2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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:lol: Kareem: "I'm Michael Jordan and I'm with Hillary.... I say that because I know Trump wouldn't know the difference"


The last two speakers have been excellent!

The moral defibrillator of our time, and having to shock our country with love! WOW!

Compare that to the whole message from the entire Republican Convention. The difference is clear. Sorry, but the RNC was just hate filled and disgusting, awful, a disgrace. The difference is there for all to see, and anyone with a brain or a heart will be able to see that difference.
An immigrant has to be a war hero in order to be well portrayed. I get why they're doing it (contrast to Trump), but it's in poor taste when you really consider it.
Immigrants throughout history have fought and won wars for this country. I think its great to highlight the fact that they still do.
It's just illuminating that it has to be framed in such a violent/patriotic context in order for it to play well.
An immigrant has to be a war hero in order to be well portrayed. I get why they're doing it (contrast to Trump), but it's in poor taste when you really consider it.

I see your point, but I doubt many will be looking that deeply in to it. The whole country is built on and inhabited by immigrants anyway. The country is still way too young for them to even think about ignoring that.

Love it...a Muslim schooling the fecker on the Constitution.

Yup, and that received a huge and well deserved ovation!
That is a pretty disputable statement. The USA moved a lot to the left on social issues. Conservatism lost the "culture war". If the economy moved to the right, left or just stayed where it was is quite debatable. All three positions could make a solid argument for their view. The classic numbers that are often used to measure these things didn´t change a whole lot.

How do you explain, that legislation and government didn´t follow this alleged trend of the parties?

I think one of the areas that makes this hazy that as countries become more socially progressive, what is seen as the left socially, or as being liberal, changes.

For example, 40 years ago someone who thought that homosexuality should be accepted and that homosexuals should be allowed to live in peace would've been quite liberal. Now, anything other than accepting full marriage for homosexuals, as well as entirely equal rights and acceptance, would be seen as quite conservative...rightfully as well. How social views are seen on the political spectrum changes as they do. Once upon a time being anti-slavery was a liberal view. Now just believing in anti-slavery, but not, say, equal rights, would be seen as abhorrent.
"Have you ever read the Constitution? Have you ever been to Arlington? You'll see all faiths... you have sacrificed nothing"

This guy is destroying him.
It's just illuminating that it has to be framed in such a violent/patriotic context in order for it to play well.

Yeah, although in American politics all issues are often going to be portrayed in a more patriotic manner since that resonates highly with voters.
Yeah, although in American politics all issues are often going to be portrayed in a more patriotic manner since that resonates highly with voters.
It's also produced for maximum effect on prime time television, so I guess a war hero who happens to be from an immigrant background will play better with the target audience than a gardener or electrician.
That was a powerful speech.
To be fair the last few have been great. The whole convention has been amazing so far, compared to the hate-fest that was the Republican Convention, well there is no comparison. That really was a fecking disgrace. Hannity waxing lyrical and saying it was one of the best of the last 30 years was even worse and completely taking the piss.
The Dem convention is portraying exactly what many on the right fear - diversity.

My only worry is that it may drive some people who are unsure of their vote to Trump. There may be many Americans out there who are quite conservatively minded, are fairly anti-diversity, yet have their doubts over Trump's viability. There's perhaps a concern that the diversity-type Democrat convention may only drive those people closer to Trump as he continues to tap into their fears. Hopefully not, because the Democrat message is much, much more positive (even if quite politically cynical) then the Republican one, but I think it's a genuine worry to have. Is this going to win over Trump supporters? Or will they see it as patronising?
It's also produced for maximum effect on prime time television, so I guess a war hero who happens to be from an immigrant background will play better with the target audience than a gardener or electrician.

Yeah, like with news stories etc, people always like a narrative they can back and get behind. The war hero trope is a common one that will play well with patriots.
My only worry is that it may drive some people who are unsure of their vote to Trump. There may be many Americans out there who are quite conservatively minded, are fairly anti-diversity, yet have their doubts over Trump's viability. There's perhaps a concern that the diversity-type Democrat convention may only drive those people closer to Trump as he continues to tap into their fears. Hopefully not, because the Democrat message is much, much more positive (even if quite politically cynical) then the Republican one, but I think it's a genuine worry to have. Is this going to win over Trump supporters? Or will they see it as patronising?

I'd wager 99% of Trump supporters are firmly entrenched, most of which would vote for a cabbage if it had an R next to it.
Yeah, like with news stories etc, people always like a narrative they can back and get behind. The war hero trope is a common one that will play well with patriots.
Yeah, it's good strategy - just that the election narrative becomes more narrow and polarized as a result. Good advertising, though.
Trump said in his presser today that the DNC hadn't mentioned combating ISIS... The DNC responds with the Presidential Envoy to the Coalition to Defeat ISIS.

Suck it.
I'd wager 99% of Trump supporters are firmly entrenched, most of which would vote for a cabbage if it had an R next to it.

Probably. Although there are people in the middle who will swing this election and it'll be interesting to see if the current Democrat campaign is convincing them.
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