2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Can´t think of anyone really more qualified to speak about Trump.


“I’m a New Yorker,” he said, “and New Yorkers know a con when we see one.”

“Throughout his career, Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry stockholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off,” Bloomberg said. “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s running his business? God help us.

“Truth be told, the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy,” Bloomberg said.

“We’ve heard a lot of talk in this campaign about needing a leader who understands business. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve built a business ― and I didn’t start it with a million-dollar check from my father,” Bloomberg said. “Because of my success in the private sector, I had the chance to run America’s largest city for 12 years.”

“I understand the appeal of a businessman president,” Bloomberg said. “But Trump’s business plan is a disaster in the making. He would make it harder for small businesses to compete, do great damage to our economy, threaten the retirement savings of millions of Americans, lead to greater debt and more unemployment, erode our influence around the world and make our communities less safe.”
Can´t think of anyone really more qualified to speak about Trump.


“I’m a New Yorker,” he said, “and New Yorkers know a con when we see one.”

“Throughout his career, Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry stockholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off,” Bloomberg said. “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s running his business? God help us.

“Truth be told, the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy,” Bloomberg said.

“We’ve heard a lot of talk in this campaign about needing a leader who understands business. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve built a business ― and I didn’t start it with a million-dollar check from my father,” Bloomberg said. “Because of my success in the private sector, I had the chance to run America’s largest city for 12 years.”

“I understand the appeal of a businessman president,” Bloomberg said. “But Trump’s business plan is a disaster in the making. He would make it harder for small businesses to compete, do great damage to our economy, threaten the retirement savings of millions of Americans, lead to greater debt and more unemployment, erode our influence around the world and make our communities less safe.”

:lol: Please choose the sane and competent option in Hillary Clinton.
I'd love to see what the polls would look like if Obama could run again and it was him vs Trump.
I'd love to see what the polls would look like if Obama could run again and it was him vs Trump.

He has a net favourable rating, both HRC and Trump are in the -20 range. Favourable ratings have been reliable predictors of the winner for the last few decades. In other words, quite a wipeout victory.
There was a brilliant segment on MSNBC a few minutes ago where Jeff Greenfield explained why Trump supporters are stuck in his reality distortion field where facts don't matter. He described it as a psychological response (forget the actual term) whereby people with certain entrenched views, rather than reconsider them when confronted with facts, instead double down on those views as a means to "not surrender" to the person presenting facts. They also quite astutely said that Trump has spent much of the past year framing the media as "dishonest" so that when his supporters are provided information about something controversial Trump said or did, their reflexive response is to distrust the media rather than weigh whether the information is relevant.

When you think about it - this is pretty much the reality distortion field the GOP have been in since the Tea Party rolled in back in 2010.
His speeches will be played and quoted 40-50 years down the line.

If someone knows a more inspirational speaker than him, please point it out. Because I still listen to some of Obama's speeches simply as inspiration, and wouldn't mind to add others to that playlist. But he's probably the most inspirational of my lifetime so far.
There was a brilliant segment on MSNBC a few minutes ago where Jeff Greenfield explained why Trump supporters are stuck in his reality distortion field where facts don't matter. He described it as a psychological response (forget the actual term) whereby people with certain entrenched views, rather than reconsider them when confronted with facts, instead double down on those views as a means to "not surrender" to the person presenting facts. They also quite astutely said that Trump has spent much of the past year framing the media as "dishonest" so that when his supporters are provided information about something controversial Trump said or did, their reflexive response is to distrust the media rather than weigh whether the information is relevant.

When you think about it - this is pretty much the reality distortion field the GOP have been in since the Tea Party rolled in back in 2010.

Quite the bad news for dems. Any scandal on their side may impact numbers, even if it does not mean that these points go Drumpf.
Have always liked Bloomberg. Figured he'd make a third party POTUS run at some point but suppose that never materialized/entered his mind.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: this election has served to separate politicians, commentators and academics between 'serious' and 'not' for me. And thankfully most of those I take seriously on the right have endorsed Hillary.
There was a brilliant segment on MSNBC a few minutes ago where Jeff Greenfield explained why Trump supporters are stuck in his reality distortion field where facts don't matter. He described it as a psychological response (forget the actual term) whereby people with certain entrenched views, rather than reconsider them when confronted with facts, instead double down on those views as a means to "not surrender" to the person presenting facts. They also quite astutely said that Trump has spent much of the past year framing the media as "dishonest" so that when his supporters are provided information about something controversial Trump said or did, their reflexive response is to distrust the media rather than weigh whether the information is relevant.

When you think about it - this is pretty much the reality distortion field the GOP have been in since the Tea Party rolled in back in 2010.

The phenomena that occurs when people have their views confronted by new conflicting information is called cognitive dissonance. The brain is wired to eliminate this process in order to facilitate thinking and the easiest way to do this is by denying the relevance of the new information.
The phenomena that occurs when people have their views confronted by new conflicting information is called cognitive dissonance. The brain is wired to eliminate this process in order to facilitate thinking and the easiest way to do this is by denying the relevance of the new information.

Yeah thanks, that's it.
The phenomena that occurs when people have their views confronted by new conflicting information is called cognitive dissonance. The brain is wired to eliminate this process in order to facilitate thinking and the easiest way to do this is by denying the relevance of the new information.
Most common example is smokers confronted with statistical evidence of harmful effects.
Most common example is smokers confronted with statistical evidence of harmful effects.

