2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Thanks for posting that article. I know exactly how he feels. I'm having a hard time wrapping my own mind around why my folks and other immediate family are almost all for Trump. It's killing me.

My folks are staunchly Trump as well. We are all entrenched in our views and as a result don't bother discussing politics.
My folks are staunchly Trump as well. We are all entrenched in our views and as a result don't bother discussing politics.
@Billy Blaggs
I've basically decided to not even discuss it with them. I don't even know that they know I voted Sanders and will be voting Hillary in November. I've just avoided it really.

That's healthy, right?
@Billy Blaggs
I've basically decided to not even discuss it with them. I don't even know that they know I voted Sanders and will be voting Hillary in November. I've just avoided it really.

That's healthy, right?

I try not to but they love to bring it up. I don't even think they know why they are voting for him tbh.
My folks are staunchly Trump as well. We are all entrenched in our views and as a result don't bother discussing politics.

My grandpa was but he passed away in October of last year while I was in Germany. I remember our last video call on FB about four days before he passed... "You think Trump will win the election?" I didn't say nothing just "maybe."

The rest of my family are seemingly for Trump because they'd vote for a cabbage if it had an R next to it.
The irony being that Trump has many of his licensed products made outside America and he hawks his trademark namesake to anyone and everyone domestic but mostly foreign.

Yeah has he not got lots of employees in the Middle East too who were offended by what he said?

My grandpa was but he passed away in October of last year while I was in Germany. I remember our last video call on FB about four days before he passed... "You think Trump will win the election?" I didn't say nothing just "maybe."

The rest of my family are seemingly for Trump because they'd vote for a cabbage if it had an R next to it.

Times like this I'm glad I have a socialist grandmother.:lol:
The original point of the speech is that if Muslim's were banned then an American hero wouldn't have been around to do what he did. The Khan's would have disappeared if Trump hadn't picked the fight with them.

Besides, pimping out soldiers, dead or alive, is a staple of the republican playbook. It's nice to see the dems grow a pair and do it too.

Your point is true but irrelevant to my distaste at both sides using a casualty of a war we shouldn't have been in in the first place, to grandstand and pointscore. I hate to even give any credit to Drumpf, but this absolute reverence for the military and their families can feck off. They have sacrificed a lot but no one should be above reproach.

Jesus Christ, now CNN won't drop the fecking topic. I want this election to be over 10 days ago.
Saying stupid things only strengthens Trump.

His platform is ""politcal correctness gone mad" gone mad".

Trump supporters buy into his verbal diarrhoea because it's the same as the things they want to say before their superego kicks in. They want someone to legitimise their belief that governing through id and ego will improve upon carefully thought out policies.

It's true that intelligent Presidents have failed to bring about Utopia, but that only because Utopia is impossible to achieve. Going the opposite way won't work any better.

In any case, I want Trump to win. I'm a Brit so I don't give a feck. It'll be hilarious watching him ruin the country.

That's hilarious indeed.
Your point is true but irrelevant to my distaste at both sides using a casualty of a war we shouldn't have been in in the first place, to grandstand and pointscore. I hate to even give any credit to Drumpf, but this absolute reverence for the military and their families can feck off. They have sacrificed a lot but no one should be above reproach.

Yes, Dems bringing him in knew they were using this type of person (Muslim in the military) to make a political point, it's possible they hoped that it would be bait for Trump, and he took it. But TBH if I was in charge of the Dem party I would have done something similar. It wins votes.
This deserves a lot of laughs, but no one here knows about our Amma :D

May She forgive them

It's not only bitter, it's stupid and vindictive. But it's Dante, it's par for the course.

I thought he was just on a wum because he can't be serious simply because it's exceptionally short sighted. The close ties between the USA and the UK mean that whatever Trump ruins will ultimately effect us too. Any wars he starts we will ultimately be involved in, any financial crash will be felt here equally as badly, and pretty much any scenario of Trump fecking up will be replicated or will reach here too. For that reason I felt it was just a flippant comment designed to wum.
I thought he was just on a wum because he can't be serious simply because it's exceptionally short sighted. The close ties between the USA and the UK mean that whatever Trump ruins will ultimately effect us too. Any wars he starts we will ultimately be involved in, any financial crash will be felt here equally as badly, and pretty much any scenario of Trump fecking up will be replicated or will reach here too. For that reason I felt it was just a flippant comment designed to wum.
If so it's a very consistent wum, he's been saying it for months.

