2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He's not as impressive as he was the first time he was trotted out in FL, that's for sure. I have a feeling the Espanol will be a common theme in his speeches depending on the demographics. Still, I feel he's a very solid pick. Don't forget, someone's writing these speeches with him as the VP-elect in mind.

Yea I suppose that's the way it is. Guess he just doesn't have the charisma to pull it off.
Except for Bernie, but got to make the best of it. Hillary being the best of an uninspiring bunch.

I think she'll be a controversial president, but a competent one. Not expecting anything other than centrist policies, and a more hawkish foreign policy, but will give her a chance.
Obama at 04 DNC..
No-one does those crescendo moments better than him.
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