2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Who knew that Hillary's supposed biggest strength (her foreign policy strength) will be the cause of biggest boos in the crowd :lol: Whips are making a good job of covering up any sign of protests
Anyone see North Carolina GOP tweeted criticizing Kaine for wearing a Honduras flag pin only to realize (after public reaction) it was a blue star service pin and not remotely similar to the Honduras flag?

Weeks, months from now it will be fact in GOP circles.
Anyone see North Carolina GOP tweeted criticizing Kaine for wearing a Honduras flag pin only to realize (after public reaction) it was a blue star service pin and not remotely similar to the Honduras flag?

Weeks, months from now it will be fact in GOP circles.
What an idiot.

Just noticed Kaine has quite the combover.
Persons like Stein could never lead a nation anyhow. Too fringe. And would likely be bought soon enough.

Like it's been said over and over, we know what we're getting with Hillary, the good and bad. No idea what we'd get with Trump. An unmitigated disaster is the likely result.
She needs to get with the program and understand her only hope of any of the things she supports becoming reality is through a Clinton presidency and a Democratically controlled Congress.

Green Party's primary mission is toppling the 2 party hegemony and electoral reforms.

It's fine, everyone has a right to speak his/her mind.
Surprised that she seems to have moved a little more leftward than towards the center.

The Bernie effect.
"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons"'

"little men ruled by fear and pride" (with little hands)

I liked that a lot.

She's never going to inspire like Obama or Bill so her best bet was to look presidential and say that the other guy is not qualified. Think she did that.
Jeffrey Lord just attacked a line from Hillary's speech about Wall Street with "Bill's housing policy" as the ammunition.

:lol: then Axelrod says he's just playing a role on the show

Fwiw, I think this is what the election will eventually boils down to. Doesn't feel significant now since she's been around for forever but when the time comes to push that button, many women will realize this may be their once in a lifetime chance. If she wins women by 20-25 points then from a demographic pov there just isn't enough votes left for Dodgy Donald.
That's what I'm saying too! She laid out some truly progressive policies tonight. If she gets support in Congress for these things, I will be very pleased with her presidency.

Needs to appear as left-leaning as possible because of the Sanders furore. Once that dies down, we will see the pivot to the center.

Fwiw, I think this is what the election will eventually boils down to. Doesn't feel significant now since she's been around for forever but when the time comes to push that button, many women will realize this may be their once in a lifetime chance. If she wins women by 20-25 points then from a demographic pov there just isn't enough votes left for Dodgy Donald.

Ana Navarro is an idiot.
Didn't think that was much of a speech.

Me neither, but probably that was due to the other stellar speakers on show. She was never going to top that.

But 71% strongly agree and 15% somewhat agree, that's 86% agree on immediate polls on CNN. It will be a well received speech partly because of the Donald.
The presidential nominee and her running mate were the weakest speakers of the convention.
With Degree Debunked, Melania Trump Website Is Taken Down

PHILADELPHIA — Melania Trump’s cribbing last week of Michelle Obama’s lines was not the first time she claimed something that was not hers.

For months now, reporters have noted that Ms. Trump, who grew up in the small Slovenian town of Sevnica, did not obtain an undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Ljubljana, as her professional website claimed she did. Instead, she left after her first year to pursue a modeling career in Milan.

As recently as a week ago, Ms. Trump’s website stated that she had obtained a degree before going on to become a philanthropist and skin care entrepreneur.

On Wednesday, The Huffington Post noticed that the site had been entirely scrubbed of its content. People clicking on its address are now redirected to the Trump Organization’s website.

In a Twitter post, Ms. Trump said the website had been removed “because it does not accurately reflect my current business and professional interests.”

Last week, Ms. Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention contained a few lines from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention in 2008. The Trump campaign initially denied that she had plagiarized the lines. Eventually a Trump employee who had helped write the speech, Meredith McIver, acknowledged using Ms. Obama’s lines and apologized, saying it was unintentional.


I wonder if she claimed to have a degree on her immigration application ;)
So much fluff and talking to people's feelings instead of brains. Seems to work for both camps though.

It's what has to be done, sadly. People tend to be interested in image and personality, as opposed to actual policy and the candidate who speaks the most sense. People like to go heart over head when it comes to political issues, and politicians have to adjust accordingly.
It's what has to be done, sadly. People tend to be interested in image and personality, as opposed to actual policy and the candidate who speaks the most sense. People like to go heart over head when it comes to political issues, and politicians have to adjust accordingly.
Yep. Look at Kasich in the GOP primaries. The most level headed, policy driven campaign of the group, yet he was basically ignored for most of the campaign
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