy nukes, or wouldn't take their deployment off the table. And as Morning Joe recently said, he asked why they can't be used 3 times in an hour long meeting. He really doesn't understand the point of having them as a deterrent. He also has the thinnest skin of anyone ever to walk the planet. He will retaliate with anything to anyone who upsets him.

I really have to disagree with the bolded part too. He REALLY IS a fecking idiot. And one of the biggest ones around too. Without question, he is a complete moron.

You can't believe a word the guy says, it's all bluster, all of it.

I don't think he'd deploy nukes(it wouldn't be his sole call anyway so no need to worry about it happening over a personal slight!), in fact i think of the 2 Hillary would be a lot more aggressive militarily.
You can't believe a word the guy says, it's all bluster, all of it.

I don't think he'd deploy nukes(it wouldn't be his sole call anyway so no need to worry about it happening over a personal slight!), in fact i think of the 2 Hillary would be a lot more aggressive militarily.

Without being disrespectful to you, that is exactly what his supporters sound like and say. I agree you can't believe anything he says but at the same time you cannot underestimate his ego, his arrogance, his stupidity or his all round ignorance. I can understand why you think Hillary would be stronger militarily but I personally do not agree that she would, OR that she would even come close to causing the amount of damage Trump would due to his sheer ignorance.

Seriously, look back over everything he has said and done in recent weeks and months and you will see several worrying trends. I get you see his bluster, but you are missing the deeper problems of his arrogance, ego, how thin skinned he is, his ignorance, his inability to ever be wrong, his complete lack of knowledge of anything and most importantly his spitefulness and how evil and nasty he can be when he thinks someone says something against him. The way he retaliates and the way he can't ever let things go when someone dares to criticise him, no matter how right they may be, it's obvious the man has mental issues.

He also said he was ADVISOR to himself and only he can sort these problems out. That's not bluster, that is delusions of grandeur! He seriously believes that when he says it. The danger is there for all to see, and for those to ignore at their peril.
Come on now, it should be a given that anyone supporting Trump is either so stuck in their Republican ideals that they can't see the wood for the trees or they are someone who is seriously in need of help. The only other option is someone who just wants to watch the world burn. There is no other possibility. It's time we stopped pussyfooting around these imbeciles and time we started ripping them to shreds. If they get their way, their candidate could happily destroy the earth at ANY given moment and for any reason whatsoever. It's not a joke so it shouldn't be treated like one anymore. Feck it with the sympathy and attempts to change someone's vote, it's time to say it how we see it and start fighting back.

Trump supporters don't like people being Politically Correct, they like and admire straight up honesty and truth and they admire people who work hard and say it how it is. Well now's the time to show these people what that actually means. That doesn't mean anyone has to be offensive or rude or racist or bigoted, just time to stop holding back against Trumps supporters feelings.

They like hearing what they want to hear. Which I guess is the truths as they see it. A lot of them also like having things 'explained' in language they can understand. But that doesn't necessarily make someone a 'straight talker' as they love to say about the Donald. You can say something complex and tell the truth, simplifying it doesn't mean you're more honest. Especially when what you're saying is factually incorrect.

I do agree with your overall point though. There's a certain hypocrisy in them bitching about being told to be nice to others (Mexicans, Muslims, gay Mexican Muslims etc) and then whinging about the 'attacks' on the Donald or their own bullshit points of view. Like that guy in this thread saying how hard it is being the only Trump supporter in a sea of hate for the man. And then spouts bollocks before being unable to actually exchange facts or proper debates. This whole Republican campaign has been around the 'feelings' of lunatics, dicks and idiots, that they're entitled to be dickheads and somehow congratulate themselves for that, all the while being proud of their own ignorance. Having the opposing point of view, however strongly you believe it, doesn't suddenly entitle that view or opinion to be accepted, acknowledged or respected as legitimate. You're entitled to have it, sure, but just because you (not you, @langster !) believe something doesn't in itself automatically justify it.
God help us if he were to actually win. That spiteful self serving wanker gaining that sort of power would be bad enough, but all the horrendous cnuts that would feel vindicated or legitimized by a Trump election would be unbearable.
Without being disrespectful to you, that is exactly what his supporters sound like and say. I agree you can't believe anything he says but at the same time you cannot underestimate his ego, his arrogance, his stupidity or his all round ignorance. I can understand why you think Hillary would be stronger militarily but I personally do not agree that she would, OR that she would even come close to causing the amount of damage Trump would due to his sheer ignorance.