That's more of a physical addiction to nicotine than cognitive dissonance. Even if they believed what they were hearing about the harmful effects of nicotine, the sheer force of the addiction would compel them to reject the information.
That's more of a physical addiction to nicotine than cognitive dissonance. Even if they believed what they were hearing about the harmful effects of nicotine, the sheer force of the addiction would compel them to reject the information.
That's a good point, the physical probably does override the psychological in that instance (making the psychological secondary at most).
When you think about it - this is pretty much the reality distortion field the GOP have been in since the Tea Party rolled in back in 2010

This has been going on on Fox News since well before 2010. The tea party and Trump is only a response to it. Colbert coined the term 'truthiness' for it.

What Fox have done is fuel the narrative that the main stream media has a liberal bias. So any presentation of actual facts presented by the main stream media is viewed through this prism and is ignored as them taking sides.
This has been going on on Fox News since well before 2010. The tea party and Trump is only a response to it. Colbert coined the term 'truthiness' for it.
Didn't someone post a video on here recently of Colbert displaying that? I think he was making fun of Newt Gingrich

EDIT: Take that back, it was John Oliver. Newt definitely has some cognitive dissonance going on...
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Was thinking how old he looks these days. Even if this comparison is exaggerated, the transformation is quite stark given the years.

I've got a feeling Trump might win but there's a long way to go yet, just an outsider view.
Obama, Biden, and Bloomberg dropped some serious quality last night.

Obama was ace. Biden bombastic but worryingly talked up military strength a little too much. Bloomberg is easily rebutted because for all the comments he made about Trump, he was afraid to run against him.

"don't boo; vote"


Easily one of the best off the cuff remarks of all time.
It's the hostility toward Russia that has me concerned. The cold war ended almost 30 years ago.

The hostility to Russia wasn't fabricated out of thin air just for the sake of it. Its grounded in years of well documented actions of the Russian regime from invading its neighbor, stealing its land, agitating for the demise of NATO, invading its other neighbor and helping itself to its land, severely degrading domestic freedoms, imprisoning the opposition on trumped up charges, murdering journalists, using a proxy dictator to crush descent in Chechnya, propping up a dictator in demise in Syria, and the list goes on. That doesn't include a large number of things the general public who don't have security clearances don't have access to. When you couple the aforementioned with the worrying reality that Russia sits atop the world's 2nd biggest nuclear Arsenal on Europe's doorstep, its pretty easy to see why the hostility is legitimate.

In a few weeks, Trump will have access to a security clearance and daily briefings about Putin. Let's see if he changes his tune from wanting to be pals so he can build the next Trump Tower there, to seeing him as a dangerous, megalomaniacal strongman who runs his country like a mafia state.
I would agree that the USSR ended, but believe that the Cold War is still on.

It is definitely still going on because Russia continues to be run by an ex KGB operative who uses Soviet style propaganda and misinformation to deceive both his domestic public and world leaders alike, in order to cover up his crimes. The only difference between then and now is that Russia employs a corporatist model that is more akin to Fascism than Communism.
The hostility to Russia wasn't fabricated out of thin air just for the sake of it. Its grounded in years of well documented actions of the Russian regime from invading its neighbor, stealing its land, agitating for the demise of NATO, invading its other neighbor and helping itself to its land, severely degrading domestic freedoms, imprisoning the opposition on trumped up charges, murdering journalists, using a proxy dictator to crush descent in Chechnya, propping up a dictator in demise in Syria, and the list goes on. That doesn't include a large number of things the general public who don't have security clearances don't have access to. When you couple the aforementioned with the worrying reality that Russia sits atop the world's 2nd biggest nuclear Arsenal on Europe's doorstep, its pretty easy to see why the hostility is legitimate.

In a few weeks, Trump will have access to a security clearance and daily briefings about Putin. Let's see if he changes his tune from wanting to be pals so he can build the next Trump Tower there, to seeing him as a dangerous, megalomaniacal strongman who runs his country like a mafia state.

:lol: You think he will read them?
This has been going on on Fox News since well before 2010. The tea party and Trump is only a response to it. Colbert coined the term 'truthiness' for it.

What Fox have done is fuel the narrative that the main stream media has a liberal bias. So any presentation of actual facts presented by the main stream media is viewed through this prism and is ignored as them taking sides.

To abandon the cosy realm of innuendo and enter the more demanding precincts of plain speaking, are you saying that Fox is wrong? That there is no such liberal bias? That the vast majority of journalists employed by the mainstream national media in the US are not in fact liberals and do not vote for the Democratic party.

Because if that is what you're saying, you must be remarkably unobservant.
It is definitely still going on because Russia continues to be run by an ex KGB operative who uses Soviet style propaganda and misinformation to deceive both his domestic public and world leaders alike, in order to cover up his crimes. The only difference between then and now is that Russia employs a corporatist model that is more akin to Fascism than Communism.
Indeed. They even kept the music from the USSR anthem... just changed the words a bit.

I'd argue that the USSR was never communist anyway... rather they were "state capitalists", which isn't too far from what they're doing now with the oligarchy and Putin in power now.
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