2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Trump's latest word salad when asked about Ukraine on ABC News.

“[Putin’s] not going into Ukraine, okay, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want,” Trump said.

Stephanopoulos pushed back, reminding Trump that Putin’s “already there, isn’t he?” Trump quickly changed the topic to Obama bashing.

“Okay — well, he’s there in a certain way. But I’m not there. You have Obama there,” Trump said. “And frankly, that whole part of the world is a mess under Obama with all the strength that you’re talking about and all of the power of NATO and all of this. In the meantime, he’s going away. He takes Crimea.”


He really is the male Sarah Palin. Unfeckingbelievable.
Trump's latest word salad when asked about Ukraine on ABC News.

“[Putin’s] not going into Ukraine, okay, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want,” Trump said.

Stephanopoulos pushed back, reminding Trump that Putin’s “already there, isn’t he?” Trump quickly changed the topic to Obama bashing.

“Okay — well, he’s there in a certain way. But I’m not there. You have Obama there,” Trump said. “And frankly, that whole part of the world is a mess under Obama with all the strength that you’re talking about and all of the power of NATO and all of this. In the meantime, he’s going away. He takes Crimea.”


He really is the male Sarah Palin. Unfeckingbelievable.

Surely the majority of his supporters don't actually even listen to what he says. Its evident to anyone who has half a brain cell that he doesn't have any coherent, throughout plan. For anything.
Yes, arms deals were just one example. The one I am on most solid ground with (I've bothered to read a single article about :p ) is the Keystone pipeline bank. I've not really read much about the arms deals but would like to point out that there's a ton of rubbish in that debunking.
The controversial arms deals weren't to Ireland. They were to Gulf countries with stained human rights records, and you also need to take into account the timing of the Arab Spring repression (which might have been putting pressure on her to oppose), also that using percentage change alone without looking at slightly larger trends is incomplete (what if the previous year the US sold a 100 fighters, next year's supply of 20 would look tiny), and finally that as SoS she was responsible for much more than arms deals (again, that bank is a good example). In short someone with more time and dedication than me needs to crunch numbers, and look at intangibles too.
I have no doubt many of those donations were just to keep her onside...but that's a somewhat mafia way to run the state department.

I personally think the arm sales surge to the Middle East in the build up and break out of the Arab Spring fits right in with US's neo-imperialism foreign policy and Obama's leading from behind stance. Give them weapons to fight dissent and guerilla groups. And if in the process, you profit personally, one stone two birds.

Now, that opens a whole another can of worms. But this is the one who drew praise from and praised Henry Kissinger, so...:nervous:
I personally think the arm sales surge to the Middle East in the build up and break out of the Arab Spring fits right in with US's neo-imperialism foreign policy and Obama's leading from behind stance. Give them weapons to fight dissent and guerilla groups. And if in the process, you profit personally, one stone two birds.

Now, that opens a whole another can of worms. But this is the one who drew praise from and praised Henry Kissinger, so...:nervous:

What does this even mean? It's become a criticism when in reality leading from behind is masterly diplomacy. I don't understand why the right always say it with such disdain given Bush Jr's record of leading from the front.
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What does this even mean? It's become a criticism when in reality leading from behind is masterly diplomacy. I don't understand why the right always say it with such disdain given Bush Jr's record of leading from the front.
The right uses it as a criticism because as their hero Ricky Bobby said.. "If you're not first, you're last."
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I actually like watching Trump interviews just for the laughs, then it dawns on me this guy is potentially going to be the president of the USA. It seems very surreal, where are all the caf Trump supporters? there surely has to be some out there, would be interesting to hear their views on why they would vote for him.
I actually like watching Trump interviews just for the laughs, then it dawns on me this guy is potentially going to be the president of the USA. It seems very surreal, where are all the caf Trump supporters? there surely has to be some out there, would be interesting to hear their views on why they would vote for him.
How reliable are the polls? In Sweden, parties with a stigma attached to them such as SD tend to get a lot more votes on election day than polls would indicate.

