2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I'm tired of the left wing vs right wing debate. The answer lies in moderation and a common sense policy that is required at the time of law. I don't care if anyone believes in American exceptionalism, I want common sense Gun laws, I want a platform that prevents Wall street and banks running amok and causing an artificial recession. I want the income inequality gap lessen considerably. I don't know enough about TPP, but I understand Sanders call for abolishing TPP is equally worse as endorsing TPP in it's current form. I want affordable college and universal healthcare. I want separation of church and government and I want policies that doesn't discriminate based on sex, creed and nationality. At this time, only one platform gives me all this. I don't know if HRC will do it or slither out of it like a snake, but considering Sanders also endorses her vigorously, I have to believe this platform will deliver on most of it, if not all. The answer is not 'Never Trump', but only one platform gives me all of this and voting for the other platform doesn't give me any of it. Voting for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson is a throwaway rebel vote and anyone who thinks otherwise is extremely naive.

I also want common sense policies on national security, immigration and terrorism. What is good for today will not be good enough in 2 years or even an year. I want a politician who will acknowledge the dynamic nature and how he's willing to adapt with the changing times. It's one of the reasons I don't believe in captain hindsight of the internet criticizing an action taken at the time without taking any of the events in context. In my opinion, it is equally stupid to expect voters in Idaho and Utah to influence the Iran nuclear deal based on fears of how it will bring America to doom as much as it's stupid to pander to a liberal youth voter base from California to pressurize Clinton to denounce Israel immediately.

Bill Clinton's iconic 2012 DNC speech is always worth a listen - especially on the bit about cooperation from 06:30 to 11:30.

Bill Clinton's iconic 2012 DNC speech is always worth a listen - especially on the bit about cooperation from 06:30 to 11:30.

Doesn't hurt that 'Dont Stop' is one of my favourite songs ever. Always thought Bill's greatest achievement was getting the band back together for another performance.
You want to constrain Wall Street and reduce inequality? How is this "centrist"? Hillary has during the primary embraced a strong critique of Wall Street, so if we take her at her word, she might constrain them. The GOP definitely does not have any inclination to do that no matter what Trump says. So you have taken a non-centrist position, and started a tiresome left-right debate.

Why Hillary would go against the people that finance her? That's naive...
Why Hillary would go against the people that finance her? That's naive...

I feel she probably won't.* My problem was that he was portraying restrictions on Wall Street as a non-left/right issue. Even the moderate restrictions passed by Obama are being opposed by the GOP now. So he has taken a partisan stance and is claiming that this is the common sense position and neither left nor right would argue about it/be relevant to this.

Edit: but the chances of her doing it with a Dem house/senate are much higher than the chances of Trump doing it with a GOP house/senate.
If bernie had been the nominee and it was against somebody like Jeb! then he'd have been hammered by the repub fundraising machine and probably lost. HC is just better at playing the game to win.
I'm tired of the left wing vs right wing debate. The answer lies in moderation and a common sense policy that is required at the time of law. I don't care if anyone believes in American exceptionalism, I want common sense Gun laws, I want a platform that prevents Wall street and banks running amok and causing an artificial recession. I want the income inequality gap lessen considerably. I don't know enough about TPP, but I understand Sanders call for abolishing TPP is equally worse as endorsing TPP in it's current form. I want affordable college and universal healthcare. I want separation of church and government and I want policies that doesn't discriminate based on sex, creed and nationality. At this time, only one platform gives me all this. I don't know if HRC will do it or slither out of it like a snake, but considering Sanders also endorses her vigorously, I have to believe this platform will deliver on most of it, if not all. The answer is not 'Never Trump', but only one platform gives me all of this and voting for the other platform doesn't give me any of it. Voting for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson is a throwaway rebel vote and anyone who thinks otherwise is extremely naive.

I also want common sense policies on national security, immigration and terrorism. What is good for today will not be good enough in 2 years or even an year. I want a politician who will acknowledge the dynamic nature and how he's willing to adapt with the changing times. It's one of the reasons I don't believe in captain hindsight of the internet criticizing an action taken at the time without taking any of the events in context. In my opinion, it is equally stupid to expect voters in Idaho and Utah to influence the Iran nuclear deal based on fears of how it will bring America to doom as much as it's stupid to pander to a liberal youth voter base from California to pressurize Clinton to denounce Israel immediately.


Trump's inevitable spin - "Fox just released a poll that shows I've got more support now than I had a month ago, it's tremendous really."

That said, his talk of rigged elections and surrogates talking about violence in November is fairly scary.
Trump's inevitable spin - "Fox just released a poll that shows I've got more support now than I had a month ago, it's tremendous really."

