2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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This is a parody campaign. Picking a fight with the most teflon Muslim family and now insulting mothers with babies.

It's the whole Trump as a Clinton plant tinfoil hat theory!

Which of course also explains why he knows the election is rigged in Hillary's favor, because he is part of the rigging process!

Oh wait, where did those birds just appear from?

Currently reading his autobio. Very interesting so far. Haven't reached Monica yet.
I went out for a few hours, has Trump said anything else mental? Seen the baby thing and the sexual harassment one. Anything else?
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but I find the Khan coverage nauseating. Pimping out a dead soldier for point-scoring and handwaving.

The original point of the speech is that if Muslim's were banned then an American hero wouldn't have been around to do what he did. The Khan's would have disappeared if Trump hadn't picked the fight with them.

Besides, pimping out soldiers, dead or alive, is a staple of the republican playbook. It's nice to see the dems grow a pair and do it too.
The original point of the speech is that if Muslim's were banned then an American hero wouldn't have been around to do what he did. The Khan's would have disappeared if Trump hadn't picked the fight with them.

Besides, pimping out soldiers, dead or alive, is a staple of the republican playbook. It's nice to see the dems grow a pair and do it too.

Exactly right. Their whole point was that if Trump had his way they wouldn't have even been allowed to be in the country so their son could never have served in the military and sacrificed his life for his country. It's just pointing out how preposterous Trump's stance on Muslims is, and that he is exceptionally bigoted because he lumps all Muslims in together and assumes they are all terrorists. His reaction proved their point too, and him doubling down on it was just moronic to say the least. Trump's advisors must be smashing their heads against the walls really, and as I said, Pence must be wondering what the feck he was thinking, he could have signed his own political death warrant siding with Trump as I guarantee if he goes down, he will take everyone near him with him.
All over the news here. The next Drumpf shit storm for the coming 24 hour news cycle.

I'm hoping Ryan tells him to feck off and denounces him as a result of this.
It's hilarious, they both completely swallow their pride (and dignity) to endorse him and he responds by pissing on their heads. Taunting them to denounce the nominee of their party, banking on them chickening out. They must hate his Cheeto-encrusted face so very very much :lol:
I'm hoping Ryan tells him to feck off and denounces him as a result of this.

Don't you think Ryan and McCain effectively did that with their condemnation of Trumps attack on the Khan family, and their support of them afterwards? Yet again another case of tit for tat with Trump. Ryan and McCain say something against Trump or something he doesn't like so he has to retaliate against them. Like a pathetic, angry, immature, petulant, little child.

Just out of interest, what do you think will happen if Ryan and McCain do go one step further and denounce Trump and withdraw their support/endorsements of him?
Saying stupid things only strengthens Trump.

His platform is ""politcal correctness gone mad" gone mad".

Trump supporters buy into his verbal diarrhoea because it's the same as the things they want to say before their superego kicks in. They want someone to legitimise their belief that governing through id and ego will improve upon carefully thought out policies.

It's true that intelligent Presidents have failed to bring about Utopia, but that only because Utopia is impossible to achieve. Going the opposite way won't work any better.

In any case, I want Trump to win. I'm a Brit so I don't give a feck. It'll be hilarious watching him ruin the country.
Don't you think Ryan and McCain effectively did that with their condemnation of Trumps attack on the Khan family, and their support of them afterwards? Yet again another case of tit for tat with Trump. Ryan and McCain say something against Trump or something he doesn't like so he has to retaliate against them. Like a pathetic, angry, immature, petulant, little child.

Just out of interest, what do you think will happen if Ryan and McCain do go one step further and denounce Trump and withdraw their support/endorsements of him?

They didn't really condemn him in any direct terms. They just released diluted politically correct statements that allowed them to feel like they addressed the issue whilst simultaneously not denouncing Trump. What they actually needed to do was condemn him and withdraw their support for his candidacy.

Now, Trump is tacitly blackmailing them by suggesting he doesn't support them, when he knows they both have primary challengers in their states in the coming weeks. So what he is actually saying to both of them - "Don't you dare denounce me or else I'll throw my support behind your opponents and you will be out of a job".

As for your question, I think they will come under tremendous pressure if they denounce him in the next couple of weeks as the base of the GOP in their districts will mobilize against them.
The true story behind HRC's candidacy


What was the key reason behind the selection of Hillary Clinton as the Presidential candidate of the United States? According to A Ramu, AIADMK’s Coonoor MLA, it was his party supremo J Jayalalithaa who inspired Hillary to contest in the Presidential elections.

“In America’s Presidential election, for the first time a woman candidate is contesting and the complete reason for that is Amma (Jayalalithaa),” Ramu said on Tuesday during his speech in the Tamil Nadu Assembly. Party’s first time MLA who joined AIADMK in 2014, Ramu explained his theory behind Hillary’s candidature.

“She (Hillary) visited India and met Amma (Jayalalithaa),” he said, adding that her Presidential candidature was the impact of that meeting (in July 2011).

“Today, the world is celebrating this meeting for its historical importance. Through this meeting, Hillary Clinton understood Amma’s personality and was awestruck by her proficiency in English and her encouragement. Finally, accepting the assuring words of Respected Amma, an overwhelmed US Secretary of State went back to become the presidential candidate. I would like to record that the reason for this is Respected Amma,” Ramu said.
They didn't really condemn him in any direct terms. They just released diluted politically correct statements that allowed them to feel like they addressed the issue whilst simultaneously not denouncing Trump. What they actually needed to do was condemn him and withdraw their support for his candidacy.

