2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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What are these microaggressions? If you are put off by such actions, how do you bring about changes in real places which need change?

Armchair revolutionary is the term, even though Twitter SJW seems more apt.

Not sure whom this will hurt more:

Microaggression? :nervous:
What are these microaggressions? If you are put off by such actions, how do you bring about changes in real places which need change?
locked delegates into the hall, installed white noise machines, stopped a scheduled speaker without explanation, allegedly denied credentialed people entry while trying to fill the hall with interns,

*a lot of this is from social media so believe at your peril, but they had videos backing them up.
*a lot of this is from social media so believe at your peril, but they had videos backing them up.

A scheduled speaker wasn't stopped. It was that Ohio Dem who had attacked Clinton non stop and she was denied a speaking spot. I couldn't know this for sure, but Politico reported it. The rest of the other shit, then it's good that they all sit in their own houses and sing Kumbaya. Not the best candidates for revolution, this guy.
A scheduled speaker wasn't stopped. It was that Ohio Dem who had attacked Clinton non stop and she was denied a speaking spot. I couldn't know this for sure, but Politico reported it. The rest of the other shit, then it's good that they all sit in their own houses and sing Kumbaya. Not the best candidates for revolution, this guy.

She was nominating Bernie, her speech was nothing more than that. She is a lifelong Dem and was the first elected Dem to endorse him.
She was nominating Bernie, her speech was nothing more than that. She is a lifelong Dem and was the first elected Dem to endorse him.

Who is also one of the most vitriolic Sandersnistas towards Clinton. They decided to take no chances. Convention is all about optics and they had enough of a hard time controlling it on Day 1 before Sanders spoke.
She was nominating Bernie, her speech was nothing more than that. She is a lifelong Dem and was the first elected Dem to endorse him.

She endorsed Hillary first and switched to Bernie. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve her spot, but Politico reported that HRC's camp vetoed the idea of her taking a speaking slot. She wasn't scheduled and then stopped. She never was ok'ed for the slot and the winning candidate always is in charge of the convention.

The problem here is that protests attract press coverage, even though it's a small part of the vocal minority. Even though about 90% or more of Sanders supporters have fallen in line with the party line, no thanks due to the magnanimous part played by Bernie Sanders himself, the rest still have to make their minds up. In this group, a minority will never vote for HRC, and the press make it a point to have their views heard, as they should. It's like the autism vaccination crowd. Even though, they are a very small part, their views are given airtime. Dems will just have to get used to it.
Magnanimity? He made a political calculation and the answer was: 'Back Hillary'

His approval ratings as a senator are in the mid-80s,the highest in the country. I sincerely doubt he is getting any cabinet post What exactly do you think the calculation was?
Magnanimity? He made a political calculation and the answer was: 'Back Hillary'

Yes, you are right. He gets a good platform to further his leftist agenda within the Dem party. I say it's fair, it's what he fought for and instead of saying feck the Dems and feck Hillary, he made the best deal he could do.
I have no idea what you're implying here.

Nothing. I simply meant that Sanders wasn't inspired by generosity of spirit, or the desire to be a 'good sport' - 'she won fair and square and I'm dutybound to support her', as the word 'magnanimous' might suggest. His backing of Hillary was for reasons of political self-interest.

Like most politicians, he probably also identifies his own political career with the causes he advocates.

It wasn't a criticism. A politician with integrity takes every opportunity to advance his agenda.
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Nothing. I simply meant that Sanders wasn't inspired by generosity of spirit, or the desire to be a 'good sport' - 'she won fair and square and I'm dutybound to support her', as the word 'magnanimous' might suggest. His backing of Hillary was for reasons of political self-interest.

Like most politicians, he probably also identifies his own political career with the causes he advocates.

So what political post is he going to get if she wins now, and how will it help the rest of his career (he's 74 now btw)?
Unless by "political self-interest" you mean his policies (none of which benefit him in any way) have a slightly higher chance of becoming reality. In which case I'm not sure there's anyone in the world who'll call that self-interest.
So what political post is he going to get if she wins now, and how will it help the rest of his career (he's 74 now btw)?
Unless by "political self-interest" you mean his policies (none of which benefit him in any way) have a slightly higher chance of becoming reality. In which case I'm not sure there's anyone in the world who'll call that self-interest.

That's what I meant.

As I said, he probably sees himself as the disinterested instrument of those policies. Hence 'self-interest'. But I have no doubt his motive was to advance his political program.

Sanders is obviously a principled politician - his career shows that, if nothing else.

All this is a storm in a teacup really. Berbatrick is so sensitive.

Nice. Hopefully she gets a bigger bump than that though.

Is there any truth in the effect that some of the speeches had on Trump's popularity? Especially the comments about him not ever having sacrificed anything, and Bloomberg's hits against him? I've read and seen a few things now that are saying opinion is turning against Trump as these attacks start to hit home.
Bear in mind Reuters/Ipsos just revised their methodology so the result is still uncertain. Wait until Monday and we'll likely get a slew of polls.
Bear in mind Reuters/Ipsos just revised their methodology so the result is still uncertain. Wait until Monday and we'll likely get a slew of polls.

How did they change it ?

This poll is a bit of a concern since it's unclear whether or not it factors in the convention. It was conducted during the convention days but likely doesn't factor in Obama or Hillary's speeches.
Nice. Hopefully she gets a bigger bump than that though.

Is there any truth in the effect that some of the speeches had on Trump's popularity? Especially the comments about him not ever having sacrificed anything, and Bloomberg's hits against him? I've read and seen a few things now that are saying opinion is turning against Trump as these attacks start to hit home.

