2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He's so stupid for getting involved with the parent of a war hero.

Like why the hell would he do that.

People who weren't aware of the speech or the story will be watching it and I doubt the majority will be siding with Trump.
You know the irony of this thing? Had the Cheeto shithead kept mum about the speech, no one'd be talking about it by now. His incessant need to level the score, to 'hit back' lead to this whole mess. Now every major news network is playing khzir Khan's speech on the loop, interviewing him and his wife, etc... Karma is a bitch.

Yep and it's not as if it was a difficult hit to bat away either - "I respect Mr Khan and his son's tremendous service to our country but that is different to the great threat we have from Islamic fundamentalism."

There done, no one would have said batted an eyelid and I made up the above crap in under 5 seconds. But the Donald can't help himself despite having "the best temperament". He just can't help himself with all the follow up comments
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Donald Trump FULL Interview on This Week with George Stephanopoulos

I just can't believe this guy. Half of that interview is just him boasting. Highlight was him boasting about being able to hit a golf ball further than Bloomberg.
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The Clinton Team apparently think the election will be won in the next few weeks. Time will tell.
All they really need to to is hold what they've got and keep jabbing at Trump occasionally and let him do the work for them.

I agree, he's a ticking bomb
All they really need to to is hold what they've got and keep jabbing at Trump occasionally and let him do the work for them.

I agree, he's a ticking bomb

I think if the next round of polls this week and next show Hillary with a consistent 5-10 point national lead - Drumpf will get desperate and increasingly nasty, which will (imo) contribute to his further demise in the polls.
I think he's going to have a massive meltdown at some point where he says or does something that starts a downward spiral that he won't have sufficient time or momentum to recover from before November. The Clinton Team apparently think the election will be won in the next few weeks. Time will tell.
I think it's more likely he will continue to slowly lose independent supporters but get a massive turnout from his base, and dem turnout will determine the winner.
With McCain's comments today, and groups like VFW speaking out against him, I wonder if we will see the moderates in the GOP swing toward Hillary as well.
Trump was in a good positon of winning before the GNC but now I very much doubt it after confronting a dead US soldier's parents. One could've easily deflected the GNC speech.

Not only that, they're digging deeper with this double agent stuff? Not sure if true mind.

Perhaps the only chance if Trump is still serious about becoming president is in today's world I wonder if much of this stays in the minds of the voters, have the Clinton side shot too early?
Just a public service announcement here...

If you have Netflix, Funny or Die Presents: Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal - The Movie

50 minute long parody of the book. It's pretty funny.
Trump was in a good positon of winning before the GNC but now I very much doubt it after confronting a dead US soldier's parents. One could've easily deflected the GNC speech.

Not only that, they're digging deeper with this double agent stuff? Not sure if true mind.

Perhaps the only chance if Trump is still serious about becoming president is in today's world I wonder if much of this stays in the minds of the voters, have the Clinton side shot too early?
They've not really done anything. He's done this bit to himself.
New CNN poll:

Clinton: 52%
Trump: 43%

That's like 12 or 14 points bounce, right?

Edit: and with Johnson and Stein

Clinton: 45%
Trump: 37%
Johnson: 9%
Stein: 5% !!
New CNN poll:

Clinton: 52%
Trump: 43%

That's like 12 or 14 points bounce, right?

Edit: and with Johnson and Stein

Clinton: 45%
Trump: 37%
Johnson: 9%
Stein: 5% !!

That's a massive lead. She should improve her number in Silver's tracker as well.

If she gets into a double digit lead, the GOP will almost surely meltdown.
Brand new. Hillary was at just over 40% a week ago.

That CNN poll has Trump at 7% with non-white voters - Johnson and Stein are both at 8%.
Hopefully he won't get the chance to become the best worst President.
That CNN poll has Trump at 7% with non-white voters - Johnson and Stein are both at 8%.

Yeah he's toast with non-white voters, which is why Hillary is adopting a strategy of eroding his strengths - blue collar whites - which would make it nearly impossible for him to win.
Brand new. Hillary was at just over 40% a week ago.


It's 82% now, but that's the " Now cast" model which is pretty much a useless one. The polls-plus should be the most reliable of all three. They all moved towards Clinton of course.

And Sam Wang's model is the most stable. Never gave Trump a chance in the past week or two.
It's 82% now, but that's the " Now cast" model which is pretty much a useless one. The polls-plus should be the most reliable of all three. They all moved towards Clinton of course.

And Sam Wang's model is the most stable. Never gave Trump a chance in the past week or two.

I guess it just depends on how much "smoothing" they apply to the input data, and how much they factor in historical trends vs latest polls for how stable the outcome is. The most stable isn't necessarily the best one. It would completely miss a surge just before the election.
More importantly PPP polled Pennsylvania: Clinton +3 in a four-way race, +4 in a three-way one.
I guess it just depends on how much "smoothing" they apply to the input data, and how much they factor in historical trends vs latest polls for how stable the outcome is. The most stable isn't necessarily the best one. It would completely miss a surge just before the election.

True and i think Nate talked about that. But how probable is it for such surge to happen?

Unless of course Wikileaks decide to feck us all over.
Anyway, bouncy polls are unreliable. let's wait till mid-August at least.
I'm working under the assumption that this is essentially a post convention boost.

Is any of this really that farfetched? Consider the efficiency: The Giant Meteor can wipe out student loan debt, end your credit card debt, reduce all tax burdens, and eliminate mortgage debt -- all within seconds of taking office. Goodbye, ISIS!

Meteor may only have a cult following at this point, but anyone is invited to get on board. Display your allegiance to this crusty, hulking individual by purchasing a neat bumper sticker. Or pick up a T-shirt with Meteor's name on it! So cool.

An iconic red hat isn't available with "MAKE METEOR STRIKE AMERICA" or anything like that, but perhaps one will spawn as we near Election Day.
If Hillary gains another 2-3 points in her lead over Trump in the coming weeks, you will begin to see traditionally GOP states like AZ, MO, and GA flip into the light blue column. If that happens, many of the polling forecasts will create a perception in the media that Trump will lose, at which point panic will begin to spread among Republican voters.
I'm also wondering at this point how Trump's fundraising and organisation in battlegrounds is going.
If Hillary gains another 2-3 points in her lead over Trump in the coming weeks, you will begin to see traditionally GOP states like AZ, MO, and GA flip into the light blue column. If that happens, many of the polling forecasts will create a perception in the media that Trump will lose, at which point panic will begin to spread among Republican voters.
Hopefully good poll numbers won't lead to low Dem turnout in November.
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