Wonder about the truth of this:

Here's a response from someone else:

3 months more of this...
If so it's a very consistent wum, he's been saying it for months.

Well then as I said, exceptionally short sighted and vicious.

Wonder about the truth of this:

I believe it, I've just been reading how many staff and advisors Trump has gone through in recent months. Apparently Ben Carson has been advising him and has been imploring Trump to not take the bait and to rise above it. He's been saying how un-Presidential arguing and biting back appears, but obviously it's falling on deaf ears. Chris Christie is apparently exceptionally unhappy too and on the verge of walking out so he can try to save his political career as he feels being associated with Trump will essentially cost him any chance of being re-elected.

I think the recent mental health evaluations and revelations from people close to him such as one of his ex-lawyers and his ghost writer for "art of the deal" are really hitting home. His reluctance to reveal his tax returns is another problem, with all his constant lies it's obvious he wont release them for a reason. Now Warren Buffet has challenged him to release them and said he himself is also under audit at the moment but will happily release his if Trump does. So that's now TWO billionaires in Cuban and Buffet who are calling him out on his finances and the Koch brothers denying asking to meet him. None of that looks good. Even the fecking NFL called him out on a flat out lie this week. He really is digging his own grave now. The only question is can he survive long enough to get elected. We have seen him deflect shit before, we have seen none of it matter much, and we have seen him gain momentum after debates before, so while logic and common sense and evidence would suggest he is fecked, there is still that uncertainty simply because many people have been saying that for months, and he always seems to find a way out of it all.

Personally, I think now he's got too many people against him, and I'm just waiting to see how he responds to Warren Buffet, (notice he avoided responding to Mark Cuban) also how he responds to Francois Hollande and how he responds to Obama. He's literally just come out and said Obama will go down as the WORST President of all time. :lol:
Yes, Dems bringing him in knew they were using this type of person (Muslim in the military) to make a political point, it's possible they hoped that it would be bait for Trump, and he took it. But TBH if I was in charge of the Dem party I would have done something similar. It wins votes.

Tbf Khizr Khan has said that he was asked every steps of the way whether he's comfortable being involved, from tribute to their son, being at the convention or speaking. Politicking aside, it's about time a Muslim immigrant is given a platform to denounce the Tangerine trainwreck's scapegoating of the Muslim community at large.
What's the bit about the NFL?

He said in the ABC interview that the NFL had written to him about the dates of the debates. They released a statement a couple of hours after saying that they did nothing of the sort, and a Trump spokesman came out and gave some crock about Trump HEARD the NFL weren't happy about the debate dates.
Let us compare Khan vs Smith. One is talking of his religion and how a presidential candidate would ban persons of his faith including his son who served and ultimately lost his life, while the other is so consumed with hate and grief that she blames a politician for the death of her son, calling her a murderer.
He said in the ABC interview that the NFL had written to him about the dates of the debates. They released a statement a couple of hours after saying that they did nothing of the sort, and a Trump spokesman came out and gave some crock about Trump HEARD the NFL weren't happy about the debate dates.

Last thing he wants to do is get in a war of words with the NFL or peddle tin foil hat theories about them.

If there is one thing that could convince hardcore Trumpites to ditch him it is the NFL.
Let us compare Khan vs Smith. One is talking of his religion and how a presidential candidate would ban persons of his faith including his son who served and ultimately lost his life, while the other is so consumed with hate and grief that she blames a politician for the death of her son, calling her a murderer.

The idiot doesn't realize that the main reason Khan is getting so much press is because he attacked him.

If Hilary insulted the Benghazi mother then it would be just as bad if not even worse.
Last thing he wants to do is get in a war of words with the NFL or peddle tin foil hat theories about them.

If there is one thing that could convince hardcore Trumpites to ditch him it is the NFL.