We won't know until the next round of polls roll in. We need about 3 or 4 polls that were done beginning today, which will factor in the entire Dem convention. If Hillary is up by 3-5 points in most of them then she will be in good shape, as that will also swing some of the battleground states back in her favor (OH, NC, FL etc) and Silver's tracker should put her well above 60% again.
We won't know until the next round of polls roll in. We need about 3 or 4 polls that were done beginning today, which will factor in the entire Dem convention. If Hillary is up by 3-5 points in most of them then she will be in good shape, as that will also swing some of the battleground states back in her favor (OH, NC, FL etc) and Silver's tracker should put her well above 60% again.

Ahhh cool. Many outlets seem to be saying lots of people are taking notice of Trump's reaction to certain things and his petulance and negativity seem to be turning many away. Him banning the Washington Post from any of his events isn't helping as he's being likened to an angry Dictator who only wants nice things written about him. His skin is far too thin for this game really, imagine if he took the amount of shit Obama does on a daily basis just from Fox? But also, some of the convention hits have started to turn opinion as well. Mind you, we have all been saying this countless times before over the last 12 odd months, and he always seems to either weather the storm and bounce back or it doesn't actually affect him at all.
I just listened to a few minutes of the speech Trump is giving in Colorado... The man can't stay on topic can he?

In the few minutes I watched, he spoke about "America's 3rd world airports", halfway finished a story about an airport in Dubai, somehow got on the topic of some Colorado newspaper's editorial board instead of finishing about Dubai, talked about a VA hospital there with a "$1.2 billion construction cost overrun", said his contractors are illiterate but are smarter than Harvard grads, and then said he'd build that hospital fast because it isn't a skyscraper.

His stream of consciousness is absolutely fecked. It's worse than a James Joyce novel
I just listened to a few minutes of the speech Trump is giving in Colorado... The man can't stay on topic can he?

Yeah, I said this a few days ago. He's awful, all over the place. He's like a really shit stand up comedian who gets side-tracked all the time and keeps going off on tangents and forgets to go back and finish all his anecdotes off. He really does need a teleprompter all the time, the trouble with that though is he loses his actual appeal with many voters. It must be a constant headache for his campaign managers, do they let him read pre-written speeches and lose the special effect and selling point of Trump or do they just let him talk but then run the risk of really offending someone or him just appearing stupid. :lol:
Ahhh cool. Many outlets seem to be saying lots of people are taking notice of Trump's reaction to certain things and his petulance and negativity seem to be turning many away. Him banning the Washington Post from any of his events isn't helping as he's being likened to an angry Dictator who only wants nice things written about him. His skin is far too thin for this game really, imagine if he took the amount of shit Obama does on a daily basis just from Fox? But also, some of the convention hits have started to turn opinion as well. Mind you, we have all been saying this countless times before over the last 12 odd months, and he always seems to either weather the storm and bounce back or it doesn't actually affect him at all.
To be expected(considering his ego)although worth barring in mind the relationship between the press and the White House has been very poor for some time now (Obama relationship is awful - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/...r-administrations-relationship_n_6794920.html).
To be expected(considering his ego)although worth barring in mind the relationship between the press and the White House has been very poor for some time now (Obama relationship is awful - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/...r-administrations-relationship_n_6794920.html).

Yeah, true but as far as I am aware, Obama hasn't gone as far as outright banning people or companies though. Trump has quite a list so far, including the Washington Post, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, Univision and a fair few more. Not to mention his recent massive fall out with Morning Joe, the same programme who he used to continuously phone in to appear on and always blew smoke up the presenters arses each time he called, now though because they are out of favour they are a failing programme with no viewers. He really is pathetic :lol:

Yeah, true but as far as I am aware, Obama hasn't gone as far as outright banning people or companies though. Trump has quite a list so far, including the Washington Post, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, Univision and a fair few more. Not to mention his recent massive fall out with Morning Joe, the same programme who he used to continuously phone in to appear on and always blew smoke up the presenters arses each time he called, now though because they are out of favour they are a failing programme with no viewers. He really is pathetic :lol:

Oh god I'm not saying they are the same, just that it's a worrying downward trend.
Apparently Trump has just spent the last 5 minutes or so explaining how he DIDN'T mock the disabled reporter Serge Kovaleski and trying to explain it away. He really is a fecking moron. Why even bring it up again? And who is he trying to kid anyway? His actual supporters don't give a shit if he did or didn't, some of them actually like him for it and find it acceptable and no doubt, amusing. He's digging his own grave again.

He also apparently called someone incompetent today, and that person won a civilian of the year award earlier this year for their part in saving people's lives in a mass shooting event.
He also apparently called someone incompetent today, and that person won a civilian of the year award earlier this year for their part in saving people's lives in a mass shooting event.

Jaysus, It's really incredible how far he's come considering all these gaffe's along the way. he's had enough foot in mouth moments to sink a million political careers.
Was just catching up on the DNC speeches. Biden was fantastic!

Hillary needs serious coaching in public speaking. Her delivery is pretty flat and change in tone without emotion just feels rehearsed. It's just unfortunate that Obama, Clinton and Biden all delivered gems.
That's what I meant.

As I said, he probably sees himself as the disinterested instrument of those policies. Hence 'self-interest'. But I have no doubt his motive was to advance his political program.

Sanders is obviously a principled politician - his career shows that, if nothing else.

All this is a storm in a teacup really. Berbatrick is so sensitive.

On 2 topics, Berbatov and Bernie. (and maybe more :p )
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