2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Did the almost the same, except it was a water moccasin I mistook for a cow patty. I saw something inanimate and longer than I was tall suddenly turn to life and spring from under my feet. Edit: @Carolina Red you're spot on with the farm pond...that's where I was at.

Off topic, but more interesting than being smothered with coverage of these conventions...

Moccasins are mean, nasty little fecks. If my copperhead encounter had been a moccasin my day would certainly have been ruined. Moccasins don't feck around from what I've experienced in my youth Texas days camping, hiking, and fishing.

True off topic, but there are two snakes running for POTUS. ;)
Maine has this odd habit of repeating the last couple words of a sentence. Noticed it in his Florida speech as well. Must be a personal affect of his.
Are you entirely sure that independence was a good idea?
Interesting you ask that. Always felt that England must look at America as their crazy cousins who run amok without any restrictions and an abundance of resources and land. Tbf, both are prolly happy with how things turned out.
Interesting you ask that. Always felt that England must look at America as their crazy cousins who run amok without any restrictions and an abundance of resources and land. Tbf, both are prolly happy with how things turned out.
I'm happy Empire is no longer a thing. I'm less than happy with the state the countries we fecked up are in.
Hillary could've done better with picking a VP IMO.

Doesn't look like this guy have what it takes to be in that position.

Also trying a bit too hard with the Spanish talk there.
Not picked by one person.

You really weren't that far from Palin being your president. I realise that loses it's impact, when Trump could actually win, but still...

Trump may be an asshole but Palin is the WORST possible American to be in that position, discounting murderers and ilk obviously. Donald is calculating, cunning; Palin is an imbecile.
Hillary could've done better with picking a VP IMO.

Doesn't look like this guy have what it takes to be in that position.

Also trying a bit too hard with the Spanish talk there.
He's not as impressive as he was the first time he was trotted out in FL, that's for sure. I have a feeling the Espanol will be a common theme in his speeches depending on the demographics. Still, I feel he's a very solid pick. Don't forget, someone's writing these speeches with him as the VP-elect in mind.
Trump may be an asshole but Palin is the WORST possible American to be in that position, discounting murderers and ilk obviously.
I'm really unsure. She was at least lacking in self confidence. This bloke actually seems to think he is perfect. That is hugely dangerous.
In all seriousness, the current process is an amended version of how the VP was selected.

Originally the Electoral College casted votes for 2 people. The person getting the most was POTUS and the one coming in 2nd was VPOTUS. If a tie happened, it went to the House and got very complicated.

This was made before the advent of political parties in the United States.
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