Different polling companies/organizations have varying degrees of credibility, which is why its always best to take an average of all polls within the past month or so and interpret that number as fairly accurate.
I actually like watching Trump interviews just for the laughs, then it dawns on me this guy is potentially going to be the president of the USA. It seems very surreal, where are all the caf Trump supporters? there surely has to be some out there, would be interesting to hear their views on why they would vote for him.

@Americano @barros
Trump's latest word salad when asked about Ukraine on ABC News.

“[Putin’s] not going into Ukraine, okay, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want,” Trump said.

Stephanopoulos pushed back, reminding Trump that Putin’s “already there, isn’t he?” Trump quickly changed the topic to Obama bashing.

“Okay — well, he’s there in a certain way. But I’m not there. You have Obama there,” Trump said. “And frankly, that whole part of the world is a mess under Obama with all the strength that you’re talking about and all of the power of NATO and all of this. In the meantime, he’s going away. He takes Crimea.”


He really is the male Sarah Palin. Unfeckingbelievable.
Wasn't it Palin who blamed Obama for her son beating his wife?
Wasn't it Palin who blamed Obama for her son beating his wife?

Yup she did. She blames Obama for everything.

I saw a pretty old, but amazing video yesterday of her being asked what job she would like in Trumps Government, and she said "Department of Energy because it would be an easy job, I would just destroy it, it would take a day, that's it. Rip it apart and just make use of all the coal and oil and gas that God has just dumped in our lap on our Country and stop using these things from other countries" :lol: It's priceless, and also just proves how thick she is because none of that is anything to do with the Department of Energy, it's the Interior Department who deal with all of that. She just reminds me of Trump and he just reminds me of her. Both complete feckwits.

Here's an interesting(ish) read about the mental health of Drumpf.

The Palin comparison is perfect, they're scarily alike.

She has a better temperament than the Don :nervous:

What does this even mean? It's become a criticism when in reality leading from behind is masterly diplomacy. I don't understand why the right always say it with such disdain given Bush Jr's record of leading from the front.

Wasn't saying its a bad thing.

The right do have a point though. While Obama's foreign policy has served the US well the last 8 years, the world has become more unstable. Now, he's not responsible for all, or even most of that. Decades of neocon tampering with the Middle East culminated in the clusterfeck today, but there's an argument to be made that his aversion to commit troops helped facilitate the rise of ISIL in post-Qaddafi Lybia, Iraq and Syria. (Disclaimer: I'm not sharing that opinion)
Trump's chum and highly accomplished scumbag Roger Stone, doing Donald's dirty work this morning.

Can't see tweets at work....Is that the Muslim Brotherhood agent one? Was about to post that...

What an imbecile. A Muslim Brotherhood Agent letting his son join the US Army and die to protect the country?

No amount of swearing I can think of can put my feeling to words.
I actually like watching Trump interviews just for the laughs, then it dawns on me this guy is potentially going to be the president of the USA. It seems very surreal, where are all the caf Trump supporters? there surely has to be some out there, would be interesting to hear their views on why they would vote for him.
I wouldn't be sure of Clinton winning this election despite Trump being relatively inexperienced in the political stage. In fact I think Trump is going to win this - whether or not he appears to be/is a douchebag is irrelevant.
I wouldn't be sure of Clinton winning this election despite Trump being relatively inexperienced in the political stage. In fact I think Trump is going to win this - whether or not he appears to be/is a douchebag is irrelevant.

I also think he will win too, just seems a bit mad looking at the stuff he says , he's an absolute buffoon.
It's stuff like this which makes me :lol:

I used to laugh about it, but now I just think It would be funny from a schoolkid or from your senile old grandparents, but NOT from someone who could become President of the United States of America and have access to some of the worlds darkest secrets, a huge budget and the nuclear missile codes!