Seriously, look back over everything he has said and done in recent weeks and months and you will see several worrying trends. I get you see his bluster, but you are missing the deeper problems of his arrogance, ego, how thin skinned he is, his ignorance, his inability to ever be wrong, his complete lack of knowledge of anything and most importantly his spitefulness and how evil and nasty he can be when he thinks someone says something against him.

Look i agree with his complete ignorance when it comes to political matters. I agree his ego is huge, it's the only reason this whole ridiculous sideshow is still going a year after everyone thought he would fall by the wayside.

I just don't think he has any inclination to go nuking countries, i don't think he has any idea what his foreign policy would be tbh. With Hillary however, you have her track record in Lybia, the coup in Honduras, her ramping up of the South China Sea dispute. I think Hillary will win and i think she'll ramp up tensions around the world with her foreign policy.
Look i agree with his complete ignorance when it comes to political matters. I agree his ego is huge, it's the only reason this whole ridiculous sideshow is still going a year after everyone thought he would fall by the wayside.

I just don't think he has any inclination to go nuking countries, i don't think he has any idea what his foreign policy would be tbh. With Hillary however, you have her track record in Lybia, the coup in Honduras, her ramping up of the South China Sea dispute. I think Hillary will win and i think she'll ramp up tensions around the world with her foreign policy.

As I said, I can see why you think Hillary is a warhawk, and I can get why you would worry. Personally as President, I think she will be different and be more of a unifier than someone to cause trouble, problems and wars. The bit where we clearly disagree is with Trump. I see a danger, you don't. Now that danger is either paranoia for me, or it is ignorance and naivety from you. Personally, I hope we are BOTH wrong, and please believe me, I wont take ANY pleasure in telling you I told you so if it does turn out I am right. I hope you can respect that.
Look i agree with his complete ignorance when it comes to political matters. I agree his ego is huge, it's the only reason this whole ridiculous sideshow is still going a year after everyone thought he would fall by the wayside.

I just don't think he has any inclination to go nuking countries, i don't think he has any idea what his foreign policy would be tbh. With Hillary however, you have her track record in Lybia, the coup in Honduras, her ramping up of the South China Sea dispute. I think Hillary will win and i think she'll ramp up tensions around the world with her foreign policy.

I've been very uneasy about her hawkish tendencies since that Obama Doctrine profile in the Atlantic. That being said, being the ultimate decision maker is weightier than being a strongly opinionated Secretary of State, and I think she will be a bit more cautious about flexing America's power if/when she gets to the Oval Office. Drumpf on the other hand...
Priorities USA is actively polling Missouri and Indiana in addition to Arizona/Georgia.

On the surface, this seems great, but hopefully they'll pick their battles wisely. It'd suck to divert resources to either of the former only to lose any of the latter by a hair, given their respective EV count and demographic make up.
Aside from Texas, Georgia and maybe South Carolina, what other "big states" would trump take?

At this rate Georgia is a battleground state that Trump isn't guaranteed to win. Republicans usually win by taking Texas, dominating the swath of southern states from North Carolina to Louisiana, as well as winning both Florida and Ohio.

Below is Dubya's victory over Al Gore in 2000 - despite everything seemingly red, he barely squeaked by with a 271-266 win.


As you can see, Trump faces a massive uphill slog to reach 270 at this moment, in fact Hillary is doing so well that she could lose both Florida and Ohio and still win the election.
I just don't think he has any inclination to go nuking countries

Maybe not, but the simple fact he needs to ask that question...having seen first hand the impact after WW2, speaks volumes. If pushed into a critical situation, I don't think he'll hesitate in pushing the button.

Good or bad, Hilary is a consummate politician. She'll do whatever and say whatever to get her to and keep her in the oval office. Having said that, it's not different from most politicians across the world. Minor exceptions apart, a honest/trustworthy politician is a paradoxical concept now. Tbh, I'd really sleep well knowing we do not have a inept, knee jerk, egomaniacal idiot in charge of the US.
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