2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Not sure - what one might conclude by looking at both variations of the poll (Hillary/Trump vs Hillary/Trump/Johnson/Stein) is that Johnson and Stein are siphoning votes away from Hillary in the poll, but that has to be balanced out by the fact that the greens are only on the ballot in 24 states so far and the Libs are only on the ballot in 37 or so states so far. So, if i were a betting man, i would interpret that poll as Hillary leading Trump by about 2-3 points if the election were held today.



Really surprised those pics which have been around for ages haven't gone viral and resulted in a Cecil the Lion type response.
Really surprised those pics which have been around for ages haven't gone viral and resulted in a Cecil the Lion type response.

I think because in Cecil the Lion case, the villain was just a run of the mill dentist, the sort you see everyday, that it highlights the disparity between first vs third world. Meanwhile, everybody knows how debauched cocklickers like DJT Jr. are.

My interpretation, anyhow.
Article on by the ghostwriter of The Art of the deal confirms what we all suspected about The Donald:


Spent 18 months shadowing him, he lost hope in humanity!!

Wow! What a read. I agree that confirms nearly everything we already knew about Donald and doesn't really throw new light on anything but it's a good read nonetheless. I empathise with the poor man for having to follow Drumpf around for 18 months. That must have been torture.

Really surprised those pics which have been around for ages haven't gone viral and resulted in a Cecil the Lion type response.

They have gone viral a few times on Twitter and FaceBook over the last few months. They keep popping back up all the time and each time they get the same reaction. It's like a never ending shit fest for the two Drumpf clones.
Really surprised those pics which have been around for ages haven't gone viral and resulted in a Cecil the Lion type response.

It's because Cecil could be mourned by apolitical "animal lovers" while here the response will be partisan - and seen as partisan by everyone on both sides.
My guess is that people who entertain the idea to vote for Trump don´t give a rats ass about animals and think that this kind of behaviour is cool.

Probably not. I really don't get the enjoyment out of killing a magnificent animal with a gun. I don't even understand the point of shooting woodland creatures over here unless you actually plan to eat them or for population control.
What else are you to do when you have money? Maybe you'd need to find something to stimulate you, and for some it's becoming the great white hunter.
I can't even shoot a rabbit without feeling bad :(
What else are you to do when you have money? Maybe you'd need to find something to stimulate you, and for some it's becoming the great white hunter.

There's shit loads you could do with cash that wouldn't involve killing beautiful animals with high powered rifles. If these wankers fought the beasts face to face with nothing but a plastic spork then I would give them some credit, but hiding hundreds of meters away and using sniper rifles, well I just can't understand as to why you would ever feel proud for doing that. It stinks of cowardice to me. I also can't understand as to why you would want to do it anyway? Must be something lacking in the cock department that they need to feel superior. Utter, utter wankers.

Meanwhile in other news..........

There are no words, and before anyone asks, YES! He did tweet that himself.
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The pollster doesn't have much of a track record, so we'll see. CNN/ORC out Monday, NBC and WaPo/WSJ should follow suit.

I'd peg it at +6, personally.

If she's up by 5 or so, the swing states should swing back solidly into her favor and she should be back over 60% in Silver's "If the election were held today" poll.
What else are you to do when you have money? Maybe you'd need to find something to stimulate you, and for some it's becoming the great white hunter.
I can't even shoot a rabbit without feeling bad :(

Use money to tissue off your cum post wank. What enjoyment can u possibly have shooting at a defenseless animal?
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What else are you to do when you have money? Maybe you'd need to find something to stimulate you, and for some it's becoming the great white hunter.
I can't even shoot a rabbit without feeling bad :(

Buy an Island and go kit surfing every morning.
If she's up by 5 or so, the swing states should swing back solidly into her favor and she should be back over 60% in Silver's "If the election were held today" poll.

Interestingly, Obama's approval ratings shot up also by 10 points in Gallup's tracking poll this week. If you look at the Rabaresearch poll from that angle....
I think taking the trouble to fly to Africa to shoot iconic animals for the purpose of taking a picture is pretty contemptible.
Depends on your definition of hunter I suppose. I don't class rich cnuts who go shooting rare animals as hunters. Just cnuts. If you like shooting for food, crafting, or pest control, then that's different.

Still wrong imo. Unless your livelihood depends on it, there's no good reason to kill for food these days.
Depends on your definition of hunter I suppose. I don't class rich cnuts who go shooting rare animals as hunters. Just cnuts. If you like shooting for food, crafting, or pest control, then that's different.
We eat what we shoot/catch. Venison, turkey, squirrel, largemouth bass, crappie, bream, etc.
I think taking the trouble to fly to Africa to shoot iconic animals for the purpose of taking a picture is pretty contemptible.

I'm struggling to think of many things that are more contemptible to be honest.

You eat live animals!?!?

Don't be facetious :p and stop trying to WUM :p
Hey, we really do eat all that stuff though. I've gone almost a year before without really needing to go buy meat at the grocery store.

Yeah, I think we chatted about it before, that's cool and especially if you are teaching your kids about that as they respect things a hell of a lot more. I'm a fisherman (and was commercially for 10 years) so I understand. I now just fish for my restaurant whenever I get the time. I think most people, even vegetarians and most animal lovers appreciate people who hunt and fish properly and for a reason other than just killing or catching shit. It's far more ethical than buying it from shops. Believe me, having worked at sea I know exactly what it takes to get fish on your plate, so I definitely appreciate it more when i'm out with my kids chilling in the boat catching our tea or some fish for our restaurant.
Yeah, I think we chatted about it before, that's cool and especially if you are teaching your kids about that as they respect things a hell of a lot more. I'm a fisherman (and was commercially for 10 years) so I understand. I now just fish for my restaurant whenever I get the time. I think most people, even vegetarians and most animal lovers appreciate people who hunt and fish properly and for a reason other than just killing or catching shit. It's far more ethical than buying it from shops. Believe me, having worked at sea I know exactly what it takes to get fish on your plate, so I definitely appreciate it more when i'm out with my kids chilling in the boat catching our tea or some fish for our restaurant.
Couldn't have said it better myself! Spot on. Some of my fondest memories are of being in the woods or on the water with my dad, brother, and grandpa. Good stuff.
deleted the pics for the benefit of the page.

Yep, he's a total cockwallet.


Their 'rising stars' are the Castro brothers, who have little chance of being elected to higher office, due to their home state being Texas. Gavin Newsom who was embroidered in a sex scandal years ago and now still only Lt. Gov of CA, Booker who has a very thin legislative resume. Then you get to folks with little name ID like Tom Perez, Eric Garcetti or already earmarked for House leadership like Xavier Bercera.

The old are rock stars but they don't have much time left. Biden 73, Sanders 74, Warren 66. Ditto the Clintons. And Obama seems to be going off radar once he leaves.

They have demographics ever moving in their favor though, that's something. Virginia will be lean or safe Dem within the next decade, and Texas, Arizona, North Carolina solid swing state. If they put up acceptable presidential candidates, they should get to keep the WH, but state politics will still be dominated b the GOP for a little while.

I suppose that they have potentially 8 years to sort it out but that is somewhat concerning, Warren could potentially run at 74 too, it hasn't stopped Bernie. Kaine if he is a good VP would be a potential candidate too I suppose.
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