2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Whoever is shouting encore needs ejecting from the convention. Those two songs were crap.
She's good mates with Ivanka too.

Yeah she is. Although Ivanka is STUNNING! and exceptionally intelligent and articulate, this speech seems more real, more from the heart and more natural. Ivanka's seemed more contrived, had more of an agenda rather than being just natural.
Someone earlier made a pretty good comparison between the Trump kids and Chelsea. With Chelsea you actually feel like you're looking at Hillary's kid, with Trump you got the impression that his kids were more like employees.
Yeah she is. Although Ivanka is STUNNING! and exceptionally intelligent and articulate, this speech seems more real, more from the heart and more natural. Ivanka's seemed more contrived, had more of an agenda rather than being just natural.

Yes, Ivanka was good but you don't sense that parental connection that Hillary and Chelsea have.
Yeah she is. Although Ivanka is STUNNING! and exceptionally intelligent and articulate, this speech seems more real, more from the heart and more natural. Ivanka's seemed more contrived, had more of an agenda rather than being just natural.

I don't know Ivanka personally, but I do think everyone is quick to praise her because she's Trump's daughter and looks comparably sane. Maybe she's really gifted, or she has her image carefully tailored, but I don't really get this idea that she's some kind of genius. Maybe I'm jealous because she's born rich.
Someone earlier made a pretty good comparison between the Trump kids and Chelsea. With Chelsea you actually feel like you're looking at Hillary's kid, with Trump you got the impression that his kids were more like employees.


I don't get Ivanka, she's just like a mystery, feck all like her dad. Don Jr has his dads looks, but is well spoken and reasonably intelligent, and Eric, well Eric is just Trump mark 2. He's the feckwit for sure. His appearance on Fox News promoting his (the Trump) vineyard is fecking hilarious.

Yes, Ivanka was good but you don't sense that parental connection that Hillary and Chelsea have.

Yup, exactly. Mind you, can't blame her really, Ivanka must be a little worried about the way her own father speaks about her all the time, and the way he looks at her and touches her. Ugh!
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