Now, Trump is tacitly blackmailing them by suggesting he doesn't support them, when he knows they both have primary challengers in their states in the coming weeks. So what he is actually saying to both of them - "Don't you dare denounce me or else I'll throw my support behind your opponents and you will be out of a job".

As for your question, I think they will come under tremendous pressure if they denounce him in the next couple of weeks as the base of the GOP in their districts will mobilize against them.

Yeah, I see what you mean by the first bit. I agree they needed to be stronger in their response against him too. It's an awful position for them both to be in really too, and I actually feel sorry for McCain especially, although I don't agree with him on many things, he is a respected man, a true war hero and a principled politician who actually has real ideals and beliefs, he's worth a million Trumps.
feck McCain, he's a bitter old git dinosaur. We need new blood.

:lol: Oh don't get me wrong, I'm no fan really, complete opposite of the political spectrum, but he doesn't deserve to be fecked over by a cock slurper like Trump. Sad way to go out and he must be gutted to see his beloved party go down and get taken down by a feckin talking wotsit with child sized hands.
He inflicted Palin on the world so I hope he gets humiliated by Trump.

That's a fair point. I'm probably just a bit tired and had too much codeine so feeling a bit sorry for him after watching his letter of support for Mr Khan being read out again. It really was a nice statement.
He inflicted Palin on the world so I hope he gets humiliated by Trump.
Isn't he also one of the ones that have banged on incessantly about Benghazi for the last 5 years?

He's much better than Trump, of course, but so's Harambe.
The media outside the US is very anti Trump and so for most of us outside the US we are getting fed a biased angle of Trump (even if its largely correct) but the bit we arent getting clearly fed to us is the view of Americans who are going to vote for him. We do get snippets of information which is biased towards mocking the type of people who will vote for him but very little actual intelligent commentary on who and why they will vote for him.
I think Trumps an utter buffoon, have met him and photographed him in the early 90's and dread that he may become president but would like a little more in the media that is articulate, intelligent and informative about why some will vote for him and the deeper issues as to why so many will vote for him.
The media outside the US is very anti Trump and so for most of us outside the US we are getting fed a biased angle of Trump (even if its largely correct) but the bit we arent getting clearly fed to us is the view of Americans who are going to vote for him. We do get snippets of information which is biased towards mocking the type of people who will vote for him but very little actual intelligent commentary on who and why they will vote for him.
I think Trumps an utter buffoon, have met him and photographed him in the early 90's and dread that he may become president but would like a little more in the media that is articulate, intelligent and informative about why some will vote for him and the deeper issues as to why so many will vote for him.


It definitely explains why white blue-collar workers who may have voted Democrat are voting for Trump.

The other aspects are:

1. The whole country is already extremely bi-partisan. 40% of the country will always vote Republican no matter who is heading up the ticket
2. Hillary is the 2nd most unpopular candidate of all time. Plenty of voters voting for Trump because he's not her.
Even Chris Christie is distancing himself from Trump's war with the Khan's.

Meanwhile, even one of Trump’s staunchest loyalists, N.J. Gov. Chris Christie, declined to come to his defense regarding the Khans

  • “You’re not going to find me criticizing Mr. and Mrs. Khan, regardless of what they say,” Christie said in Trenton
I can't work out how this is playing out for him at the moment. It seems as if it's dragging him down and losing him points, but there are enough hacks, mad right wing loons and suck ups that seem to be siding with him. I guess we will just have to see what the polls say in a few days time.
The media outside the US is very anti Trump and so for most of us outside the US we are getting fed a biased angle of Trump (even if its largely correct) but the bit we arent getting clearly fed to us is the view of Americans who are going to vote for him. We do get snippets of information which is biased towards mocking the type of people who will vote for him but very little actual intelligent commentary on who and why they will vote for him.
I think Trumps an utter buffoon, have met him and photographed him in the early 90's and dread that he may become president but would like a little more in the media that is articulate, intelligent and informative about why some will vote for him and the deeper issues as to why so many will vote for him.
The parallels of what's going on in Western Europe and the US do not get enough scrutiny, in my opinion.
Now other World leaders are starting to attack him. How long before Trump responds and fires back? Does anyone think Trump would dare to go as low as attacking Hollande on his record of keeping the French safe from terrorist attacks? Or is that too far even for him? And if not, what and how will he attack him back?

French President Francois Hollande today decried the “excesses” of Trump as sickening, AFP reported
  • “His excesses make you want to retch, even in the United States, especially when -- as was Donald Trump’s case -- he speaks ill of a soldier, of the memory of a soldier,” Hollande told journalists in Paris
Every time nothing makes sense, I watch this and suddenly everything related to Trump seems logical again.

I think the only candidate in the history of presidential polling to lose the election after leading both pre and post-convention was Tom Dewey.

Anyway, it always come down to the EC, and with Clinton in Nebraska, Bill scheduled in Utah and Kaine doing fundraiser in Florida, they seem to be going for a landslide more than merely defending the Rust Bell.

Excellent. Excellent. The GOP deserves this after all the pandering to the TP nutters, CT nutters, evangelical nutters, ammosexual nutters, etc.
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