2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Trump’s sexual bashfulness is an interesting surprise. But where, then, does it come from — the rancor, the contempt, the disgust? It is as if he has never been told (a) that women go to the bathroom (“Disgusting,” he said of a Clinton toilet break), and (b) that women lactate (“Disgusting,” he said of a lawyer who had to go and pump milk for her newborn). Has no one told him (c) that women vote? And I hope he finds that disgusting too, in November.
Apparently Trump has said that his position of banning Muslims preventing thousands of potential radical Islamic militants is the real reason why Mr. Khan was bothered.

I'm sorry, can someone kick his sorry ass?
Apparently Trump has said that his position of banning Muslims preventing thousands of potential radical Islamic militants is the real reason why Mr. Khan was bothered.

I'm sorry, can someone kick his sorry ass?

The more outrage this episode draws, the more Trump's negatives go up, the more distance Hillary puts between them in the polls.
So we had #TrumpSacrifices and now we have #DonaldTrumpTheMovie :lol:

Some are fecking amazing!

Or Honey I shrunk the Republican Party, How to lose an election in 10 days, Little Hands on the Prairie, No Country for Brown Men, The Colour Orange and Silence of the Scams. :lol:
You're good at this

I can't take any credit for those, I didn't come up with them mate, they are all running wild on Twitter at the moment. Meanwhile, Trump has been on a Tweeting frenzy today. Some absolute gems trying to talk his way out of his cock ups when talking about Putin and Crimea. Seriously some are really quite funny because he's just such a child. He's just so fecking ignorant, and has to try to defend his constant cock ups and ignorance and stupid statements. As I said, the male Sarah Palin.

Breaking news! I've just seen a report where he has actually now said that Mr Khan's son WOULD NOT HAVE DIED! if he was President. Unfeckingbelievable. Please someone make this stop now. Mike Pence must be ready to top himself, he must be wondering what the feck he has done siding with this complete moron. But this is getting really embarrassing now, so very sad.
Breaking news! I've just seen a report where he has actually now said that Mr Khan's son WOULD NOT HAVE DIED
Yeah he apparently said that on Hannity... That he wouldn't of died because Trump would have stayed out of Iraq.

I can't take any credit for those, I didn't come up with them mate, they are all running wild on Twitter at the moment.
You've got a big leg up on the Trumps already then!
Yeah he apparently said that on Hannity... That he wouldn't of died because Trump would have stayed out of Iraq.

Yeah, I just watched it. He's doubling down on his double down. His ego knows no bounds, such a fragile thing, so very sad.

Yes, he really said that.

I've just read that, and read that Trump is going to start saying everything is rigged against him. It's because of the dip in his numbers and the rise of his unfavourable rating after attacking the Khans and making such a dick of himself regarding Putin and Crimea. Roger Stone is a professional lying troll, any decent Republican should distance themselves and their party from him as soon as possible. He's a cnut of the highest order. But as I said a moment ago, this has got to stop now, seriously, it's no longer funny, in truth it stopped being funny months ago, but it's really bad now, and he is a national embarrassment. He's humiliating the USA daily in front of the whole fecking world. Someone needs to step in now and make it stop before it's irreversible.
Violence isn't out of the question. It got damn close in 2000 and it's a perfectly legitimate recount. Politics brings out the worst in people.

We haven't yet seen that on a large scale from the Drumpfkins because he won, now that he's losing...

On the other hand, US military planning an assault on Mosul and Raqqa in October. If they retake both it'll be a massive propaganda victory for the Obama's administration and undermine one of the core tenets of Don's campaign - that he's the only one who can beat ISIL.
No surprises if that's the case considering how viciously he's attacked Cruz.

Yeah, I know it was a vote that was hanging in the balance so to speak, but many of the Evangelicals don't like Cruz either. They must be gutted to have such poor options representing them this year :lol:
The Republicans are doomed to lose this election. They could do it the 'easy' way by dumping Trump and fielding a weak candidate....or the 'hard way' by supporting Trump and alienating majority of grassroots republicans which would take multiple years to recover, if at all.
Drumpf: I raised $35.8m, biggest amount the GOP has ever raised.

