2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Bill lost a lot of weight.

Here comes Hillary. She really has to make one hell of a speech here. Lot of undecideds.
I don't know Ivanka personally, but I do think everyone is quick to praise her because she's Trump's daughter and looks comparably sane. Maybe she's really gifted, or she has her image carefully tailored, but I don't really get this idea that she's some kind of genius. Maybe I'm jealous because she's born rich.

I only know from seeing her on The Apprentice and her recent interviews and tv appearances since her dad has been running for President. I can only say that she comes across exceptionally well each time I have seen her. She's well spoken, articulate, definitely well educated and she has a certain poise about her. She thinks before she speaks and always seems to say what needs to be said but without being verbose or offensive. Often on The Apprentice she shows herself as being observant and tactful when commenting on the contestants. I know it's a scripted TV show, but compared to her brothers and her dad, she really does come across well.

If I was forced to, I would say she's absolutely screaming inside and completely embarrassed by her dad and what he is up to and the things he says. I think she spends nights lying awake thinking how she can help get him out the shit and what to say, and what to say to him. I honesty think she's actually quite liberal and the only reason she is going along with this whole charade is because it will benefit her to do so if her dad succeeds and because of her relationship with her dad. The boys are slightly different and I fully believe they are right wing feckwits, but with Ivanka, I just get the feeling that she is the voice of reason and logic in a world of complete Trump feckwittery.
Cult of personality. I can't buy into it (makes me physically sick). But also want Dems to win, so sort of conflicted.
I suspect many people who vote for Hillary will feel like engaging in self flagellation immediately after leaving the booth. A compromise for the greater good.
"Don't believe anyone who says 'I alone can fix it'"

"Our Founders wrote a Declaration and Constitution so that no one person would ever have all the power"
Middle Georgia area, south of Macon. Presently working in the Atlanta area on short assignment then commuting home on weekends (on per diem in Atlanta).

Atlanta is more my taste - large city, more culture, different people, not as crazy conservative as rest of state (but still more conservative overall), much more to do. But the traffic... it's the worst in the US from what I've experienced, discounting New York (island) but it's ludicrous to drive there anyhow.
Where do you live?

Having a short break. From what I'm reading on Twitter and Reddit, seems more like a GOP convention night than Dem. Praising Reagan nonstop, military, USA chants :wenger:

Just stick to Guardian MBM or Politico, if you want both Red and Blue viewpoints in the same MBM.

No mention of TPP yet by Hillary.
Just stick to Guardian MBM or Politico, if you want both Red and Blue viewpoints in the same MBM.

No mention of TPP yet by Hillary.

I was reading the feed of Scarborough and Ana Navarro etc... The GOPers. You know you are in deep shit when they praise you non stop. Or it's just my intense dislike for the former speaking.
I was reading the feed of Scarborough and Ana Navarro etc... The GOPers. You know you are in deep shit when they praise you non stop. Or it's just my intense dislike for the former speaking.

I don't know if it's some passive aggresive shit from them. Yesterday Erick Erickson had a complete breakdown and started praising Obama as Reagan's second coming.
Y'all talking about the "that's the promise he made to the people he stiffed" and the "start making stuff in America" zingers she put in?
"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons"'

"little men ruled by fear and pride" (with little hands)
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