I just can't find it funny anymore, it's way too serious. It's time people woke the feck up and realised what is really at stake here. It's not reality TV, it's REAL peoples lives! He will affect everyone around the world, don't forget this moron said he wouldn't count out nuking EUROPE because "It's a big place" The more I think about it, the scarier thought it becomes. I don't care what all the polls and projections say because it's how the people are thinking and feeling and many people are seriously PISSED OFF! They want change and they can't and wont trust Hillary Clinton. She's the best opponent Trump could face and he knows it too. After the UK voting to leave Europe I can't help but see the similarities over in the USA. The bookies had 1/12 odds for the UK to leave Europe, they were that sure it was a given people would vote to stay, but everyone and anyone will tell you the feeling around the UK, and many are reporting similar feelings about this election. I just hope they are all wrong.
I used to laugh about it, but now I just think It would be funny from a schoolkid or from your senile old grandparents, but NOT from someone who could become President of the United States of America and have access to some of the worlds darkest secrets, a huge budget and the nuclear missile codes!

I just can't find it funny anymore, it's way too serious. It's time people woke the feck up and realised what is really at stake here. It's not reality TV, it's REAL peoples lives! He will affect everyone around the world, don't forget this moron said he wouldn't count out nuking EUROPE because "It's a big place" The more I think about it, the scarier thought it becomes. I don't care what all the polls and projections say because it's how the people are thinking and feeling and many people are seriously PISSED OFF! They want change and they can't and wont trust Hillary Clinton. She's the best opponent Trump could face and he knows it too. After the UK voting to leave Europe I can't help but see the similarities over in the USA. The bookies had 1/12 odds for the UK to leave Europe, they were that sure it was a given people would vote to stay, but everyone and anyone will tell you the feeling around the UK, and many are reporting similar feelings about this election. I just hope they are all wrong.

I agree with everything you say and it would be pretty disastrous if/when he gets elected, though i have a pessimistic outlook after EU leave vote, it seems to be a trend ongoing in the west to 'stick it to the establishment'.

He's a plank and i just don't get why he's been taken so seriously, that's why i asked the question in my earlier post why people support him, i just don't get it.

I agree with everything you say and it would be pretty disastrous if/when he gets elected, though i have a pessimistic outlook after EU leave vote, it seems to be a trend ongoing in the west to 'stick it to the establishment'.

He's a plank and i just don't get why he's been taken so seriously, that's why i asked the question in my earlier post why people support him, i just don't get it.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Everyone is pissed off with how things are and are looking for someone to change it all. They don't trust politicians anymore, and probably rightly so, so the answer is to look elsewhere and the desperation mixed with the ignorance leads to people voting for Trump. The Republicans have brought this upon themselves and only have themselves to blame, but they know this is a disaster, but what choice do they have? Like the current Tory party HAS to go through with leaving Europe despite our current PM knowing it's a ridiculously dangerous idea and she is against it she still HAS to do it or else there will be riots. The Republican party knows it would be extremely damaging to their party to buck the trend and come out against Trump, but they know if they do they could lose the election so see Trump as lesser of two evils. They are caught between a rock and a hard place so to speak, but deep down I think many know it spells the end of the Republican Party as we all know it.

However, none of that really matters when you think what damage the giant wotsit headed, small handed buffoon could do in 4 years in charge of the worlds biggest economy, nuclear arsenal and as I said, some of the worlds biggest and darkest secrets. He's a feckin liability and that's the truth. I'm actually surprised nobody has tried to take him out yet. I really wouldn't be shocked to hear his plane suddenly gets lost over the desert somewhere, or in the Denver mountains. However, that aside, like you, I really cannot fathom why people like him when he is so clearly full of shit. As I said above, it must be desperation and ignorance because I can't see how any rational, sensible person could ever vote for him, but then you only have to watch and listen to their right wing news channels and hear the bullshit and constant fear being spread about everything. It's all lies, or the vast majority of it is about the economy, jobs, immigrants, terrorism etc, but if you are told it enough many will believe it. It just shows what a sorry state the USA is in at the moment. We've had our mini rebellion here in the UK with the LEAVE vote, I fear the USA have theirs coming in November.
I'm not American, never been there. Planning on going next year as my sisters school and live there.
I would find this funny if it were just any other country. But I find it extremely disturbing that this guy could be the president of the most powerful nation on planet Earth.
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You know the irony of this thing? Had the Cheeto shithead kept mum about the speech, no one'd be talking about it by now. His incessant need to level the score, to 'hit back' lead to this whole mess. Now every major news network is playing khzir Khan's speech on the loop, interviewing him and his wife, etc... Karma is a bitch.
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