Romney: nope, dipshit, I raised $101m in July 2012.

Clinton: *snicker*, $90m in the same month.
Have a feeling all the politicians that have backed Trump have committed political suicide. If he loses this election badly, he will become toxic.
Almost like Blair and labour.

1988 convention data from 538.

1972 Nixon +16.0 Nixon +29.7 Nixon +23.2
1976 Carter +13.0 Carter +4.0 Carter +2.0
1980 Reagan +6.0 Reagan +2.6 Reagan +9.7
1984 Reagan +14.3 Reagan +16.8 Reagan +18.2
1988 Dukakis +6.7 Bush +3.0 Bush +7.7
1992 Bush +1.0 Clinton +11.7 Clinton +5.6
1996 Clinton +16.8 Clinton +16.0 Clinton +8.5
2000 Bush +4.3 Gore +2.0 Gore +0.5
2004 Kerry +2.7 Bush +1.8 Bush +2.5
2008 Obama +3.8 Obama +3.1 Obama +7.3
2012 Obama +2.3 Obama +1.9 Obama +3.9
Fun watching some conservatives I know trying to wrap their heads around Trump being buddy, buddy with Putin. After all, they have been very vocal in complaining about Obama and Hillary letting Putin get away with invading the Ukraine, backing Assad, etc. Now they have to try and spin Trump having ties to him.

Now as an aside to all this, I want to congratulate the Democrats and a job well done in controlling the message. They have taken the potentially damaging leaks of DNC emails and turned the issue into Trump's relationship with Putin. I am not saying they manufactured this information, I am saying they did a masterful job in using information they already knew and used it well. The Reagan White House and the Bill Clinton White House, both were masters at controlling the message.
I am very ill educated with politics - but does Trump actually have a genuine chance of being President?

1988 convention data from 538.

1972 Nixon +16.0 Nixon +29.7 Nixon +23.2
1976 Carter +13.0 Carter +4.0 Carter +2.0
1980 Reagan +6.0 Reagan +2.6 Reagan +9.7
1984 Reagan +14.3 Reagan +16.8 Reagan +18.2
1988 Dukakis +6.7 Bush +3.0 Bush +7.7
1992 Bush **.0 Clinton +11.7 Clinton +5.6
1996 Clinton +16.8 Clinton +16.0 Clinton +8.5
2000 Bush +4.3 Gore +2.0 Gore +0.5
2004 Kerry +2.7 Bush **.8 Bush +2.5
2008 Obama +3.8 Obama +3.1 Obama +7.3
2012 Obama +2.3 Obama **.9 Obama +3.9

I think the only candidate in the history of presidential polling to lose the election after leading both pre and post-convention was Tom Dewey.

Anyway, it always come down to the EC, and with Clinton in Nebraska, Bill scheduled in Utah and Kaine doing fundraiser in Florida, they seem to be going for a landslide more than merely defending the Rust Bell.
State Name Approve Disapprove Don’t Know/No Opinion Margin of Error Senator Party
Kentucky 40% 49% 11% 3% Mitch McConnell Republican

Potential target? Most unpopular senator in the country.

Also worth noting, both look vulnerable:
Florida 45% 41% 14% 2% Marco Rubio Republican
Nevada 45% 41% 14% 4% Harry Reid Democrat

State Name Approve Disapprove Don’t Know/No Opinion Margin of Error Senator Party
Kentucky 40% 49% 11% 3% Mitch McConnell Republican

Potential target? Most unpopular senator in the country.

Also worth noting, both look vulnerable:
Florida 45% 41% 14% 2% Marco Rubio Republican
Nevada 45% 41% 14% 4% Harry Reid Democrat


Florida is out of the question. The Dem primary there was a clusterfeck.

KY- they aren't going to campaign there, and Dem is dead there anyway.

NV - yeap, highly vulnerable, but Hispanic polling there is always off so let's hope whoever runs can get on Clinton's coattail.
Drumpf is now actively calling Hillary the devil and suggesting the election in November will be rigged. Getting his excuses in early.
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