2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Drumpf is now actively calling Hillary the devil and suggesting the election in November will be rigged. Getting his excuses in early.

Well he hopes to get the evangelicals back by claiming he is fighting Satan, and saying the election will be rigged sure beats admitting that the majority of voters find you lacking.
Threatening Ryan to not rebuke him following the Khan family shitstorm, or else Donald will throw his support behind Ryan's opponent.

It's just getting worse... I really hope this gains traction.

On Tuesday, Richard Hanna of New York became the first Republican congressman to publicly declare that he would vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton. Mr Hanna called Mr Trump "a national embarrassment".

Other Republicans have distanced themselves from Mr Trump or withheld their support. Mr Trump's statements and policies about women, undocumented immigrants and Muslims have unsettled many Republican Party leaders.

Republicans not voting for Mr Trump
  • Barbara Bush, former first lady
  • Jeb Bush, former Florida governor, 2016 presidential candidate
  • William Cohen, former secretary of defence
  • Jeff Flake, Arizona senator
  • Lindsey Graham, South Carolina senator, 2016 presidential candidate
  • Larry Hogan, Maryland governor
  • John Kasich, Ohio governor, 2016 presidential candidate
  • Mark Kirk, Illinois senator
  • Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor, 2012 Republican presidential nominee
  • Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida congresswoman
  • Ben Sasse, Nebraska senator
Republicans voting for Mrs Clinton
  • Richard Armitage, former deputy secretary of state
  • Hank Paulson, former treasury secretary
  • Brent Scowcroft, former national security adviser
  • Richard Hanna, New York congressman

On the other hand... he certainly has got his own rag tag bunch of scum.

Have a feeling all the politicians that have backed Trump have committed political suicide. If he loses this election badly, he will become toxic.
Almost like Blair and labour.

I'm expecting lots of them will start dropping him as the numbers fall. Nobody wants to be connected to a loser.
They did say they believe that they have enough for a grand jury to indict.

Methinks Assange is bluffing to try cutting a deal.
They did say they believe that they have enough for a grand jury to indict.

Methinks Assange is bluffing to try cutting a deal.

He also said the other day he was independent and didn't want to sway votes. I used to support him and his cause, but more recently he's reminding me more of a Rupert Murdoch publication drip feeding info before dropping the mother load and completely destroying someone. It seems less and less about the cause now which is a shame. I'm also sure he has huge stuff on Trump too.
Hillary should jab back by getting one of her Hollywood pals to make a Wikileaks Movie sequel starring Benedict Cumberbatch, who Assange hates.
He also said the other day he was independent and didn't want to sway votes. I used to support him and his cause, but more recently he's reminding me more of a Rupert Murdoch publication drip feeding info before dropping the mother load and completely destroying someone. It seems less and less about the cause now which is a shame. I'm also sure he has huge stuff on Trump too.

Was always going to be the case though. There is a sort of power you wield when you start something like WikiLeaks and I guess it would be difficult to maintain a totally neutral, doing it only for the benefit of mankind type of thing. A fair chance anyone starting an organization like that has some dreams of holding and wielding great bit of power.
Just a public service announcement.

The NY Post has published a story about a girl on girl photoshoot Melania Trump did back in the mid 90s.
Fox just completely ignored the TTP conference to concentrate on one sentence Obama made about Trump being unfit to take office. Trump as also reaffirmed his comments about the Election being rigged.
“I think the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president,” Obama said, speaking alongside Singapore prime minister Lee Hsien Loong. “I said so last week, and he keeps on proving it. The notion that he would attack a Gold Star family that had made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia means that he’s woefully unprepared to do this job.”

Obama continued, saying that even though he fought hard against his opponents for the White House in past elections, he never doubted that they could safely execute the duties of the office of the presidency.

“I think I was right and Mitt Romney and John McCain were wrong on certain policy issues, but I never thought that they couldn’t do the job,” Obama said. “And had they won, I would have been disappointed but I would have said to all Americans, ‘This is our president, and I know they’re going to abide by certain norms and rules and common sense - will observe basic decency, will have enough knowledge about economic policy and foreign policy and our constitutional traditions and rule of law that our government will work, and then we’ll compete four years from now to try to win an election.’ But that’s not the situation here.”

“And that’s not just my opinion - that’s the opinion of many prominent Republicans,” Obama continued. “There has to come a point at which you say: Enough. And the alternative is that the entire party, the Republican party, effectively endorses and validates the positions that are being articulated by Mr. Trump. And as I said in my speech last week, I don;’t think that actually represents the views of a whole lot of Republicans out there.”

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Guardian said:
Trump declared that the Purple Heart was authentic, but the veteran who gave it to him told NBC that it was a copy.
I'm surprised he hasn't been attacked more by surrogates over his infidelities and sexism.

I'm surprised he hasn't been attacked more by surrogates over his infidelities and sexism.

What do the numbers for women voters look like for him right now? I know they have been pretty bad all along. It might be that there is little damage left to be done to him with the demographics that would most be influenced by these issues.
Another controversy about sexual abuse at workplace. Trump suggested that women should just resign and find a new job and bizzarely implied that his daughter is strong and independent and won't accept sexual abuse and if she did, he'd expect her to move to another job.
That's why I said surrogates, plus you know that Bill is going to get hit soon enough.

They dont have much of a moral highground to bring it up. Let him do it first in desperation and then counter-punch. 'We won't get into the mud with the Donald, we'll talk about real issues affecting Americans, blah blah", while lesser surrogates go on TV and point out his long list of achievements in misogyny.

The Cheeto is doing a stellar job of sinking himself, Clinton just need to lay low and enjoy the spectacle.
Donald Trump asked a woman with a crying baby to leave his rally in Ashburn, Virginia on Tuesday.

The GOP nominee initially suggested that he did not mind the disruption.

“Don’t worry about that baby. I love babies," Trump said after hearing the baby crying during an aside about the trade imbalance. "Don’t worry about it. I love babies. I hear that baby crying, I like it. What a baby. What a beautiful baby. Don’t worry, don’t worry. The mom’s running around like—don’t worry about it, you know. It’s young and beautiful and healthy and that’s what we want.”

Trump then returned to his non-baby-related remarks, only to hear the baby make more noise.

“They have ripped us to shreds, ripped us absolutely to shreds," Trump said of China, before turning back to the woman with the child.

“Actually, I was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here," the Republican nominee said to laughter and applause. "That’s all right. Don’t worry. I, I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking. That’s OK. People don’t understand. That’s OK."


Guess he's going to lose the baby vote as well.
Trump and his son Eric apparently just said something controversial about sexual harrassment as well.

Another controversy about sexual abuse at workplace. Trump suggested that women should just resign and find a new job and bizzarely implied that his daughter is strong and independent and won't accept sexual abuse and if she did, he'd expect her to move to another job.

You are about 2 hours late :D:drool:
I think some of these republicans have wanted to publicly distance themselves from trump for some time now and can use the khan thing without an easy rebuke of being a traitor or coward to the GOP
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