I agree, I thought when he said it that it was bullshit, you could just tell and the way he said it, it just didn't sound right "the NFL wrote to me". It was one of his obvious lies, and then a couple of hours later they came out and said it was shite. But like you, I felt it could damage him more than many would think, it's not as trivial as some would think. The NFL is a religion to many and the fans wont be happy if he tries to besmirch the NFL or gets in to an argument with them.
I agree, I thought when he said it that it was bullshit, you could just tell and the way he said it, it just didn't sound right "the NFL wrote to me". It was one of his obvious lies, and then a couple of hours later they came out and said it was shite. But like you, I felt it could damage him more than many would think, it's not as trivial as some would think. The NFL is a religion to many and the fans wont be happy if he tries to besmirch the NFL or gets in to an argument with them.

You are getting ahead of yourself a bit. He'll still get 40% of the vote on Election Day, including most if not all of those NFL fanatics. That's 50 millions people, and it's fecking frightening.

After this election is done, the US needs to take a long hard look at herself, to figure out why at least 1/6 of the population would put a Know-Nothing, neo-Fascist, narcissistic demagogue in charge of the world's biggest economy, military and nuclear stockpile.
I agree, I thought when he said it that it was bullshit, you could just tell and the way he said it, it just didn't sound right "the NFL wrote to me". It was one of his obvious lies, and then a couple of hours later they came out and said it was shite. But like you, I felt it could damage him more than many would think, it's not as trivial as some would think. The NFL is a religion to many and the fans wont be happy if he tries to besmirch the NFL or gets in to an argument with them.

It's Teflon trump though. He would basically worm out of it when one of his NFL related surrogates will take the blame saying he sent the letter and Trump would equate that this person sending the letter is like NFL sending it.

You are getting ahead of yourself a bit. He'll still get 40% of the vote on Election Day, including most if not all of those NFL fanatics. That's 50 millions people, and it's fecking frightening.

After this election is done, the US needs to take a long hard look at herself, to figure out why at least 1/6 of the population would put a Know-Nothing, neo-Fascist, narcissistic demagogue in charge of the world's biggest economy, military and nuclear stockpile.

Especially the white evangelicals.
It's Teflon trump though

Yeah, but shits starting to stick now. Albeit only slightly, but it's starting. Even his surrogates are fecking up as well, that despicable bitch Katrina Pierson said earlier today that Obama was responsible for Captain Khan's death for changing the rules of engagement, despite not being President in 2004. She's fecking awful, and his other female defenders AJ Delgado and Laura Ingram were on Hannity spouting similar shite. All 3 are completely odious bitches.
Yeah, but shits starting to stick now. Albeit only slightly, but it's starting. Even his surrogates are fecking up as well, that despicable bitch Katrina Pierson said earlier today that Obama was responsible for Captain Khan's death for changing the rules of engagement, despite not being President in 2004. She's fecking awful, and his other female defenders AJ Delgado and Laura Ingram were on Hannity spouting similar shite. All 3 are completely odious bitches.

Yeah, I switched channels in disgust when Pierson was talking
Yeah, I switched channels in disgust when Pierson was talking

She's horrific. I can see Trump (and his sons to a certain extent) are still staunchly defending Roger Ailes despite there being many more women coming out and claiming abuse. I can't see that sitting well with many voters either, certainly not women and evangelical voters who he is already desperately unpopular with.
She's horrific. I can see Trump (and his sons to a certain extent) are still staunchly defending Roger Ailes despite there being many more women coming out and claiming abuse. I can't see that sitting well with many voters either, certainly not women and evangelical voters who he is already desperately unpopular with.

Evangelicals have made their bed with Trump. They've reasoned that the Lord has used bad men before in his plans.
Ahhhh, not all though mate, check back to last night there was a great link posted written by an Evangelical and it listed why they couldn't in good conscience vote for Trump. Hold on bud, I will try to find it for you.

errmm. I posted it :D

I'm sure there are a few evangelicals coming around and my church in CT is anti Trump, but the bible belt Evangelicals are mainly from Trump. There maybe some wavering in the LDS faction, due to Mitt Romney factor, but it's a lost cause mate.
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