That said, his talk of rigged elections and surrogates talking about violence in November is fairly scary.

Early days but just to put things into perspective, in 2008 Obama averaged about a 7.3 lead over McCain and wound up winning the electoral college by nearly 200 electoral votes.

In 2012, Obama beat Romney by 3.9 percent nationwide and wound up winning the electoral college by 126 electoral votes.

What is particularly ominous for Drumpf is that he is barely touching 40% in national polls when you factor in Johnson and Stein, which will make it virtually impossible to win the Presidency.

If she can keep things outside the margin of error, she will coast to victory by at least the margin that Obama beat Romney by and potentially approaching the McCain numbers.
errmm. I posted it :D

I'm sure there are a few evangelicals coming around and my church in CT is anti Trump, but the bible belt Evangelicals are mainly from Trump. There maybe some wavering in the LDS faction, due to Mitt Romney factor, but it's a lost cause mate.

Because they'd vote a cabbage if it had an R next to it.
It's amazing how much that 7% translates to in terms of electoral votes. Clinton comes out with roughly double.
Libertarian town hall on CNN at 9EST. Love how they are promoting them as an alternative option since both will suck a lot of points away from Drumpf.
Anyone catch Lewandowski on CNN last night? The man is a bitter fecktard and threw out another birtherism. He was an utter embarrassment.

He's probably the biggest moron of the lot. Asking for Obama's Harvard transcripts while Trump who is actually running for President, hasn't released his taxes.
Early days but just to put things into perspective, in 2008 Obama averaged about a 7.3 lead over McCain and wound up winning the electoral college by nearly 200 electoral votes.

In 2012, Obama beat Romney by 3.9 percent nationwide and wound up winning the electoral college by 126 electoral votes.

What is particularly ominous for Drumpf is that he is barely touching 40% in national polls when you factor in Johnson and Stein, which will make it virtually impossible to win the Presidency.

If she can keep things outside the margin of error, she will coast to victory by at least the margin that Obama beat Romney by and potentially approaching the McCain numbers.

Its clear The Donald doesnt care about expanding his base. He just want to solidify what he has now. I dont think he wants to win the election but create a new customer segment for a political revenue stream post-election. TV for the disenfranchised though I am not sure its the best segment (poorly educated class) for the advertisers.They are extremely loyal -- whatever shit he says they believe.

The other 310 million people may not believe him but they are full of illegal non- real 'American' anyway so in the tumplets eyes, they are part of the system that has been rigged to screw them. Trump as far as they are concerned, walks on water.

Trump is merely thinking $$.... and what crap to sell them. From TV to properties to koolaids.
Its clear The Donald doesnt care about expanding his base. He just want to solidify what he has now. I dont think he wants to win the election but create a new customer segment for a political revenue stream post-election. TV for the disenfranchised though I am not sure its the best segment (poorly educated class) for the advertisers.They are extremely loyal -- whatever shit he says they believe.

The other 310 million people may not believe him but they are full of illegal non- real 'American' anyway so in the tumplets eyes, they are part of the system that has been rigged to screw them. Trump as far as they are concerned, walks on water.

Trump is merely thinking $$.... and what crap to sell them. From TV to properties to koolaids.
I'll buy that.
Up 11 in PA according to the new Franklin & Marshall poll.

Average now is Clinton + 9.

If the economy doesn't tank before Nov.8, it's in the bag.
Trump's inevitable spin - "Fox just released a poll that shows I've got more support now than I had a month ago, it's tremendous really."

That said, his talk of rigged elections and surrogates talking about violence in November is fairly scary.

Has Trump lost Fox? Curious what narrative they ran this with. I wonder is it possible even they see their base at risk now...
Anyone catch Lewandowski on CNN last night? The man is a bitter fecktard and threw out another birtherism. He was an utter embarrassment.
He was shit in the Euros too.
I still think the US is a major terrorist atrocity or two away from a Trump presidential victory.

I bet the twisted buffoon is secretly wishing for it too.
I still think the US is a major terrorist atrocity or two away from a Trump presidential victory.

I bet the twisted buffoon is secretly wishing for it too.
I'd say he is. When the big one happened in Orlando, he gloated that he had been right.
Notice also that Johnson and Stein have each lost 2 points in the same time frame and those have seemingly gone to Hillary

Stein is definitely siphoning a small percentage of Bernie votes from Hillary, but Johnson/Weld are taking more from Trump, as is Hillary. If that continues he will finish the popular vote somewhere in the high 30s which will result in a massive landslide for Hillary.
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